Friday, August 14, 2020

So Ready For Fall

Hi Lovelies!
I'm so ready for Fall to be here. Summer in my neck of the woods is brutal, it's hot and just plain miserable. This has been the longest summer ever! We have been on an extended break since March due to the pandemic which seems to nave no end in site. Also through in distance learning for my fifth grader and kindergartner, it's going to be a circus around here!

Here are just a few reasons why I am so ready for Fall!!!

1. Football season. I know this year will look a bit different (preseason has already been cancelled), but we are still excited. We are Dallas Cowboys fans and we will always be Cowboys fans (no matter how bad their season is this year).

2. Boots, leggings, and sweaters. I mean, honestly, who can resist such comfy clothes. Fall clothes are my favorite to wear and I am so ready for them!!

3. The leaves. I love when the leaves change to their beautiful gold, orange, and rust colors.

So, there are just few reasons why I love Fall! Why do you love the Fall?


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