Thursday, July 30, 2020

9 Ways To Make The Most Out Of Your Day

Do you always feel pressed for time? So, you are certainly not alone. Lack of time can be detrimental to our physical, emotional, and spiritual well being. When we are pressed for time, we tend to exercise less, spend less time with family and friends, and spend little time on our spiritual well being and growth.

9 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Day

Here are some simple ways you can begin to take back some of your time:

1. set aside a certain amount of time each to do what you want to do.  Try an hour each day and if that is not possible start with smaller increments of time, like 15 minutes and then work your way up.

2.  doing something is better than doing nothing. Even if you cannot complete a task or projectit is better to break the task into smaller chunks. This way the task is completed much quicker.

3. Learn to say "NO". This is not always easy, but it can make a huge difference. Try to set limits around how much you will do and when.

4.  Bundle your tasks. Save up errands that are not so important so that you can do them closer together logistically so that they can be completed much quicker.

5.  Delegate. How much is your time worth? It may be worth the cost of hiring someone to do things like mow your lawn, clean your house, and you will suddenly be given more time. It's more than okay to ask for help.

6.  Do the yucky stuff first. Take care of the tasks that you dislike first.

7.  Are the things you feel you "have" to do really necessary? It can be easy to get caught up in the details to the detriment of the big picture.  It can be easy to get caught up in the details of the big picture.

8.  Take an honest look at the activities and people in your life that are "energy drainers". Do they need to be a part of your life? Can you eliminate or even reduce your time spent of them?

9.  And most importantly, set aside time each week to do something special.  Make sure, no matter how busy you are, you take time to play. Spending time with friends, spending time outdoors, at the movies, whatever makes you happy, it is essential in helping you be the most focused and effective you can be with your time.

How do you get more out of your day?

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

15 Summer Blog Post Ideas

Even though summer is still about a month away, it's already starting to feel like summer around my neck of the woods. Summer plans have been made and some have already been accomplished. Summer is my favorite time of the year. Not so much for the heat, but for the slow pace and more fun attitudes that most people seem to have. So, tonight I am giving you 15 summer blog post ideas so you will have tons of fun things to write about during these summer months.

  • favorite summer activity
  • a summer recipe
  • summer reading list
  • June, July. August goals
  • summer must haves
  • kids crafts; summer ideas
  • favorite summer TV shows
  • recap of your favorite movies you saw over the summer
  • share a summer playlist
  • labor day/plans recap
  • a full summer recap
  • healthy eating tips/tricks
  • favorite outdoor activities
  • what's in your pool/beach bag
  • Memorial day plans/recap

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

10 Ways To Cheer Yourself Up

Having bad days is ok. Having days where you want to do nothing is ok too! But just in case you don’t ever want to have those days I am sharing 10 ways to cheer yourself up! I personally would rather try to cheer myself up than be sad.

10 Ways To Cheer Yourself Up

  • Play with animals: I am not a huge animal person, but how can you be sad when playing with puppies or kittens? It’s just not possible.
  • Go workout: I mean Elle Woods said it best, endorphins make you happy. But truthfully when I have been in a funky mood and gone to work out I am always so happy after. Workouts really can cheer you up. I love listening to a new playlist or a new podcast episode during a good workout too!
  • Spend time with family: When I am sad my biggest mood booster is playing with the girls and Hubby! Going to the park or taking the girls outside and hearing their sweet laughs! THE BEST SOUND EVER!
  • Color: I love a good adult coloring book or even kids ones!
  • Watch something funny:  Find some funny videos in Youtube or you know search funny cat videos. Whatever floats your boat!
  • Meet a friend for a walk: I love going for walks with girlfriends. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and go walk and talk with a friend. I promise you will feel better!
  • Make a list of everything good: Everything good in your life. Maybe you can reevaluate why you are in a sad mood when you see everything good in your life!
  • Declutter: Sometimes just crap everywhere can put you in a funky mood. Try to declutter a few spaces and see if that helps!
  • Volunteer: Because when you are helping others you can’t possibly be sad!
  • Paint your nails: Because chipped nails will put anyone in a bad mood!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Currently {7/25/2020}

 Time and place: 6:00am  and I am in the living room, typing up this post.
Eating: Scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, bacon, and toast

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: Gilmore Girls on Netflix

Reading: Lethal by Sandra Brown

Loving: the new bullet journal that I made for last half of the year. I love how it is coming together and I am loving the layouts that I have created.

