Sunday, August 30, 2020

How to Pre Plan For A Successful Month

The start of a new month can mean many things for some of us.  For me, the feeling is like the start of a new year.  I like to evaluate what I´ve accomplished and what I need to work on.  Before writing out my daily to-do´s all over the place like a crazy woman, I like to do a session of pre-planning.  Which leads us to the question of what exactly is pre-planning and how can it help us create a successful month?


Pre-planning is obtaining the information you need to anticipate and prepare for the future, before solidifying the actual action or scheme of doing something.

It is setting up all your upcoming events and scheduling your tasks around them.  There is a short but sweet process I like to go about at the beginning of each month and I thought that perhaps it could be interesting or helpful to some of you.

It is true that sometimes things don´t go as planned but if you dedicate a few minutes to work around your ideas you can create a general outlook of everything to best accomplish your goals.
Why is it beneficial?
You will be focused exactly on what you have to do because you´ll have everything mapped out and ready to go.  Consequently you won´t waste un-necessary time trying to schedule appointments and remembering important dates.

Reaching your goals will become much easier once you have a clear  plan and the ways to fulfill it. Thanks to this process you´ll become aware of your strengths and weaknesses.


Take a few minutes to sit down and brainstorm the upcoming month.  I like using a trigger list to brain dump all of my thoughts, sort of like creating a big master to-do list.  Don´t worry about it being pretty or organized.  You can even dedicate a separate notebook for this or a plain sheet of paper to write out everything and anything that comes up in your head (this can include tasks, notes, reminders, appointments, etc.). This is the moment when you shouldn't leave anything out, even the simplest thought like buying butter at the market or that your knee hurts should be written down.

This exercise comes in great to make your brain feel a lot less cluttered.  So go ahead and schedule a few of these sessions if you need them.  Personally I only do them once a month, but if I´m having one of those days where I feel like my head is going to explode from stress, working on a brain dump always makes me feel better.



Once you have relieved your brain of all those pestering to-dos and struggles, you should now have a clear head to really consider and identify what success will look like.

I´m not talking about earning more money or getting a promotion at your job, I´m talking about thinking of that one thing that you really want to accomplish but have been putting off.  This can be ANYTHING, from organizing your office space, to walking 40.000 steps in 30 days, to painting wall art, to reading 10 books, ANYTHING.  What may seem like something silly to someone else can be a huge milestone for you.

So think about what you want to focus during the month and write it down in BIG BOLD LETTERS. If your goal requires several steps, make a separate to-do list, or even create a mind-map about your mission.

At this point grab your planner and open it to your monthly spread.


Now you´re all set to start organizing and grouping all those thoughts, ideas and tasks you wrote out during your braindump.  Batch similar tasks together, think about how much time each task will take, re-write them in order of importance, see if there are things you can delegate to someone else.

Don´t forget about your month´s focus and how you´ll be accomplishing it.

I find it easier to organize my to-do´s around what´s happening each month.  For example, I have a future log at the beginning of my planner where I write out the holidays and events that are taking place (national festivities, birthdays, movie/book premieres, etc.).  I schedule all those things first in my monthly calendar to get a general overview of the time I´ll have free and then distribute everything else around those events.

The key is to PRIORITIZE what matters most.

You don´t have to schedule every single to-do from your brain dump.  I´m sure there are a ton of ideas that can be put on hold for next month´s pre-planning session, so don´t feel obligated to find a spot for everything.  Though if you do that´s awesome and totally okay too.



Woohoo! Now your month is ready to tackle and take action on all you've pre-planned. Get ready? Set? DO! DO! DO!

As you can see the process is very very simple, and only requires you to create to-do lists and sort them out by order of importance, scheduling them on to your planner with a sticky note or pencil, in case you need to move it around later on. Having the basics in your planner is key so you know what´s happening.  I can assure you that just the act of writing it all down will already work wonders for some of you (I know it does for me!), your head will clear just a little bit and give you space for other things.  I´d love to hear how you all like to prepare your planners for a successful month, so please let me know your process in the comments below or if you found this post helpful and it inspired some new ideas to incorporate to your system.  Let me know!  

