Friday, October 20, 2023

My Favorite Book To Read During The Fall

 For today's Blogtober post I thought it would be fun to talk on my of favorite books. Enjoy! 

Fried green tomatoes is one of my favorite books! I think I have read probably more than a dozen times.  I love the plot and I really love the characters that Fannie Flagg has created. It's a great book to read on a cold, rainy Fall evening. When I first read it I fell in love with the characters and the time period that it was set in.


Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe is a 1987 novel by Fannie Flagg. It weaves together the past and the present through the blossoming friendship between Evelyn Couch, a middle-aged housewife, and Ninny Threadgoode, an elderly woman who lives in a nursing home. Every week Evelyn visits Ninny, who tells her stories about her youth in Whistle Stop, Alabama where her sister-in-law, Idgie, and her friend, Ruth, ran a cafĂ©. These stories, along with Ninny's friendship, enable Evelyn to begin a new, satisfying life while allowing the people and stories of Ninny's youth to live on.

What is your favorite book?


Sunday, October 15, 2023

The Age of Aquarius

Hi welcome back to my blog! Today I thought I would talk about my zodiac sign. And a way we go..................

Let's talk about zodiac signs, shall we? I know that I am an Aquarius and that the symbol is water bearer. But....that's all that I know. So, I decided to search the interwebs for some information and to see if I fit with the sign. Well, here is what my research unearthed......

My ruling planet is Uranus
My element is Air
My life's pursuit is to understand life's mysteries
My vibration is high frequency (what does that mean?)
My secret desire is to be unique an original 

Let's see..... yes, I want to understand life's mysteries and I strive to be unique and original. Here is more of a description of my sign:

My sign is regarded as the zodiac's leader. Apparently I not only march to the beat of a different drummer, but I make new music as I go along. I am supposed to be objective in judgement ( I don't know that I am), I never let their emotions get in the way  (This I don't agree with because I am extremely emotional). 

Outgoing and amiable, Aquarians attract friends wherever they go and those whom Aquarians befriend have their unswerving loyalty. This is so true, because once we become friends, we are always friends, no matter what happens.

So, I tend to agree with that description. So, what is your zodiac sign and how well does it fit you?


Saturday, October 14, 2023

10 Things To Do For Yourself Everyday

 It’s very easy  to start slacking off on being good about taking time to workout, meal prepping, and having a good skincare routine. As the year progresses it's easy to let these things go by the wayside. These are 10 things to do for yourself every day that will make a huge difference in how you feel.

10 Things To Do For Yourself Everyday

1. Plan your day. Every night before I go to bed I plane the next day. Often, I take into consideration the amount of work that I have, any doctor appointments, and errands. Having a plan for your day will make you wake up feeling like you can  take on the world.

2. Workout. For me, working out is an essential part of my day. This may be in the morning or even in the evening. It just depends on the day and what moods my kids are in that day. It makes me feel good. If you've seen the movie Legally Blonde then you will remember this quote:

3. Take time for your skin. N matter how late I am running in the morning or how tired I am at night I always take time to take care of my skin. I wash my face, exfoliate (with a DIY face scrub) once a week, and moisturize. Taking time for your skin is extremely important.

4. Catch up on the news. I usually catch up on the news by watching clips on Yahoo (we use a streaming device) or even CNN.

5.  Listen to or watch something you like. I enjoy listening to Pandora. Some of my favorite stations to listen often include; 80s hair bands, Katy Perry, Nickleback,  and the Bon Jovi station just to name a few. I listen to music whenever I clean my house or when I am studying. Music puts me in a good mood! Who wants to be in a bad mood?

6.  Talk to a friend. Now I don't have many friends, but the friends that I do have do not live in the same state as I live in. So, we mainly talk over Facebook. We send messages back and forth and send each other comments all the time. This is something that I always make time for.

7.  Hydrate. This is pretty self explanatory, but drinking water is pretty important. Hydration is key. It makes your skin clearer, it tends t relieve headaches, and if you don't get enough then you tend to just feel bad all over. I am constantly drinking water throughout the day. No matter where I am I always have a bottle of water with me. It's important t be drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day.,

8.  Smile. Smile. It will make you happy.

9.  Write it out. Blogging or journaling are great things. Being able to write down your feelings is a great way to help cope with them. Keep a notebook by your bed and jot down everything that happened that day, it will make you feel and you may even sleep better.