Working: Right now, I am working on some more inserts and some planner bands for the shop and I am working on my first ebook. I am working on my cookbook and gathering recipes.

Listening: to the TV

Buying: party supplies and other things that we need.

Planning: my ebook and setting up a writing schedule, setting up a schedule for my cookbook and meal planning strategy guide. I'm also working on my meal planner and I am planning Candence's birthday party.  Whew! That's alot of planning!!

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

What are you currently up to?

Thursday, July 23, 2020

One Load A Day: Why I Have A Laundry Routine

There are things that I've been doing every single morning, seven days a week: make myself a glass of lemon water, pour the girls their  milk, and start a load of laundry.

A couple of months ago a read an article written by a mom a loathed laundry day (much like I do), which was the one day a week where she set aside several hours to do 4 or 5 loads of laundry that had piled up throughout the week. According to the article, she set out to semi-eliminate the cumbersome chore and decided to do one complete load every day so that she didn't have one specific day each week that she was bogged down by laundry. Her article detailed what a positive impact this simple switch made on her routines as well as her attitude. Since laundry is my least favorite chore ( I mean I would rather clean the bathroom then do the laundry) I decided to give her "one load a day" practice a whirl.

I swear by this laundry routine. By following this routine it has helped to keep Mt. Washmore under control.

Here's how the routine looks for me:

1. First thing in the morning I gather up all the laundry. The basket in our bedroom is where all of the dirty clothes go (mine, my husbands, and the girl's clothes).

2. I separate the clothes two ways: whites and colors. If the load is small I just mix them together.

3. I throw the whites in to the washer and start the load. When that load is finished, I wash the colors.

4. A load usually runs for about 40 minutes, as soon as it's done I put it in the dryer and throw the next load in the washer.

5. When the first load is dry, I immediately fold it and put it way. This keeps the clean laundry from piling up throughout the week.

As far as laundry products go, the only one I use is All Free and Clear. I swear by this laundry detergent. I wanted something that didn't have a harsh smell to it and it is gentle and pure but tough enough to handle any stains that my husband and kids my get on their clothes.

What is your laundry routine? One load a day or once a week? Please share in the comments below!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Three Favorites- 80s Edition

Hi Friends and welcome to the blog!

Today I thought I would  show you three of my favorite 80s movies. All of these movies bring back so many memories whenever I watch them. I am a child of the 80s and I am not afraid to admit it. I love the clothes, the music, and the movies.

So, here is the list that I have compiled! These are in no particular order

Movie #1:  The Breakfast Club

Five high school students from different walks of life endure a Saturday detention under a power-hungry principal (Paul Gleason). The disparate group includes rebel John (Judd Nelson), princess Claire (Molly Ringwald), outcast Allison (Ally Sheedy), brainy Brian (Anthony Michael Hall) and Andrew (Emilio Estevez), the jock. Each has a chance to tell his or her story, making the others see them a little differently -- and when the day ends, they question whether school will ever be the same.

Movie #2: The Karate Kid

Daniel (Ralph Macchio) moves to Southern California with his mother, Lucille (Randee Heller), but quickly finds himself the target of a group of bullies who study karate at the Cobra Kai dojo. Fortunately, Daniel befriends Mr. Miyagi (Noriyuki "Pat" Morita), an unassuming repairman who just happens to be a martial arts master himself. Miyagi takes Daniel under his wing, training him in a more compassionate form of karate and preparing him to compete against the brutal Cobra Kai.

