Thursday, November 16, 2023

How Stay Motivated All Day Long

I won't lie some days my motivation wants to pack it in around noon. I am hot from running around all day, and a million other reasons. I sometimes want throw it in and take a nap when the girls have their quiet time. But I really do try and stay motivated and productive all day. In today's blog post, I am going to share how to stay motivated all day long.

How Stay Motivated All Day Long

Wake up grateful: I think reminding yourself every morning even mentally what you are grateful for can really motivate you. For me I am grateful always r my health  and my family.. I try to work hard all day for them! In everything I do I remind myself why I work hard, what I am working towards etc.
Know what needs to get done: This can be in your calendar, in a to do list, etc but know what needs to get done and whatever way works for you schedule that out. I personally use a to-do list and a planner. I color code all of my appointments, tasks, and event,  and use my to-do list for everything else.
Do a workout: I feel like a morning workout just gets me in the motivated mindset! Especially a really good workout. Lately I have been doing a LOT of walking which I love. I walk 2 miles every day and it makes me feel great. 
Have a reward in mind: I’m not necessarily saying to go to the mall and go nuts. Usually for me that reward is doing a face mask, and watching something after the girls go to bed and I can relax. Or maybe the reward is a mid day trip to Target if you knock out half of your to do list in the morning. I think knowing you have something to look forward to can be great motivation.
Go to sleep grateful: Kind of like waking up grateful go to sleep grateful for all you have accomplished that day. It’s really the best feeling to go to sleep happy and grateful.
How do you inspire yourself to stay motivated all day?



Wednesday, November 15, 2023

9 Ways To Get Out Of A Funk

Getting into a funk is a normal and natural thing. Even the happiest of people can have days where they are just blah. In this post, I wanted to share 9 ways to get out of a funk so if you ever find yourself in one you know how to feel better stat!

9 Ways To Get Out of a Funk 

Get Outside: Sometimes I can get in a funk if I have been inside too long. When my oldest  was born (in the winter) we stayed inside quite a bit till it warmed up. Some days I would NEED to get outside, so when my Hubby got home from work I would go for a walk. Even if it was around the block it made me feel better. Or I would sit on our porch while my daughter slept and read. Getting outside really helps.

Meet Up With A Friend: One of the things that cheers me up the most when I really need it is meeting up with a friend. It could be for a walk, for a coffee, or even a phone date. It helps!

Clean Your Space: A messy space does not make your mood better. If you are at work, clean up your desk. At home clean up your immediate space. Make your bed, wipe down counters, etc.

Change Your Scenery: If you have the means get out of the place you are in for a few days. Go visit a friend in another city, go on a trip alone. Just change your scenery a bit!

Make/Buy A Healthy Meal: Sometimes when I am feeling blah its because I have been eating blah. So I will make a HUGE salad with greens, veggies, hard boiled eggs, fruit, grilled chicken. . Or I will run to Walmart and grab some yogurt and add some granola to it. Either way it always makes me feel so much better.

Read For inspiration: This could be an article, a magazine, another blog, anything. Read something that inspires you!

Call Your Mom/Bestie: My mom is the best. I love calling her when I’m in a mood. She always makes me feel better. Besties are great for that too!

Clean Out Your Closet: Not only will you get rid of stuff you don’t wear and don’t need but you may unearth some treasures you forgot you had!

Volunteer: Being around those that need your help will really make you appreciate your life and get you out of your funk!

I would love to know what ways to get out of a funk you would add!



Tuesday, November 14, 2023

5 Reasons To Have A Morning Routine

I am type A to a fault, although I don't see that as a bad thing. I thrive on schedules, routines, and lists. Without these three things I am less productive, more stressed,  and not as happy. In today's post I will be discussing five reasons to have a morning routine. These things really work for and might just work for you too. 

5 Reasons To Have A Morning Routine

Reason #1: Something to look forward to

Since I'm not a coffee drinker, I always look forward to my morning cup of tea. It's the little things, right? I love Celestial Seasonings in the flavor Cinnamon Apple Spice. This tea is meant to be served hot, but I also enjoy it cold with lots of ice.

Reason #2: Makes you more productive

I know that I am less productive when my schedule is off and when I am not following my routines. When I stick to a routine, i.e. waking up at the same time every day, following my usual morning routine, and completing my workout. I am more productive the rest of the day. Having a to do list for the day helps this as well.

Reason #3:

When you are used to waking up early and you know what you have to do, you are less likely to sleep in. On days that I sleep in I feel so blah and just so unproductive. My routines are also thrown out the window as well. 

Reason #4: Getting important things done

I also have a to do list for the day and I can look at it and know what the most important things to get done. These things are done first thing in the morning  and I have way less stress for my day. Having a morning routine will leave you feeling less stressed  and happier. This is so important for your mental state. 