Before I even begin my night time routine, I usually do a quick clean in the kitchen and living room (I cannot go to bed with a dirty house it's just not possible) and then I get some computer work done (I work on blog posts, work on the layout for my meal planner, and I update all of my planners).

10. Night routine. After putting the kids to bed, I take a shower, brush my teeth, moisture my lips with a soothing lip balm. I will read for about an hour and then I will finally go to bed.

Doing things for yourself has to be your first priority every day. If you aren't taking care of yourself then how can you take of others?

What do you do for yourself everyday?


Thursday, October 12, 2023

My Fall Skin Care Routine

Hi everyone! Today's post is about my skin care routine. The only thing is that I really don't follow a routine. Yes, I wash my face, I use toner, and sometime a moisturizer.... but that's about it.

I have oily skin, always have. I have tried several different types of cleansers, masks, toners, and moisturizers. Some have been expensive while others have been on the cheap side. Through the years, I have found that my skin responds better to the cheaper skin care products.

As of right now, my skin care routine revolves around two of the cheaper products and one moderately expensive of product. So, I am going to share with you a breakdown of skin care routine.

1. Cleanser

I use Cetaphil. It's very light and makes my face feel clean. I use this once in the morning and once in the evening.

2. Toner. After cleansing my face I use witch hazel as a toner.  I use this because it's very gentle on my skin and it makes it feel and look amazing.

 3. Moisturize. I use a moisturizer made by Cetaphil. Again, this is very gentle on my skin and doesn't cause break outs like most other moisturizers that I have used in the past.

What is your skin care routine? Please share in the comments below!


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

8 Things To Do To Make Yourself Feel Better

 Now that I think about it maybe I should explain the title first. When I say better I mean just making small changes that will make every aspect of your physical, emotional, and personal life better. But maybe not everyone needs that. I know for me I am always looking for ways to be better. These are things I am doing to make myself better. So I am sharing the 8 things to do to make yourself better because maybe you need them too!

8 Things To Do To Make Yourself Feel Better

Express Feelings: I am pretty good at expressing feelings to certain people. I have no problems telling my husband if something bothers me. When it comes to other people I am terrible. I tend to just ignore people, or ignore the situation until I feel better and it’s really unhealthy. One thing I am trying to do better is expressing feelings. If someone says something that bothers me just calmly and in a not accusatory way telling them why.
Take Downtime/Me Time: Recently I have been very stressed lately. I think it's because I am going to bed late and then with my youngest still not sleeping through the night. I am trying to do things like relaxing during C's quiet time (where usually I would scramble to get more things done). I find that taking an hour of her quiet time to relax honestly makes me more productive earlier in the day and later in the day.
Go For Walks: I find that even more than going into a gym or class going on walks mentally makes me better. I love going for walks with my kids and husband because we are all getting fresh air and vitamins, we are all enjoying the sunshine, and we are getting exercise. Usually we also stop at the park and let the kids play. It’s amazing how good I feel after. Try going for a 30 minute walk and see how great you feel after!
Change Up Your Routine: I am such a routine person that when I am in too much of a routine and I feel like when can get stagnant in our routines. So try switching up your routine! Go workout at a different time or maybe read first thing in the morning before you start your day!
Wake Up Earlier: On the same note try waking up 20-30 minutes earlier and see how you feel. When I wake up earlier I find that I feel better during the day and then I go to sleep easier at night.
Reward Yourself: Treat yourself once a week to something fun. Maybe splurge on a workout class at a boutique studio, or get a fancy latte, or get your nails done! Just something you can look forward to!
Text Friends/Family: I know as moms especially life can get so busy that you forget to check in with people. So somedays I try to text one or two of my friends, or my family members just to say hi and let them know I am thinking about them. It’s incredible how loved it can make someone feel.
Write Snail Mail: On a similar note, write a piece of mail, a note, a postcard, something to a friend or family member just to say hi and that you were thinking of them. They will feel so good!  Then you will too!
I would love know something you do to make yourself better! I can always use ideas.