Talk to you soon!


Friday, August 28, 2020

10 Tips For Back to School Prep

Hi everyone! It's that time of year again! It's times to prep for back to school. This is my favorite time of the year, not only on my blog, but sharing my ideas, tips, and strategies with all of you, but also in our house. I love back to school time, my daughter loves back to school time, and we are all looking forward to the first day of school. So in today's post, I am going to over the next week and a half help you get ready and organized for the first day of school.

In case you don't know, I am a mom of two beautiful girls, a 9 year old who will be in the 4th grade, and a 4 year old. We have been doing the back to school routines for the last 3 years now, and while I am not perfect, I wanted to share some of the tips and tricks that I use when prepping for back to school.

1. Make a list of your expectations for back to school time.

This type of list will come in handy when organizing all of the places within your home and the things that are going to help you along the way to make this transition from summer to school time a little bit easier.

2. Mark your calendar.

Your child's school will more than likely send important information such as dates to remember and emergency forms to you before the school year begins. Take some time one day to sit down and mark your calendar with all the dates so that you will not forget them. This will easily take out the stress of trying to shuffle through homework later on and hoping that a date did not pass.

3. Get back into a school routine.

For 5 days a week, your child is out of the house for up to 9 hours in full learning mode. During the summer, most children are indulging in their favorite video games and television programs. Try setting up a routine where you get your child out of the house during the day.

4. Create a homework station.

Designate a special area where your child can strictly work on their school work. You can either set up a stocked up desk in the living room corner or even just utilize the kitchen counter as you are prepping for dinner.

5. Prep your after school game plan.

Get things early on and take the stress away. Set up where and what your child will be doing while you're away at work. This can either be an after school program, going to a neighbor's home or staying home alone of your child is old enough.

6. Unplug the electronics.

During the school year, kids aren't going to be hooked on their electronics all day like they be in the summer time. Prep them before school goes back by unplugging and encouraging them to read or create an art project.

7.  Get on a bedtime routine early.

Putting your child on a sleep and wake routine about a week before school begins can be immensly important. Set them up on the same time schedule that your during the school year. This will easily take out of the grunginess of the first of school wake up call.

8. Do a "first day" test drill with your child.

Sort of like an emergency drill, but for school! Make ut a fun experience waking for breakfast and driving to school to practice the pick up and drop off.

9. Pick out clothes.

Take the stress out of  "I don't know what to wear" by picking out the weeks cloths with your child. Hang up the outfits and line them up.

10. Give your child a gift on the first day of school.

This will be so special for your child. A small present can make anyone's day. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, a book or crayons will do. You can either give it to them in the morning or after school.


Thursday, August 27, 2020

7 Socially Distancing Date Ideas

I don’t think anyone would have thought that come August we would still be in a situation where going places is scary. My Husband and I are not super comfortable going to many places so we have had to get very creative when we want to have a date. I think everyone has a different comfort level about this and I want to preface by saying YOU DO YOU! No judgment whatever way you choose to do things right now. I want to share some social distancing date ideas for people like us who may be a little nervous about going to many places

7 Social Distancing Date Ideas


 Romantic walk around the lake: This is something we also love doing as a family but so much better when you and your partner can go walk around a lake. Even if you don’t have a lake nearby walking on a trail, at a park, or even in your neighborhood is so great and a wonderful time to just talk. 

Picnic:  Pack up a lunch (or pick up one from your favorite restaurant) and find a grassy area at a park or by the water and just have a fun little picnic!

Cooking at home: We cook all of our meals at home but cooking together can be such a romantic time. You can put on good music, enjoy a drink while you cook and then enjoy your meal together (after the kids go to bed of course)

Patio date night: Enjoy that meal above on your patio/deck/balcony etc. String up some lights, put on some music, pretend you are dining on a restaurant patio or on a vacation!