Reason #5: Self Care

A skin care routine, flossing. getting dressed everyday, putting on some makeup, and exercising, these are things that need to be done for self care. When you have a morning routine you can ensure that self care is a priority. This is important because if you are feeling rushed, self care is the first thing to fall by the wayside. Having a pretty regimented morning routine, you will always make time for washing your face, applying products to help your skin, and getting a sweat session in. 

These five reasons to have a morning routine are of my own opinion, but having a regimented morning routine for a long time does work. If you do not have a morning routine, I highly suggest that you begin one. It's totally worth it, I promise!


Monday, November 13, 2023

How To Make Time To Read

I love to read. Some of my earliest memories are of my mom and I taking trips to Waldenbooks or Hastings (both are closed) and picking out the newest Sweet Valley High books (gotta love those Wakefield twins!). Now as a 46 year old mom, wife, and blogger finding time to read can be a bit tricky. In this blog post I will be talking about how I make time to read because I know so many of us struggle to find that time.

How to Make Time to Read

At night: I try to read before bed every single night. Even if it's for 30 minutes. If I can read a chapter a night then I am happy.

Driving/Audiobooks. Obviously I don't read while I am driving, but I do listen to audio books. It's at all my preferred form of reading books, but it does my the car ride more enjoyable.

When the girls are having their quiet time. If I need a break from work or if I am having a rough day I will the girls' quiet time to read.

Waiting rooms. When I am waiting for doctors appointments or anything of that sort I always bring my book with me. This works well because doctors offices are always running behind.

Road trips. Whenever we take a family road trip I always bring a book with me. The girls even bring their books. This is always a good time because it keeps the girls quiet since they aren't fighting!! LOL!!

Doing these things gives me a few extra hours to read each week! Sometimes a lot more!

When do you find the time to read?



Monday, November 6, 2023

5 Things I Do at Night to Set Up My Morning for Success

I am a creature of habit. I could easily eat the same thing for lunch every day (a tuna salad sandwich, Doritos, and grapes) and I would be completely satisfied.  In addition to being a creature of habit, I can get completely overwhelmed at the length of my to do list. Because of these two characteristics, I tend to rely on my routines. My routines tend to make me feel safe and they give me a sense of security. They also help me know what to do next so that I do not get overwhelmed. The routines that I follow are: my morning routine, my afternoon routine, and evening routine. I also have my Sunday routine which I also call my Weekly reset day.

However, my evening routine is the most important routine that I follow every night. Without my evening routine my mornings would be chaotic. Without my evening routine I would be lost and behind all day long.

So, here are........

5 Things I Do at Night to Set Up My Morning for Success

Clean the Kitchen. There is nothing that makes me feel behind in the morning than walking into a dirty kitchen.  Just taking a few minutes in the evening to do the dishes, clean the counters, and sweep the floor can make a world of difference in my attitude and my productivity.  I try to clean up right after supper each night and empty the drainer before I go to bed (I don't have a dishwasher).

Plan your day. This is an important one for me. I plan my day the night before so I don't forget an appointment or an activity that one of the kids has to go to. I even plan the most mundane things like laundry, brushing teeth every morning and every night.

Declutter the living spaces. I cannot go to bed with a messy house, it causes too much stress for me.  It's the one habit from my childhood that I cannot break.  I take 30 minutes to declutter the living room, the kids bedrooms, and to do a quick swipe in both bathrooms. It's a lot less stressful (at least for me) to wake to a clean house then to wake up to a messy one. Am I right?

Read. I try to take the last hour or so before bed to read a chapter in the book that I am currently reading. This helps me to relax and actually helps me sleep better at night.

Go to bed early. Finally, I try to go to bed early every night. There are times that this just does not happen, but most nights I am in bed by 930pm.

What things do you do at night to have a successful morning. I would live to hear in the comments below!



Sunday, November 5, 2023

10 Essential Ways to Plan a Successful Day

Happy Sunday Friends! Welcome to the blog! Today I will be discussing ways to plan a successful day. Today I encourage you to envision how you’ll want your day to go, then identify the tasks that will get you there. Check in on your progress midday, and finally, reflect on your achievements. When you implement this strategy alongside the practice of writing things down, you’ll go about your day with more focus. This will lead you to accomplishing significantly more in your day!

Today, I will be taking you through a step by step process of planning a successful day. Whether you are a work outside of the home, are a stay at home mom or a student, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and pulled in a million different directions.

So here are the......

10 Essential Ways to Plan a Successful Day 

1. Get an early start. Plan on waking a little bit earlier each day. Establishing an earlier wake up time may mean going to bed earlier the night before. Having this extra time will make a bit calmer and less stressful. For all the moms out there, you and your family will appreciate the calmer start to the day.