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

5 TIps For Better Meal Planning

How do you get dinner on the table week in and week out, without getting bored? How do you stay energized and engaged with the art of cooking at home? These are some questions that you have to ask yourself when it comes to meal planning. Here are 5 tips for learning how to plan your meals.

What is meal planning?

What is meal planning? It's whatever way your organize yourself to cook a meal, whether it breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It is the plan that you make before you shop. Some people plan a month in advance, while other's wing it shopping for that evening's meal picking up whatever looks good to them. Meal planning is personal thing. What works for one person might not work for another person. The goal, I think, to find a process that is both, enjoyable and effective.

5 Tips for Better Meal Planning

1. Spend time each week looking for simple recipes

This may feel like an indulgence, but just let yourself do it. Browse blogs and websites for recipes that look delicious. Check out the blog, Skinnytaste. Pile up some cookbooks and reach fo the sticky notes. Get inspired!

2. Create a place to save recipes, and keep it SIMPLE

Do whatever works for you. Don't get caught up in a system, just use whatever works best and most easily. Personally, I like Pinterest because it's easy to visually browse what I've saved.

3. Ask your family what they like to eat

This might sound obvious, but it's easy to get caught up in our weeks and forget to ask our households what they would like to eat. I get extra inspired, too, when I feel like I'm cooking a meal as a gift — trying to please and delight the palate of someone I love. Be aware that this can sometimes backfire. If you ask your family to many times what they like to eat they might get upset with you. Believe me, this has happened to me several times.

4. Check the weather

Again, you may say, duh, but seriously. Right now, the weather is changeable in many parts of the country. Look at the weather forecast, and try to predict if you're going to be in the mood for soup (or grilled shrimp salad!) on Friday.

5. Keep a meal journal

One of my best inspirations is my own record of things I've cooked in the past. Take a look at what you were cooking a year ago, two years ago. It's a good way to remember things you used to cook, and still love. I do this my using a calendar that I write all of our meals on. This really helps to see what meals my family likes the best and what meals they didn't like so much.

What are some tips that you might have for meal planning?


Monday, October 9, 2023

5 Ways To Turn A Bad Day Around

We all have bad days, it's just part of life. No one is happy all of the time, just like my kids, we all wake up on the wrong side of the bed. So here are....

5 Ways to Turn a Bad Day Around

1. Cry it out. Sometimes you just need to cry. It's helpful as well as therapeutic. It really does help to just cry it out. If you are sad, angry, whatever just cry because you feel so much better. Trust me!

2. Vent. Every time I am upset I vent. Usually I vent to husband. We all need someone like that, that someone who will tell you when you are wrong or just let's you complain.

3. Watch something fun. We all have those go to movies or tv shows that we can watch over and over.  For me, I like to watch Grease, Dirty Dancing, and Bride Wars, for tv shows, I watch Friends, Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, Fuller House, and The Ranch. These are so much fun to watch and always put me in a better mood.

4. Change your surroundings. If you are in a bad mood at home get in the car and go somewhere. Go to the gym, go for a walk, or get some retail therapy. The key is to change your surroundings you will feel better.

5. Help someone. The best way to turn your bad day around is to help someone. Pay for someone's coffee, help someone carry their groceries to their car. Helping someone will cheer you up.

What are some ways to turn a bad day around that you use?


Sunday, October 8, 2023

How To Implement A Morning Routine

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing Sunday! We just hung out at home, played outside (when it wasn't raining), fixed some yummy meals and snacks and just had a good time.  This weekend I decided to implement a morning rountine and it seemed to help quite a bit. I noticed that my mornings were not as rushed and I was much more relaxed. 

So, today's blog post is all about how to set up a morning routine that works for you. 

How To Implement A Morning Routine:

 (1) Wake up

Take 15 -30 minutes to wake up, enjoy your coffee, check out the news, or read. 

(2) Review your daily tasks (to do list)

Review your to-do list for things that have to be done that day. I usually spend 1-2 minutes reviewing my list in the morning to metally prepare me for the day and to adjust my schedule if needed.  I also prepare my to-do list the night before as part of my night time routine ( I also use as sort of a "brain dump").

(3) Make your bed

Beds take up a lot of space and when they aren't made they tend to look like a whole lot clutter. Here's a simple solution: take 5 minutes to make your bed and I promise that your room will look cleaner and you will feel more relaxed.

