Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What I'm Reading and What I Want to Read

 Hi Friends!

For as long as I can remember, I have been an avid reader. I blame my mom for this one. LOL!!! She was always reading to my brother and I when we were little. I think this was the start of my love affair with books.  

I remember going to the library in the 3rd grade and the libririan at the time (Mr. Titus), introduced me to my first chapter books. The little house books. 

And I have loved them ever since. From time to time I will check them out from my local library when I need a break from reading psychology articles. 

I'm one those people who can bounce from book to book.  So, here are just a few books that I am reading or ones that I would like to read.

Books that I am reading (just noticed that I didn't update my kindle app on my computer):


Terms of Endearment


These are the books that I would like to read:

Echos of Titanic

Sweet Valley Confidential

So, that's my list.

What are you reading?

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