Movie #3: Sixteen Candles

With the occasion all but overshadowed by her sister's upcoming wedding, angst-ridden Samantha (Molly Ringwald) faces her 16th birthday with typical adolescent dread. Samantha pines for studly older boy Jake (Michael Schoeffling), but worries that her chastity will be a turnoff for the popular senior. Meanwhile, Samantha must constantly rebuff the affections of nerdy Ted (Anthony Michael Hall), the only boy in the school, unfortunately, who seems to take an interest in her.

What are some of your favorite 80s movies?

Monday, July 20, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday {7/20/2020}

Hi Lovelies!

Good evening everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We had a relaxing weekend at home, with some yard work and a picnic thrown in .I can't believe that school is supposed to start in a few short weeks and that we still don't know what my kids' school is doing. This has me very concerned and every time I think about it I start to get really anxious. The Husband and I are talking about homeschooling the girls this year.

Anyway, let's get started with this post, shall we?

The weather. It's supposed to be sunny and hot all week.

Right now I am... sitting at the dining room table typing this post. 

On my reading pile. Reading the Beneath the Attic and I plan to read Flowers in the Attic again. I also want to read See Me and It Takes Two both by Nicholas Sparks.

On my tv.  Beverly Hills 90210, Baywatch, Boy Meets World, Sons of Anarchy, Full House and How I Met Your Mother (again)

On the menu this week: This week's menu is very simple!

Monday- Chicken Alfredo
Tuesday- Beans and cornbread with fried potatoes
Wednesday- Pasta bake and salad
Thursday- Leftovers
Friday- Chicken pizza and breadsticks
Saturday- Mexican cornbread and tortilla chips
Sunday- Crock pot crack chicken with mashed potatoes and veggies

On my to do list:

Write and schedule blogs for the next two weeks (by end of the this week)
Update planners and bullet journal
Tidy bedrooms
Clean bathrooms
Vacuum all rooms
Submit grocery pick up order (Walmart)

Looking around the house: I really need to get back to my routines. I have slacked on them over the summer and I need to revamp them before school starts. I also need to research some good homeschool routines as well.

Inspirational Quote:

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Currently {7/11/2020}

Time and place: 11/.49pm  and I am in the dining room, typing up this post. It's a late start but at least I finally was able to post it.
Eating: Peanut butter sandwich and drinking a glass of milk.

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: Cleaning videos, planner videos, and bullet journal videos.

Reading: Two By Two by Nicholas Sparks

Loving: that we can spend so much time together as a family. I love family time.

Working: I just started designing a meal planner. I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I'm so excited for this new project. I am also working on blog posts for July and August and working on some goals for the rest of the year.

I am also planning on working on some smaller projects as well. 

Listening: to Clueless on Netflix

Buying: groceries and other necessitates, Legos and some books for the girls.

Planning: I have most of my posts planned for July already. I just have to write and schedule them. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner. I am also working with my husband on designing a new website. I am also working on some planner inserts. This should keep me busy for a while!

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

What are you currently up to?

Friday, July 10, 2020

5 Things I Do At Night To Set Up Morning For Success

I am a creature of habit. I could easily eat the same thing for lunch every day (a tuna salad sandwich, Doritos, and grapes) and I would be completely satisfied.  In addition to being a creature of habit, I can get completely overwhelmed at the length of my to do list. Because of these two characteristics, I tend to rely on my routines. My routines tend to make me feel safe and they give me a sense of security. They also help me know what to do next so that I do not get overwhelmed. The routines that I follow are: my morning routine, my afternoon routine, and evening routine. I also have my Sunday routine or my GYST day routine.

However, my evening routine is the most important routine that I follow every night. Without my evening routine my mornings would be chaotic. Without my evening routine I would be lost and behind all day long.

So, here are........

