Monday, May 31, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday {5/31/2021}

 Good evening everyone and welcome back to my blog. 

I hope every everyone had a wonderful weekend and are ready for the week ahead. 

It's 9:30pm and I am just now sitting down to write this post. Today, I have finished 3 loads of laundry ( the last is hanging to dry), cleaned the kitchen for the last time tonight (who loves a clean kitchen at night?), and I have finally picked up the living from a hard day of relaxing and playing. I just hope my week will be as productive as this day has been.

Happy Monday and have a wonderful and productive week!

Happy Homemaker Monday 


 The weather outside is:

Dark and cool right now. This week is supposed to be rainy and cool. I am so tired of the rain. I want some warm and sunny days soon!

What we had for dinner tonight (instead of the breakfast plate):

Chicken with cheddar broccoli rice

As I look out my window:

The clouds are starting to clear out and I can finally see some stars. 

As I look around the house:

The living room needs to be picked up and then kitchen needs to be straighten.

What I'm wearing today:

A shirt t-shirt and gray shorts

Currently reading:

Sweet Valley High books on Kindle Unlimited.

On the TV this week:

Right now I am watching The Masked Dancer, Call Me Kat, Blossom, shows on Hulu and Netflx (I'm watching Cobra Kai again)

On the Menu this week: (I'm still figuring out the meal plan for this week)

Monday- Chicken with cheddar broccoli rice

Tuesday- Chicken with potatoes and green beans (slow cooker)

Wednesday- Potato soup with rolls





Inspirational quotes: 



Sunday, May 23, 2021

10 Things To Do For Yourself Everyday

 It’s very easy  to start slacking off on being good about taking time to workout, meal prepping, and having a good skincare routine. As the year progresses it's easy to let these things go by the wayside. These are 10 things to do for yourself every day that will make a huge difference in how you feel.

10 Things To Do For Yourself Everyday

1. Plan your day. Every night before I go to bed I plane the next day. Often, I take into consideration the amount of work that I have, any doctor appointments, and errands. Having a plan for your day will make you wake up feeling like you can  take on the world.

2. Workout. For me, working out is an esstential part of my day. This may be in the morning or even in the evening. It just depends on the day and what moods my kids are in that day. It makes me feel good. If you've seen the movie Legally Blonde then you will remember this quote:

3. Take time for your skin. N matter how late I am running in the morning or how tired I am at night I always take time to take care of my skin. I wash my face, exfoliate (with a DIY face scrub) once a week, and moisturize. Taking time for your skin is extremely important.

4. Catch up on the news. I usually catch up on the news by watching clips on Yahoo (we use a streaming device) or even CNN.

5.  Listen to or watch something you like. I enjoy listening to Pandora. Some of my favorite stations to listen often include; 80s hair bands, Katy Perry, Nickleback,  and the Bon Jovi station just to name a few. I listen to music whenever I clean my house or when I am studying. Music puts me in a good mood! Who wants to be in a bad mood?

6.  Talk to a friend. Now I don't have many friends, but the friends that I do have do not live in the same state as I live in. So, we mainly talk over Facebook. We send messages back and forth and send each other comments all the time. This is something that I always make time for.

7.  Hydrate. This is pretty self explanitory, but drinking water is pretty important. Hydration is key. It makes your skin clearer, it tends t relieve headaches, and if you don't get enough then you tend to just feel bad all over. I am constantly drinking water throoughout the day. No matter where I am I always have a bottle of water with me. It's important t be drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day.,

8.  Smile. Smile. It will make you happy.

9.  Write it out. Blogging or journaling are great things. Being able to write down your feelings is a great way to help cope with them. Keep a notebook by your bed and jot down everything that happened that day, it will make you feel and you may even sleep better.

Before I even begin my night time routine, I usually do a quick clean in the kitchen and living room (I cannot go to bed with a dirty house it's just not possible) and then I get some computer work done (I work on blog posts, work on the layout for my meal planner, and I update all of my planners).

10. Night routine. After putting the kids to bed, I take a shower, brush my teeth, moisture my lips with a soothing lip balm. I will read for about an hour and then I will finally go to bed.

Doing things for yourself has to be your first priority every day. If you aren't taking care of yourself then how can you take of others?

