Monday, August 17, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday {8/17/2020}

 Good Afternoon Everyone! I hope everyone's weekend was a relaxing one. I have been getting rooms and closets rearranged and organized for this school year and school supplies have been purchased.  This year I have a Kindergartner and a 5th grader. They are both excited to start school, but this will be a bit different because we have decided to virtual learning through their school this year ( I will go more in depth on our decision in an upcoming post). 

This has been the longest spring break/summer ever, am I right?

Anyway, let's get on with this post, shall we?

The Weather:

Monday: 94

Tuesday: 93

Wednesday: 90

Thursday: 92

Friday: 93

Saturday: 95

Sunday: 96

How I am feeling this morning:

I woke up at 7:30am (this early compared to the time all of us have been waking up since March) with a little bit of a headache and some other aches and pains (I am getting old). Once I got moving I started to feel better .

On my mind:

This new school year which is our first with virtual learning. We still don't know what the school is doing with this yet. Hopefully we find out this week, since school starts next week. 

On the dinner plate tonight:

Garlic chicken with pasta and some veggies.

On my reading pile:

Beneath the Attic by V.C. Andrewa

On my TV: 

Nothing at the moment. 

On the Menu this week:

Monday: Garlic chicken with pasta and veggies

Tuesday: Spaghetti and garlic bread

Wednesday: Tacos and chips with salsa

Thursday: Chicken Lasanga roll ups

Friday: Pizza and breadsticks

Saturday: Potato soup

Sunday: Beans, fried potatoes, cornbread

Looking around the house:

The house needs some serious TLC, laundry needs to be folded and put away and one more load needs be hung out to dry outside. The bathrooms and bedrooms need to be tidied as well.

Inspirational quote:

1 comment:

  1. Hope your kids have a wonderful new school year! It's so hard trying to figure things out this year. I'm actually taking a quick break from sifting through all the information for our school's hybrid plan to read a few blogs. We start next week as well. Hope your week is going great so far.