Drive in movie: In our area Walmart will be offering drive in movies throughout the Fall and I hope we will be able to do this at least once. It's the ultimate socially distanced movie experience (other then staying at home)

Good old fashioned driving around: Do you remember when you were in high school and driving around was fun? Go do that! Listen to some of your favorite throw back songs, and goof around! Tell me you don’t have the best time!

Have you had any date nights like this during social distancing? Tell me!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Bedtime Tag

I’m a bit of a YouTube addict (plan with me videos and clean with me videos) and as I was watching some of the videos I subscribed to one evening, I stumbled upon a fun tag created by Fleur de Force and Talk Becky Talk and it’s called The Bedtime Tag. It was too cute to pass so I thought I’d do it as well. No videos from me (sorry!) but hey, a blog post should suffice, right? 

As the name goes, it’s all about bedtime and preparing to zzz.

The Bedtime Tag

1. What are you favourite pajamas?

A t-shirt and a pair of shorts

2. Current bedtime reading?

I just started P.S. I Love You (for the 4th time) and I alternate with a Mary Higgins Clark mystery (We'll Meet Again).  Reading is one of my favorite ways to relax before bed.

3. What is on your bedside table?

I don't have a bedside table right now, but if I did I would have a lamp, an alarm clock, the current books that I am reading, my phone, and a glass of water.

4. Favourite sleepy scent?

I love lavendar. It's very relaxing and always puts me to sleep.

5. What is your usual bedtime & wakeup time?

I usually go to bed around midnight and sometimes my youngest will wake up at least once during the night. Since I am a SAHM, my days usually start around 7am when the kids wake up.

6. Top 3 bedtime products?

The current three skincare products that I am currently using are Cetaphil face wash, a DIY sugar scrub, and a moisturizer.

7. Your most common sleeping position?

I prefer to sleep on my side (either side) with my arms under my pillow. 8. Any strange bed time routines?

9. Are you big spoon or little spoon?

Always the little spoon. 

I hope you enjoyed this cute little tag today! If you want do this tag yourself please tag me in it so I can see your answers.


Sunday, August 23, 2020

August 2020 Goals

Hi Lovelies!!
I can't believe that August is almost over and that both my kids will be school next week. This has been the longest Spring break and Summer break ever! It's been a slow (we are still self isolating) and fun summer but I think we are all ready for more of a routine.

Today, I am sharing my goals for this month.

1.  Organize the kid's closets
2.  Create office space in the corner of the family room
3.  Begin work on my etsy shop and another shop
4.  Begin a new (slightly scary) venture with the Hubby
5.  Make at least 2 freezer meals a week
6.  Read 2 books
7.  Blog at least 3 times per week
8.  Menu plan consistently
9.  Use my planner consistently (my days would be less hectic if I would do this)
10. Eat more fruits and veggies

What are your goals?


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Easy Healthy Snacks

 I am such a snacker, specially late at night. I also have a weakness for salty foods! I try to go towards easy healthy snacks because I know I will snack so why not make them healthy?

 A few of my favorite easy healthy snacks are:

Popcorn: We love air popped popcorn. It's one of our go to snacks in the evening. We just add a little bit of butter and a little bit if salt. I know not too healthy, but we eat healthy most of the time so this is an indulgence for us.

Crackers with Baby bell light cheese: This is a go to recently. I get Ritz crackers Pretzels from Sam's Club and Baby Bell light cheese and eat them together. My kids love this as an afterschool snack.

Horizon String Cheese: I love it, it's quick and easy to grab and another thing we always have in our house.

Greek Yogurt with Berries/Granola: I am a huge Greek yogurt lover. I put it in my smoothies and love it for snacks with granola and berries. Specifically blueberries. Yum. Bonus blueberries are amazing for you.