5 Things I Do at Night to Set Up My Morning for Success
Clean the Kitchen. There is nothing that makes me feel behind in the morning than walking into a dirty kitchen.  Just taking a few minutes in the evening to do the dishes, clean the counters, and sweep the floor can make a world of difference in my attitude and my productivity.  I try to clean up right after supper each night and empty the drainer before I go to bed (I don't have a dishwasher).

Plan your day. This is an important one for me. I plan my day the night before so I don't forget an appointment or an activity that one of the kids has to go to. I even plan the most mundane things like laundry, brushing teeth every morning and every night. 

Declutter the living spaces. I cannot go to bed with a messy house, it causes too much stress for me.  It's the one habit from my childhood that I cannot break.  I take 30 minutes to declutter the living room, the kids bedrooms, and to do a quick swipe in both bathrooms. It's alot less stressful (at least for me) to wake to a clean house then to wake up to a messy one. Am I right?

Read. I try to take the last hour or so before bed to read a chapter in the book that I am currently reading. This helps me to relax and actually helps me sleep better at night. 

Go to bed early. Finally, I try to go to bed early every night. There are times that this just does not happen, but most nights I am in bed by 930pm.

What things do you do at night to have a successful morning. I would live to hear in the comments below!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

10 Things To Do For Yourself Everyday

It’s very easy  to start slacking off on being good about taking time to workout, meal prepping, and having a good skincare routine. As the year progresses it's easy to let these things go by the wayside. These are 10 things to do for yourself every day that will make a huge difference in how you feel.

10 Things To Do For Yourself Everyday

1. Plan your day. Every night before I go to bed I plane the next day. Often, I take into consideration the amount of work that I have, any doctor appointments, and errands. Having a plan for your day will make you wake up feeling like you can  take on the world.

2. Workout. For me, working out is an esstential part of my day. This may be in the morning or even in the evening. It just depends on the day and what moods my kids are in that day. It makes me feel good. If you've seen the movie Legally Blonde then you will remember this quote:

3. Take time for your skin. N matter how late I am running in the morning or how tired I am at night I always take time to take care of my skin. I wash my face, exfoliate (with a DIY face scrub) once a week, and moisturize. Taking time for your skin is extremely important.

4. Catch up on the news. I usually catch up on the news by watching clips on Yahoo (we use a streaming device) or even CNN.

5.  Listen to or watch something you like. I enjoy listening to Pandora. Some of my favorite stations to listen often include; 80s hair bands, Katy Perry, Nickleback,  and the Bon Jovi station just to name a few. I listen to music whenever I clean my house or when I am studying. Music puts me in a good mood! Who wants to be in a bad mood?

6.  Talk to a friend. Now I don't have many friends, but the friends that I do have do not live in the same state as I live in. So, we mainly talk over Facebook. We send messages back and forth and send each other comments all the time. This is something that I always make time for.

7.  Hydrate. This is pretty self explanitory, but drinking water is pretty important. Hydration is key. It makes your skin clearer, it tends t relieve headaches, and if you don't get enough then you tend to just feel bad all over. I am constantly drinking water throoughout the day. No matter where I am I always have a bottle of water with me. It's important t be drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day.,

8.  Smile. Smile. It will make you happy.

9.  Write it out. Blogging or journaling are great things. Being able to write down your feelings is a great way to help cope with them. Keep a notebook by your bed and jot down everything that happened that day, it will make you feel and you may even sleep better.

Before I even begin my night time routine, I usually do a quick clean in the kitchen and living room (I cannot go to bed with a dirty house it's just not possible) and then I get some computer work done (I work on blog posts, work on the layout for my meal planner, and I update all of my planners).

10. Night routine. After putting the kids to bed, I take a shower, brush my teeth, moisture my lips with a soothing lip balm. I will read for about an hour and then I will finally go to bed.

Doing things for yourself has to be your first priority every day. If you aren't taking care of yourself then how can you take of others?

What do you do for yourself everyday?