(4) Prepare for dinner

Make sure all of your food items are defrosted and that you have all the necessary ingredients for the evening’s dinner.  Also you should consider how long it will take for you to make dinner and adjust your schedule if need be.  I usually take this opportunity to refer to my meal plan for the following night to see if I need to take anything out of the freezer to defrost or if I’ll need to stop at the grocery store.  This is also a good time to prepare your crockpot meal which is another easy way to streamline your dinner prep.

(5) Empty dishwasher or dish drainer

 Put your dishes away first thing in the morning so that you and your family can fill it up after breakfast and throughout the day instead of waiting to do all of it after dinner.  This is another task that takes all of 5 minutes to complete, and when it's done, you will feel better. 

(6) Workout, shower, and dress

After you shower and get dressed be sure to put dirty clothes in the laundry, put away your toiletries and makeup, wipe down the sinks and hang up your towel.

(7) Make breakfast and clean up afterwards

Return all food items in the fridge, pantry or cupboards. Scrape leftover food in the trash and put your dishes in the sink or dishwasher.  Wipe down all of the counters, sink, stove and microwave.  Like your bed, the kitchen has a lot of counter space and when one counter is cluttered the whole kitchen looks messy.  Take just a couple of minutes everyday to wipe down those counters and appliances…you’ll be amazed at how refreshing it is to come home to a clean kitchen after a busy day at work.

(8) Get on with your day

Now that you’ve got your morning routine complete you can head off to work (on time of course), or to your home office if you work from home, spend time with your kids or take care of your priority tasks and errands.

So, my question is, do you have a morning routine? And how is it working for you?


Saturday, October 7, 2023

Self Care Tips For Stay At Home Moms

I'm ashamed to admit, but I have been running on empty and nerves are beginning to show it. Stress is rising and I need some relief. I sometimes have a short fuse with my husband and an even shorter fuse with my kids.

I am ashamed of myself for even thinking like this. I often apologize for this, but I realize that the damage is already done. I mess up to, friends.

We are in this together and I need grace just like you, so I am sharing my tips and tricks on how  to implement some simple ways to keep yourself nourished  so that you can be the mom your kids need and even the wife your husband deserves.

Self Care Tips for Stay at Home Moms 

1. Get outside. 

Try to make it a habit to get outside at least once a day either alone or with your kids.

2. Exercise.

Pick your favorite. You can do yoga, stretching or walking. The point is to get your body moving as much as you. 

3. Take a bath.

Just soaking in the is relaxing. It releases the tension in the neck and shoulders. Light some candles, listen to some relaxing music or read a book. 

4. Take a nap.

This is a great idea that I just recently implemented. Even resting for 15 minutes can make a difference in my perception of the day and how much energy I have until bedtime. 

5. Read for pleasure.

A good story is so refreshing. I love reading, especially mystery and suspense novels. I love when I can pick up a book and lose myself in the story.

What would you add to this list? 

Friday, October 6, 2023

Jake Ryan, Electric Youth, and Sweet Valley High: A Trip Through the 80s

 Hi Friends and welcome to day #6 of Blogtober!

I have been taking a trip down memory lane and loving every minute of it! As some of you know I am an 80s baby through and through. It was a time of mismatched socks, scrunchies, feuds between pop princesses, and of course the ultimate boy band, New Kids on the Block. Those were some of the best days. So, today's post is dedicate to some of my favorite 80s memories. 

(1) Putting plastic charms on every possible accessory and knowing that each charm had its own special meaning.

(2) You knew being a rock star with a secret identity was the best job ever!

 Also, the life lessons Jem taught you:
1. It’s OK if your man cheats on you, as long as it’s with your secret alter ego.

2. Sometimes it’s way more fun to be the villain (looking at you, Pizzazz).

3. That anything can be solved by pressing down on your earring and saying, “Showtime, Synergy!”
(3) The importance of always nailing the perfect sideways ponytail.

(4) The smell of Electric Youth.

(5) How Jake Ryan is still your perfect man.

(6) Knowing that Over Our Heads was the best fictional store to ever exist.

(7) Watching these movies over and over again.

(8)  You went through, like, one Sweet Valley High book a day.

(9) You needed to a SWATCH watch to match every outfit.

(10) Making something in your Easy-Bake Oven was your favorite way to spend a Friday night.