Fruit Smoothies: This is a daily must have. We try to drink one every day. It's such an easy, quick breakfast as well as an after school snack. We add different fruits like strawberries, blueberries, pineapple chunks, peaches, and mango. We add some greek vanilla yogurt, and some apple juice. These are so healthy and so easy to make. We love them.

What are your easy healthy snacks that you love?

Monday, August 17, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday {8/17/2020}

 Good Afternoon Everyone! I hope everyone's weekend was a relaxing one. I have been getting rooms and closets rearranged and organized for this school year and school supplies have been purchased.  This year I have a Kindergartner and a 5th grader. They are both excited to start school, but this will be a bit different because we have decided to virtual learning through their school this year ( I will go more in depth on our decision in an upcoming post). 

This has been the longest spring break/summer ever, am I right?

Anyway, let's get on with this post, shall we?

The Weather:

Monday: 94

Tuesday: 93

Wednesday: 90

Thursday: 92

Friday: 93

Saturday: 95

Sunday: 96

How I am feeling this morning:

I woke up at 7:30am (this early compared to the time all of us have been waking up since March) with a little bit of a headache and some other aches and pains (I am getting old). Once I got moving I started to feel better .

On my mind:

This new school year which is our first with virtual learning. We still don't know what the school is doing with this yet. Hopefully we find out this week, since school starts next week. 

On the dinner plate tonight:

Garlic chicken with pasta and some veggies.

On my reading pile:

Beneath the Attic by V.C. Andrewa

On my TV: 

Nothing at the moment. 

On the Menu this week:

Monday: Garlic chicken with pasta and veggies

Tuesday: Spaghetti and garlic bread

Wednesday: Tacos and chips with salsa

Thursday: Chicken Lasanga roll ups

Friday: Pizza and breadsticks

Saturday: Potato soup

Sunday: Beans, fried potatoes, cornbread

Looking around the house:

The house needs some serious TLC, laundry needs to be folded and put away and one more load needs be hung out to dry outside. The bathrooms and bedrooms need to be tidied as well.

Inspirational quote:

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Currently {8/15/2020}

 Time and place: 10:00pm  and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.
Eating: Nothing at the moment

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: Gilmore Girls


Reading: Beneath the Attic

Loving: the warm weather we have been having lately, but we do have some severe weather in our area.

Working: I just started designing a meal planner. I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I'm so excited for this new project. I am also working on a weekly planner insert that I am excited about.

Listening: to the TV 

Buying: Clothes for both girls and some make up for me, and a new slow cooker.

Planning: I have most of my posts planned for August already. I just have to write and schedule them. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner. I am also working with my husband on designing a new website. I am also working on some planner inserts. This should keep me busy for a while!

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

What are you currently up to?


Friday, August 14, 2020

So Ready For Fall

Hi Lovelies!
I'm so ready for Fall to be here. Summer in my neck of the woods is brutal, it's hot and just plain miserable. This has been the longest summer ever! We have been on an extended break since March due to the pandemic which seems to nave no end in site. Also through in distance learning for my fifth grader and kindergartner, it's going to be a circus around here!

Here are just a few reasons why I am so ready for Fall!!!

1. Football season. I know this year will look a bit different (preseason has already been cancelled), but we are still excited. We are Dallas Cowboys fans and we will always be Cowboys fans (no matter how bad their season is this year).

2. Boots, leggings, and sweaters. I mean, honestly, who can resist such comfy clothes. Fall clothes are my favorite to wear and I am so ready for them!!

3. The leaves. I love when the leaves change to their beautiful gold, orange, and rust colors.

So, there are just few reasons why I love Fall! Why do you love the Fall?


Thursday, August 13, 2020

Motherhood is......

To me, it is---

- waking up every time she makes a noise on the monitor and find it nearly impossible to go back to sleep.

- finding new and creative ways to get her to eat because she is such a picky eater. 

- sneaking into your child's room when they are sleeping to watch them dream.

- kissing boo boos and telling them it will be okay.