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

25 Habits To Start Today

Today's post is all about healthy habits. A healthy habit is acquired when we are consistently making healthy choices as part of our regular behavior. Interestingly, even people who develop healthy habits are likely to make unhealthy choices at least part of the time.

Here is a list of healthy habits that you can start today (or any day).

  • Think positive
  • Drink more water
  • GO to bed early 
  • Eat plant based foods
  • Exercise regularly
  • Practice yoga
  • Get outdoors and enjoy nature
  • Read more
  • Make a to do list
  • Snack on healthy foods
  • Make a workout plan
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Set goals, long and short term 
  • Do what makes you happy
  • Try new recipes
  • Stretch before and after exercise
  • Invest in a good form roller
  • Consistently learn new things
  • Don't fear failure
  • It's okay to say No
  • Be resilient
  • Never give up on your dreams
  • Start TODAY
What are some of your healthy habits?

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Currently {7/5/2020}

 Time and place: 5:30pm  and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.
Eating: Tacos and chips

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: Boy Meets World

Reading: See Me

Loving: the warm weather we have been having lately and spend time outside.

Working: I just started designing a meal planner. I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I'm so excited for this new project. I am also working on a weekly planner insert that I am excited about. I am also working on a cookbook (something that I have always wanted to do).

Listening: to the TV 

Buying: Clothes for both girls and some make up for me, and a new slow cooker.

Planning: I have most of my posts planned for July already. I just have to write and schedule them. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner. I am also working with my husband on designing a new website. I am also working on some planner inserts. This should keep me busy for a while!

I'm still planning my youngest daughter's birthday party. She wants a Frozen 2 theme, so I am trying to think of some ideas for her cake, the decorations, and some party games.

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

What are you currently up to?

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Interesting Facts About The Fourth of July

Since today is Independence Day (more commonly known as the 4th of July), I thought I would share some interesting facts about this fun holiday!!

We all know the Colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776  and we are already familiar with the fireworks, parades, barbeques and other festivities like picnics, fairs, and concerts that take place on this day, but there are many things that people don't know about the Fourth.

Disclaimer: All facts were taken from this website: Academic exchange

1. Congress made Independence Day an official unpaid holiday for federal employees in 1870. In 1938, Congress changed Independence Day to a paid federal holiday.

2. Only John Hancock actually signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. All the
others signed later.


3. The Declaration of Independence was signed by 56 men from 13 colonies.

4. The average age of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence was 45. The youngest was Thomas Lynch, Jr (27) of South Carolina.  The oldest delegate was Benjamin Franklin (70) of Pennsylvania. The lead author of The Declaration, Thomas Jefferson, was 33.


5. One out of eight signers of the Declaration of Independence were educated at Harvard (7 total).


6. The only two signers of the Declaration of Independence who later served as President of the United States were John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.


7. The stars on the original American flag were in a circle so all the Colonies would appear equal.


8. The first Independence Day celebration took place in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776. This was also the day that the Declaration of Independence was first read in public after people were summoned by the ringing of the Liberty Bell.


9. The White House held its first 4th July party in 1801.
10. President John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe all died on the Fourth. Adams and Jefferson (both signed the Declaration) died on the same day within hours of each other in 1826.


11. Benjamin Franklin proposed the turkey as the national bird but was overruled by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, who recommended the bald eagle.

12. In 1776, there were 2.5 million people living in the new nation. Today the population of the U.S.A. is 316 million.

13. Fifty-nine places in the U.S. contain the word “liberty” in the name. Pennsylvania, with 11, has more of these places than any other state. Of the 59 places nationwide containing “liberty” in the name, four are counties: Liberty County, Ga. (65,471), Liberty County, Fla. (8,276), Liberty County, Mont. (2,392) and Liberty County, Texas (76,571).

14. The most common patriotic-sounding word used within place names is “union” with 136. Pennsylvania, with 33, has more of these places than any other state. Other words most commonly used in place names are Washington (127), Franklin (118), Jackson (96) and Lincoln (95).