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Currently {5/22/2021}

Time and place: 9:07pm  and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.

Eating: Nothing at the moment.

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: The Ranch on Netflix


Reading:  The Sweet Valley High book series

Loving: the warmer weather.

Working: I just started designing a meal planner. I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I'm so excited for this new project. I am also working on a weekly planner insert that I am excited about and a note pad that I have been wanting to design for a while now. 

Listening to: my girls playing when they are supposed by sleeping.

Buying: Groceries for the rest of the month and stocking up on certain items that are needed. I'm also looking at clothes and other household items that are needed.

Planning: I have most of my posts planned for June already. I just have to write and schedule them. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner. I am also working with my husband on designing a new website. I am also working on some planner inserts. This should keep me busy for a while!
I'm also planning end of the school year activities for the girls.

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday {5/17/2021)

 Good evening everyone and welcome back to my blog. 

I hope every everyone had a wonderful weekend and are ready for the week ahead. 

It's 6:30pm and I am just now sitting down to write this post. Today, I have finished 3 loads of laundry ( the last is hanging to dry), cleaned the kitchen for the last time tonight (who loves a clean kitchen at night?), and I have finally picked up the living from a hard day of virtual learning. I just hope my week will be as productive as this day has been.

It's also a big week over here. It's the last week of school and we have two graduations as well. My girls will be graduating from Kindergarten and 5th grade.

Happy Monday and have a wonderful and productive week!

Happy Homemaker Monday 


 The weather outside is:

It's getting cloudy and the storms are on the way.

What we had for dinner tonight (instead of the breakfast plate):

Chicken and Au Gratin potatoes (in the crockpot) and green beans

As I look out my window:

The clouds are starting to roll in and the wind is picking up.

As I look around the house:

The living room needs to be picked up and then kitchen needs to be straighten.

What I'm wearing today:

A gray t-shirt and gray pants

Currently reading:

Sweet Valley High books on Kindle Unlimited.

On the TV this week:

Right now I am watching The Masked Singer, Call Me Kat, Blossom, shows on Hulu and Netflx (I'm watching Cobra Kai again)

On the Menu this week: (I'm still figuring out the meal plan for this week)

Monday- Chicken and Au Gratin potatoes (crockpot) with green beans

Tuesday- Sandwiches with chips and fruit

Wednesday- Tilapia with pasta and veggies and fruit

Thursday- Potato soup with rolls

Friday- Pizza with cheesy breadsticks

Saturday- Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and veggies

Sunday- Chicken and dressing

Inspirational quotes: 



Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Spring 2021 Readinf List

 Hi Friends!

Today's post is going piggy back off of yesterday's post, so it's all about my reading list for the Spring. Now, the books that I list will be the ones that I want to read, not necessarily recommendations. some of the books on this list will either be from my book shelf or they will be from my list on Goodreads.

So, let's get to the list, shall we?

1. The Dollanganger series by V.C. Andrews

2. Sweet Valley High Series (I just re-discovered these on Kindle Unlimited)

3. The Cradle Will Fall by Mary Higgins Clark

That should hold me over until the summer! What's on your Spring book list? I would love to know down in the comments.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What I'm Reading and What I Want to Read

 Hi Friends!

For as long as I can remember, I have been an avid reader. I blame my mom for this one. LOL!!! She was always reading to my brother and I when we were little. I think this was the start of my love affair with books.  

I remember going to the library in the 3rd grade and the libririan at the time (Mr. Titus), introduced me to my first chapter books. The little house books. 

And I have loved them ever since. From time to time I will check them out from my local library when I need a break from reading psychology articles. 

I'm one those people who can bounce from book to book.  So, here are just a few books that I am reading or ones that I would like to read.

Books that I am reading (just noticed that I didn't update my kindle app on my computer):


Terms of Endearment


These are the books that I would like to read:

Echos of Titanic

Sweet Valley Confidential

So, that's my list.

What are you reading?

Monday, May 10, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday {5/10/2021}

Good evening everyone and welcome back to my blog. 

I hope every everyone had a wonderful weekend and are ready for the week ahead. 