- cleaning up the pile of toys and books only to have them scattered all over the floor five minutes later and realizing that it is okay and to just go with the flow.

- crying at random times because you hope you are not screwing them up.

- going shopping only to find yourself spending money on clothes for your kid instead of on yourself without even realizing it.

- loving another so unconditionally and knowing that you are willing to sacrifice anything just make sure that their needs are being met. 

What is motherhood to you?


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

My Laundry Routine

Hi Lovelies! 

Today I wanted to talk about my laundry routine. Grab some coffee, relax, and enjoy!

Laundry is my nemesis. I battle against it every single day and most times it a losing battle. It just keeps coming back and never ends. Never. Never. Never. 

There are several different ways for managing laundry and believe me I have tried all of them. It has taken me years to finally figure out a system that works for my family. 

I try to wash one load a day. Usually this means that I have a mixed load which usually works out great. Now sometimes this works great and other times it doesn't work so well at all. I mean that I wash my one load a day, but the load just sits in the basket for days at a time. And while it's sitting there, usually 6 loads are piled on top of the first one which then equals me having to rummage through the clothes whenever we need something to wear. Then when this routine gets old, I then find the time to fold all of the clothes which usually takes me up to 2 hours to complete. 

As you can see, I am working on the folding part of the laundry routine. We will get there with time. 

Another key to my laundry routine is that I try to do the process the night before by gathering all of the clothes at night and then putting them in the washer. This way I get a jump start on my morning routine. 

Like I said, this is still a work in progress and I plan on having this routine down as soon as possible.

Do you have a laundry routine?


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday Scoop #1 {8/9/2020}

Hi Lovelies!

I'm starting a new feature for's called The Sunday Scoop. I will be posting 3 things that I HAVE to do, 2 things that I HOPE to do, and one thing that I am HAPPY to do.


Here's the scoop to my week:

  • plan my meals for the week 
  • cleans the bathrooms and bedrooms
  • plan my week
  •  clean the playroom
  • write/schedule blog posts for next week
  • play with my kids
This week is going be just as busy as last week was. I need to plan our meals for the week, work on the blog, and update my planners. 

What are you up to this week?


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

11 Interesting Fact About Me

I thought it would be fun to list 11 interesting facts about myself. Ready! Set! Go!

11 Interesting Facts About Me:

(1) I cannot sleep unless the closet doors are closed.

(2) I have no tattoos and I only have my ears perieced.

(3) Stephen King is my all time favorite author. 

(4) I'm a homebody. I'd rather stay home and watch a movie on Netflix than go to the theater.

(5) I never missed an episode of Beverly Hills 90210. Team Brenda!!

(6) I don't like the taste of coffee.

(7) I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

(8) I cry at almost everything.

(9) I love museums.

(10) My kitchen has to be cleaned before I go to bed. 

(11) I love anything and everything from the 80s.

Monday, August 3, 2020

I Needed This Today

Hi Lovelies,

It has been a bad day. Everything has gone wrong, bedtime was a disaster, my original post did not go up as planned, and the husband and I arefighting. While perusing the internets I found this quote that has stuck with me all day.

This is something I need to remember. I need to learn to dance in the rain!!

Good night!


Saturday, August 1, 2020

Currently {8/1/2020}

 Time and place: 9:50pm  and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.

Eating: Nothing at the moment.

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: Cleaning videos, planner videos, and bullet journal videos.

Reading: Open Book by Jessica Simpson

Loving: The cooler weather (it's been cooler for the last few days so I have been enjoying before it gets scorching hot soon).

Working: I'm revamping my routines and working on some of my goals that I set for myself at the beginning of the year. I am also working on designing a meal planner and working on opening a store on Etsy

Listening: My daughters talking and singing to each other

Buying: groceries and other necessitates

Planning: I have most of my posts written for August already and now I am working on blog post ideas for September. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner.  This should keep me busy for a while!

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

What are you currently up to? Please share in the comments below!