Wednesday, October 4, 2023

How To Create Healthy Habits

Figuring out how to create healthy habits is not something that came to me naturally. It's always been difficult for me to stick to any kind of healthy habit. I love my sweets and they are definitely a weakness of mine.  Also I should probably tell you that I rarely workout out and didn’t take vitamins. Last year, I decided that needed to work on myself and develop healthier habits. Now at 50 years old my life looks completely different and so do my habits. This is how I did it.



How To Create Healthy Habits

Set goals: Before you create healthy habits you have to decide WHICH healthy habits you want to have. Do you want to eat healthy foods more? Do you want to exercise 4-5 days a week? Do you want to drink more water? Etc. So decide what your personal healthy habit goals are.

Be realistic: You can’t DO ALL THE THINGS so be realistic. Don’t say my goal is to lose 50 lbs in 2 months. Maybe say I want to lose 50 lbs and I am going to be healthy and do that in however long it takes. I lost 30 lbs after A was born and 25 after C. It took me nearly a year both times. Don’t force yourself to go to the gym every day if you haven’t ever worked out before. Just ease into it.

Don’t do everything at once: You can’t do all the things right away. Maybe focus on 1-2 healthy habits at a time.

Start slow: If you want to work out more just start by going. Then go the next day or maybe for a beginner go every other day. Do a little cardio and experiment with weights. Or try a new class. Maybe you will find that Zumba or Barre is your thing and you will want to go every day! If you want to drink more water see what you naturally drink in a day and gradually increase it.

Introduce One Thing At A Time: Like I have said don’t try doing everything at once. I remember when I started my healthy living journey I started by switching out a lot of crap processed foods for whole foods. Then I started working out more, then I started drinking green smoothies. Then I got really into my water intake. Then meditating. Then I switched to clean beauty and clean products.  It can’t all happen at once.

Decide what makes sense for you: Not everything will make sense for YOUR life. So you have to decide what makes sense for you, what you want etc. This goes back to goals. Not everyone wants to use only clean beauty and not everyone wants to follow an 80/20 rule for eating.

Prioritize Healthy Living: If you want to create healthy habits you have to prioritize it. You have to prioritize a healthy life. That may mean scheduling workouts, not going out and eating a huge dinner with friends, not having that drink every night, etc. You have to prioritize the things you want.

I would love to know how you create healthy habits.

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