2. Picture the desired result. Take a few minutes during your morning routine think about this. Visualize how your day will go. How will it begin and how will it end. Doing this will center you making for a more successful day.

3. Set your schedule and list your to dos. Review your schedule, make adjustments where they are needed, and make your to do list. Remember to stay realistic about you will be able to accomplish during the day. As your outlining your day, remember to batch similar items together as this will make it easier to complete these tasks. 

4. Prioritize healthy habits. It's important to plan out your meals, snacks, and exercise. The best way to achieve these goals is t actually plan them out in your planner. It it's in your planner, then it must be done, right? Also, the check marks are so satisfying to see. Am I the only one who thinks this way?  Planning out your meals will keep you on track with your eating. 

5. Select your top three. Identify your top three. What three items would you not feel like the day was a success if they were not completed? 

6. Get to work. You’ve heard the advice start with the hardest things first. We believe that progress begets progress. Check a few things off your list first thing to gain momentum for the rest of your day. Check in midday on your progress, and if you feel like you’re running short on time, focus on your top three and that’s it.

7. Plan for tomorrow. Don’t neglect looking ahead to tomorrow. Review tomorrow’s schedule, adjust as needed, list your to dos, and move over tasks from today that you couldn’t quite complete. 

8. Practice gratitude. Being grateful each and every day will add more joy and positivity in your life. Think of at least one thing you’re thankful for, if not many more. This is also the ideal time to reflect on your day be proud of what you accomplished!

9. Unplug. Being successful also means knowing when to stop. Knowing when to turn it all off. Knowing when it’s time to take care of you. It means committing to quality, undivided time with those who matter most—and knowing how to live in the moment.

Have dinner as a family, meet up with a friend, enjoy a glass of wine, take your dog for a walk, read to your children, or watch your favorite show. Then, wind down with a calming activity such a detoxifying bath or a book. Truly unplug and take this time to refresh yourself after a day you should be proud of!

10. Commit to quality sleep. Determine the best amount of sleep for you. Become consistent with an ideal bedtime which will help regulate your body’s internal clock. Make a commitment to avoid electronics thirty minutes before bed—keep your phone far from that convenient bedside table of yours.

Remember the importance of a good night of sleep. Without it, tomorrow will be off!

How do you set up for a successful day?


Saturday, November 4, 2023

Currently {11/4/2023}




Time and place: 11:11pm and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.

Eating: Nothing at the moment.

Drinking: A big glass of water (always).

Watching:  Still watching Manifest on Netflix. I'm also re-watching Gilmore Girls, and Cobra Kai.




Reading: I'm still reading Flowers in the Attic and plan on reading the entire Dollanganger series over the next few months. 

I'm trying to find a new book to read either by Lisa Jackson or Fredia McFadden

Loving: Being able to sit down after a long day of housework and taking care of my family and read my book for a little while.

Working: I'm still working on my meal planner. I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I'm so excited for this new project. I am also working on a weekly planner insert that I am excited about and a note pad that I have been wanting to design for a while now. I am also working on a monthly/weekly planner (that's almost done and should be ready in the next few weeks). I can't wait to see how these turn out. We will be launching our 2024 Weekly Planner on Amazon the first week of December. I'm in the process of re-branding my Etsy shop and it should be open soon.
 Listening to: the TV

Buying: Groceries for this month and stocking up on certain items that are needed. I'm also looking at clothes and other household items that are needed.

Planning: I have most of my posts planned for November, I just have to write and schedule them. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner and other planners that I am working on. I am also working on some planner inserts. This should keep me busy for a while!
I'm working on homeschool lesson plans for my kiddos.
I'm trying to plan out a work schedule for this month. Hopefully I will figure one out soon.

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

November 2023 Goals

 It's hard to believe that November is already here! Crazy to think we are so close to Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's hard to believe that 2023 is creeping towards the end and before you know it a new year will be starting. I want this year to end with a bang! I have a few goals (new business) that I would like to accomplish before the end of the year.

So now that we are in November it's time to share my November goals. Here we go!



Personal goals for November

  • Read 2 books
  • Decorate for the holidays
  • Start Christmas shopping for the girls
  • Unplug during Thanksgiving break
  • Rest and relax
  • Have at least one at home date night with the Hubby
  • Celebrate Hubby's birthday
  • Spend on on one time with the girls

Work goals for November

  • Start writing posts for Blogmas 2023
  • Schedule blog content through the end of the year
  • Complete editorial calendar through the end of the year
  • Increase the number of followers on my blog
  • Launch Etsy Store and Payhip store
  • Work on more planner designs
  • Launch Meal Planner by the end of the year 
What are your goals for November? Please share them in the comments below!