Wednesday, May 5, 2021

5 Self Care Tips For Stay at Home Moms

I'm ashamed to admit, but I have been running on empty and my nerves are beginning to show it. Stress is rising and I need some relief. I sometimes have a short fuse with my husband and an even shorter fuse with my kids.

I am ashamed of myself for even thinking like this. I often apologize for this, but I realize that the damage is already done. Friends. I mess up too.

We are all in this together and I need grace just like you, so I am sharing my tips on how to implement some simple ways to keep yourself nourished so that you can be the mom your kids need and even the wife your husband desires.

So, today I am sharing some self care tips for stay at home moms.

5 Self Care Tips For Stay at Home Moms



It is important to get some fresh air. Try to make it a habit to get outside every day either alone or with your kids. Fresh air does a body good!!!!


Pick your favorite! You can do yoga, stretching, or even walking. The point is to get your body moving.


Just soaking in the tub is relaxing, especially with bubbles!! Soaking in the tub releases tension in the back, neck, and shoulders. 


This is a great idea that I just recently implemented, Even resting your body for 15 minutes can make a difference in my perception of the day and how much energy I have until bedtime.


A good story is so refreshing. I love reading, especially suspense and mystery novels. I love when I can pick up a book and just lose myself in the story. 

So, that's my list. I try to implement these 5 self care tips throughout my day. 

What would you add to the  list?


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