Wednesday, August 5, 2020

11 Interesting Fact About Me

I thought it would be fun to list 11 interesting facts about myself. Ready! Set! Go!

11 Interesting Facts About Me:

(1) I cannot sleep unless the closet doors are closed.

(2) I have no tattoos and I only have my ears perieced.

(3) Stephen King is my all time favorite author. 

(4) I'm a homebody. I'd rather stay home and watch a movie on Netflix than go to the theater.

(5) I never missed an episode of Beverly Hills 90210. Team Brenda!!

(6) I don't like the taste of coffee.

(7) I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

(8) I cry at almost everything.

(9) I love museums.

(10) My kitchen has to be cleaned before I go to bed. 

(11) I love anything and everything from the 80s.

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