15. Fireworks are part of the tradition of celebrating this national holiday. The U.S. imported $227.3 million worth of fireworks from China in 2012. U.S. exports of fireworks, by comparison, came to just $11.7 million in 2012, with Israel purchasing more than any other country ($2.5 million).


16. In 2012, vast majority of imported U.S. flags ($3.6 million) was made in China.


17. Barbecue is also big on Independence Day. Approximately 150 million hot dogs and 700 million
pounds of chicken are consumed on this day.


18. Every 4th of July the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia is tapped (not actually rung) thirteen times in honor of the original thirteen colonies.


19. Traditions place the origins of “Yankee Doodle” as a pre-Revolutionary War song originally sung by British military officers to mock the disheveled, disorganized colonial “Yankees” with whom they served in the French and Indian War. It is believed that the tune comes from the nursery rhyme Lucy Locket. One version of the Yankee Doodle lyrics is “generally attributed” to Doctor Richard Shuckburgh,a British Army surgeon. According to one story, Shuckburgh wrote the song after seeing the appearance of Colonial troops under Colonel Thomas Fitch, V, the son of Connecticut Governor Thomas Fitch.[2]


20. The tune of the National Anthem was originally used by an English drinking song called “to Anacreon in Heaven.” The words have nothing to do with consumption of alcohol but the “melody that Francis Key had in mind when he wrote those words did originate decades earlier as the melody for a song praise of wine.”

Have a safe and Happy 4th of July!!!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Top 10 Facts About July

Hi Lovelies!!!

It's hard to believe that it's already July and that the 4th of July is Saturday! Where has the year gone? So..... a new month has begun, so let’s welcome it in with a few July facts.

1. The month of July is named after Julius Caesar by a decision of the Roman Senate in 44BC as July was the month of his birth.
2. Before that, it had been known as Quintilis (fifth) as it was the fifth month in the old calendar.
3. Until the 18th century, the word July in English had the stress on the first syllable and rhymed with duly or truly.
4. Although six months have passed, July 1 is not the mid-point of the year. The exact halfway point comes at 1pm BST on July 3 in a non-leap year.
5. No month ends on the same day of the week as July unless it is a leap year, when January does so.
6. Julius is not now in the top 500 names given to newborn boys in the UK, though Julia is 79th for girls in England and Wales and 74th in Scotland. Julian comes 326th in England and Wales.
7. July’s birthstone is the ruby, which is said to symbolise contentment.
8. Seven US presidents have died in July, which is more than any other month.
9. “The English winter, ending in July, To recommence in August, now was done,” (Byron).
10. In all parts of the UK July is on average the warmest month of the year.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

July 2020 Goals

It's hard to believe that 2020 is now officially halfway over. Weren't we just writing about all of our resolutions for the year? Yikes! As cliche as it may sound, time has really flown by this year. Even with all of the craziness that has been going on lately.

July is one of my favorite months of the year because it's full of so many fun traditions like: celebrating Independence Day, going swimming, making ice cold pitchers of lemonade, breezy nights with the windows open, lazy summer many good things. Even though we are still staying home and only leaving house when necessary (groceries and other essentials) we are going to make the best of this summer.

Personal Goals

  • drink more water
  • meditate for 5 minutes before bed. Stretch for a few minutes when getting up.
  • get better quality sleep by going to bed earlier
  • walk 10,000 steps every day
  • Complete one Bible study
Family Goals

  • Bubbles in the backyard
  • Celebrate Independence Day.
  • Rent some movies and have more movie nights with the kids
Blog Goals

  • Post at least 3x per week.
  • Make a new list of blog post ideas
  • Schedule posts until the end of the July
  • Create an editorial calendar for the rest of summer (in progress)
  • Start a food blog
I hope your July has started out as a fantastic month. Have you set any goals yet? Any fun summer plans? Have you started to cross things off of your Summer Bucket List? 

Please stay safe and wear your mask!