(11)  The style icon that was Denise Huxtable.

(12)  Wanting to paint your room like Punky Brewster’s

(13)  And totally wanting that badass sofa chair from My Two Dads.

(14)  The horrible smell jelly bracelets left after you wore them all day…

(15)  …but knowing that these smelled way worse:

(16)  Drooling in front of your TV on 21 Jump Street night. 

(17) You looked forward to ABC Afterschool Specials and felt sort of edgy watching them.

(18)  Sitting in your room for hours poring over Teen BeatSuperTeenBop, and Tiger Beat.

(19)  You loved NKOTB and had memorabilia mostly of your favorite one in the group.

(20)  The importance of the Slam book.


Thursday, October 5, 2023

6 Ways To Relax Before Bed

Every body craves sleep. So why do most people struggle with it periodically? You've tried to do it the right way--- you skip the late night caffeine, you don't eat a heavy meal right before bed, you make sure the lights are off and you follow a consistent bedtime schedule each night. However, as you lay in bed tossing and turning, frustration begins to creep in and none of this seems to matter. When insomnia hits you ultimately spend hours stressing instead of doing a few easy things to gently slip into a peaceful sleep.

6 Ways to Relax Before Bed

Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep is a common problem, and it is a valuable commodity. Here are a few steps to follow every night that will encourage a more rapid appearance by Mr. Sandman.

1. Soak in the tub

Relax in the bathtub. This soothes both mind and body. Adding some sleep inducing scents such as lavender oil which helps calm the mind and body, A word of warning though, don't take a shower as this can awaken your body, instead opt for a warm bath.

2. The old wives tale work

 Have a glass of warn milk. Trust me from experience, it works wonders. If you can't stand the idea of warm milk try some chamomile tea. It works the same way as the warm milk and it does make you sleepy.

3. Find an activity

Do something that relaxes you right before bed. Try reading, watching something boring on television. You could even sew, scrapbook, or even write a letter. This activity should be easy and it should be nothing that will key your nerves back up. Once your eyes get droopy, it's time to hit the sack.

4. De-stress

One of the worst things that you can do is lay in bed and think about what you didn't get done that day, and all of the work waiting for you tomorrow. Worrying about it won't get it done. What I do is make a to do list  and then I forget about it. I have found that this relieves so much of my stress at the end of the day.

5. Add some noise

What i mean by this is white noise. Adding white noise can help you sleep. Another thing you could do is add a fan because a cool bedroom can also help with sleep.

6. Listen to your body

Is your body to tense to sleep? Try a relaxation tape that guides you through loosening up and relaxing each muscle group. Work on some deep breathing exercises which mimic your respiration pattern while you sleep.

Make going to bed a routine. Around the same time every night, even on weekends, start your routine. This could mean taking a bath and some light reading. It could also mean changing into your pajamas and brushing your teeth. Do something consistently so that your body will learn the signals to settle down for the
night and to wake up refreshed the next day.

What are some ways that you relax before bed?

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

How To Create Healthy Habits

Figuring out how to create healthy habits is not something that came to me naturally. It's always been difficult for me to stick to any kind of healthy habit. I love my sweets and they are definitely a weakness of mine.  Also I should probably tell you that I rarely workout out and didn’t take vitamins. Last year, I decided that needed to work on myself and develop healthier habits. Now at 50 years old my life looks completely different and so do my habits. This is how I did it.



How To Create Healthy Habits

Set goals: Before you create healthy habits you have to decide WHICH healthy habits you want to have. Do you want to eat healthy foods more? Do you want to exercise 4-5 days a week? Do you want to drink more water? Etc. So decide what your personal healthy habit goals are.

Be realistic: You can’t DO ALL THE THINGS so be realistic. Don’t say my goal is to lose 50 lbs in 2 months. Maybe say I want to lose 50 lbs and I am going to be healthy and do that in however long it takes. I lost 30 lbs after A was born and 25 after C. It took me nearly a year both times. Don’t force yourself to go to the gym every day if you haven’t ever worked out before. Just ease into it.

Don’t do everything at once: You can’t do all the things right away. Maybe focus on 1-2 healthy habits at a time.