It's 6:30pm and I am just now sitting down to write this post. Today, I have finished 3 loads of laundry ( the last is hanging to dry), cleaned the kitchen for the last time tonight (who loves a clean kitchen at night?), and I have finally picked up the living from a hard day of virtual learning. I just hope my week will be as productive as this day has been.

Happy Monday and have a wonderful and productive week!

Happy Homemaker Monday 


 The weather outside is:

Dark and cold right now. This week is supposed to be in the 50s and 60s with chances of rain later in the week.

What we had for dinner tonight (instead of the breakfast plate):

Chicken with cheddar broccoli rice

As I look out my window:

The clouds are starting to clear out and the sun is finally peeking out.

As I look around the house:

The living room needs to be picked up and then kitchen needs to be straighten.

What I'm wearing today:

A gray t-shirt and gray pants

Currently reading:

Sweet Valley High books on Kindle Unlimited.

On the TV this week:

Right now I am watching The Masked Dancer, Call Me Kat, Blossom, shows on Hulu and Netflx (I'm watching Cobra Kai again)

On the Menu this week: (I'm still figuring out the meal plan for this week)

Monday- Chicken with cheddar broccoli rice

Tuesday- Chicken with potatoes and green beans (slow cooker)

Wednesday- Potato soup with rolls





Inspirational quotes: 



Thursday, May 6, 2021

Motherhood Is.......

To me, it is---

- waking up every time the girls makes a noise on the monitor and find it nearly impossible to go back to sleep.

- finding new and creative ways to get them to eat because they are such a picky eaters. 

- sneaking into your child's room when they are sleeping to watch them dream.

- kissing boo boos and telling them it will be okay.

- cleaning up the pile of toys and books only to have them scattered all over the floor five minutes later and realizing that it is okay and to just go with the flow.

- crying at random times because you hope you are not screwing them up.

- going shopping only to find yourself spending money on clothes for your kid instead of on yourself without even realizing it.

- loving another so unconditionally and knowing that you are willing to sacrifice anything just make sure that their needs are being met. 

What is motherhood to you?

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

5 Self Care Tips For Stay at Home Moms

I'm ashamed to admit, but I have been running on empty and my nerves are beginning to show it. Stress is rising and I need some relief. I sometimes have a short fuse with my husband and an even shorter fuse with my kids.

I am ashamed of myself for even thinking like this. I often apologize for this, but I realize that the damage is already done. Friends. I mess up too.

We are all in this together and I need grace just like you, so I am sharing my tips on how to implement some simple ways to keep yourself nourished so that you can be the mom your kids need and even the wife your husband desires.

So, today I am sharing some self care tips for stay at home moms.

5 Self Care Tips For Stay at Home Moms



It is important to get some fresh air. Try to make it a habit to get outside every day either alone or with your kids. Fresh air does a body good!!!!


Pick your favorite! You can do yoga, stretching, or even walking. The point is to get your body moving.


Just soaking in the tub is relaxing, especially with bubbles!! Soaking in the tub releases tension in the back, neck, and shoulders. 


This is a great idea that I just recently implemented, Even resting your body for 15 minutes can make a difference in my perception of the day and how much energy I have until bedtime.


A good story is so refreshing. I love reading, especially suspense and mystery novels. I love when I can pick up a book and just lose myself in the story. 

So, that's my list. I try to implement these 5 self care tips throughout my day. 

What would you add to the  list?


Saturday, May 1, 2021

May 2021 Goals

I cannot believe that it's already May and that we only have a few weeks of school left! We have some fun holidays that we are going to celebrate this month, Star Wars Day, Mothers Day, and of course the last day of school.

We are just into our spring routine and we are in the process of fine tuning it, so in today's post I would like to share my May 2021 goals with you!

May 2021 Goals:

1. Read one book this month (try to read two if I can).

2. Drink 100oz of water daily.

3. Start using my habit tracker in my bullet journal every day.

4. Eat more fruits and veggies (I have been lagging on this and I really need to fix it).

5. Walk 6 days a week and strength train 3x per week.

6. Have at least two at home date nights with the Husband. 

7. Organize the girls' bedrooms (purge old toys and outgrown clothes).

8. Have an at home spa night with my girls.

What are some of your May 2021 goals?