Start slow: If you want to work out more just start by going. Then go the next day or maybe for a beginner go every other day. Do a little cardio and experiment with weights. Or try a new class. Maybe you will find that Zumba or Barre is your thing and you will want to go every day! If you want to drink more water see what you naturally drink in a day and gradually increase it.

Introduce One Thing At A Time: Like I have said don’t try doing everything at once. I remember when I started my healthy living journey I started by switching out a lot of crap processed foods for whole foods. Then I started working out more, then I started drinking green smoothies. Then I got really into my water intake. Then meditating. Then I switched to clean beauty and clean products.  It can’t all happen at once.

Decide what makes sense for you: Not everything will make sense for YOUR life. So you have to decide what makes sense for you, what you want etc. This goes back to goals. Not everyone wants to use only clean beauty and not everyone wants to follow an 80/20 rule for eating.

Prioritize Healthy Living: If you want to create healthy habits you have to prioritize it. You have to prioritize a healthy life. That may mean scheduling workouts, not going out and eating a huge dinner with friends, not having that drink every night, etc. You have to prioritize the things you want.

I would love to know how you create healthy habits.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

October 2023 Goals

Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog!

October is one of my favorite months. Between Halloween, the cooler weather, and all things pumpkin it's just a fun month. Today's post is all about my goals for October.

Now that all of our routines are established, I am excited about setting some goals and I am really going to push myself this month. There are a lot of things that I would like accomplish so hopefully by the end of the month I will feel good about things. Here we go!



Personal Goals

  • drink more water
  • meditate for 10 minutes
  • stretch for a few minutes before getting up
  • get better quality sleep by going to bed earlier
  • workout consistently
  • read 2 books


Family Goals

  •  keep adapting to our Fall schedule. Continue to work on morning, afternoon, and evening routines
  • celebrate Halloween
  • Cross off items from our Fall bucket list


Blog Goals

  •  post once per day during the month of October
  • make a new list of blog post ideas
  • schedule posts until the end of Ocotber
  • create an editorial calendar for the rest of the year
I hope your October has started out as a fantastic month! Have you set any goals yet? Any fun Fall plans? Have you started crossing things off of your Fall Bucket list?


Monday, October 2, 2023

Productivity Tips For Working Moms

Being a mom is hard. Working is hard. Being a working mom is HARD! I had someone recently tell me they felt like I always had it together and got everything done. Oh gosh that's not true AT ALL! I feel like most of the time I barely have it together and I never get everything done. But I do think I have a good grasp on productivity tips for working moms, so today I am sharing mine.

Productivity Tips For Working Moms

1. Make lists: I swear I will mention this a million times because I think lists are very important in staying productive. I truly don’t know how people know what to do each day or remember tasks without them. Especially moms. We are SO BUSY. Trying to make sure everyone’s stuff is taken care of requires lists.

2. Talk to your partner: I think communicating with your partner about daily/weekly expectations, things coming up, things you need help with etc is so important for productivity.

3. Schedule EVERYTHING: I mean EVERYTHING! I schedule everything we do, anything I need to do, workouts, etc. It’s just so helpful to see it in a calendar. Especially during this time of lockdowns and quarantines. Making a schedule of our days keeps me sane and on track.

4.  Time block: I do this specifically for work. For example when I need to work on scheduling social media I will block out 45 minutes to find articles and schedule tweets. Then 30 minutes to pin, then another hour to write a blog post. etc. This is also helpful if you have a lot of household tasks that need to get done as well.

5.  Give yourself a break at some point: At some point you will you need a break. You have to fill your cup too. So this may mean a workout class, a walk around the neighborhood, sitting with a coffee and reading for 30 minutes. Whatever it is take a little break for yourself.

6.  Meal Prep/plan: I personally find that meal prepping and planning saves us SO MUCH time and arguments about what to have, what we need etc. We plan each Sunday night for the next week. Then on Mondays we grocery shop so we have our staples, and anything we need for meals. This also saves us a ton of money because since we aren’t wasting food.

7.  Delegate: This is something I am not great with. Usually I melt down and Amy husband is like “why didn’t you ask for help?” So I am trying to be better about telling him what I need help with, hiring a babysitter when I need a few hours to get stuff done, etc. Delegating is crucial to staying productive throughout your day.

I would love to know what productivity tips for working moms you have! Share belo