Saturday, September 26, 2020

Fun Facts About Fall

Happy Fall Lovelies!

It's finally time to pull out the sweaters and watch the leaves morph into various shades of yellow and orange. Fall can be a gorgeous time of year, but do you know the history behind it? Well, my friends, I have compiled a list some fun fall facts to celebrate this time wonderful time of year! Enjoy!

 Fun Facts about Fall:

 Fact #1:  Americans typically refer to this time of year as “fall,” while the British use the word “autumn.” Both terms date back to the 16th century but before that it was called “harvest.

Fact #2:  Fall was called “harvest” because of the “harvest moon” that occurs when the full moon is closest to the autumn equinox. Before man-made lighting, this moonlight was essential to a prosperous harvest.

Fact #3:  Weight gain around this time of year may not only be due to comforting fall foods like pumpkin pie and cider, researchers have found that lack of vitamin D reduces fat breakdown and triggers fat storage.

Fact #4:  According to The Weather Channel, pumpkins are the most craved food during the fall. Although, if you’ve left the house anytime recently, this may not come as a surprise to you.  

Fact #5:  The yellow and orange colors you see actually always exist in leaves but they are overpowered by the abundance of green from chlorophyll. The amount of chlorophyll starts to decrease as the sun weakens and the days grow shorter.

Fact #6:  Red and purple leaves are only that color because of the presence of sugars and sap that are trapped within the leaves. These sugars provide plants with the energy they need to survive.

Fact #7:  Many birds will prepare for their winter migration during the fall. The distance they can travel is impressive; the Arctic Tern travels 11,000 miles each way for it’s annual migration. That’s no small feat.

Fact #8:  Evergreen trees such as pines, cedars, and spruces stay green because their leaves (needles) are covered with thick wax and they contain materials that prevent freezing when it gets cold.

Fact #9:  Men and women experience high levels of testosterone during the fall. This makes sense because more babies are conceived during the fall and winter. The cause is unknown but it could be due to lack of sunlight or even go back to ancient mating rituals.

Fact #10:  We can’t forget Halloween! Halloween takes place in the fall and comes from ancient Celtic tradition. They believed that ghosts roamed on Halloween and people would wear disguises in order to hide from these spirits.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

5 Tips To Help You Keep Up With Laundry

I loathe laundry, like really hate it. It's one of those things I wish I could have someone else do it for me. Perhaps one day when I'm rich all of my laundry dreams will come true. I mean a girl can dream, right? To ease the pain of doing this daunting task, I have come up with 5 tips that have helped me keep up with the laundry and will hopefully help you do the same.

5 Tips to Help You Keep Up with Laundry 

1. Schedule it

Laundry is a household chore, plain and simple. So, you will probably never feel up to doing it. So to ensure that it gets done schedule a day and time that you will dedicate to doing the laundry. Some families have a day where they tackle all of the laundry for the week. Personally, I like to wash one load per day to avoid what I call Mount Washmore. I tend to do this first thing in the morning so that it starts washing while I am working on breakfast.

2. Recruit help

Don't place the entire burden of doing laundry on yourself. If your spouse or one of your kids knows how to do the laundry ask them to help. It will make things much easier on you.

3. Don't wash it.

There are several things that don't need to be washed after the first use. Have your kids wear their pajamas for a few nights before they place it in the dirty clothes pile. Let your towels dry so that they can be used more than once. Not only will you have less laundry to wash, but your clothes won't wear out as quick.

4. Put it away the same day.

Now, this is a great concept, but it's one I don't always follow. There are days that the clothes just sit in the dryer waiting to be folded and put away. Don't start a new load if you don't have plans on folding what already dried.

5. Sort as you fold.

What's the purpose of sorting first, then folding? I never understood this concept it's just an extra step in the process. Instead, fold or hang up clothes while you are sorting them in the process. I also find that folding clothes while I watch a favorite show makes the task easier to deal with. Once all the clothing is sorted out, have each family member put away their own clothes. Now, it may not be perfect, but it gets the job done.

So there you have it, 5 simple tips to help you keep your laundry sanity. What are some things you do to keep Mount Washmore at bay?

Monday, September 14, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday {9/14/2020}

Good Morning Friends and Happy Monday!

How was your weekend?

Our weekend was pretty good. We decided to stay in and just relax and spend some quality family time together playing card games, board games, and watching somr football.

The weather::: 

It's supposed to be in the 70s and 80s all week with some rain scattered throughout the week due to a hurricane. 

On my reading pile:::

I am still reading Lethal by Sandra Brown. I'm finally almost done.

Movies or Shows I watched this weekend:::

Watching Gilmore Girls and How I Met Your Mother for the upteenth time. I'm trying to find a new series to watch

On my TV:::

Gilmore Girls
Safe Haven
The Ranch
Beverly Hills 90210
13 Reasons Why
The Crown

On the menu for this week:::

Monday-Beans and corn bread
Tuesday- Chicken and dressing
Wednesday- Leftovers
Thursday- Beans, cornbread, fried potatoes
Friday- Pizza and breadsticks with salad
Saturday- Tacos or quesadillas
Sunday- Ham (slow cooker), mashed potatoes, veggies, fruit

On my to do list:::

Schedule blog posts for this week and next week
Clean bathrooms, bedrooms, and laundry room

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::

Working on some new inserts for my planner
Working on the format for my cookbook
Working on my new shop

Happening this week:::

Not much is happening this week.

Looking around the house:::

My house needs some serious TLC

What I'm wearing today:::

black shorts and a blue t-shirt

One of my simple pleasures:::

Watching a good movie on Netflix or sitting on the couch reading a book.

Bible verse, Devotional::: 


Sunday, September 13, 2020

5 Things I Do Every Night

I don't know about you, but I HATE waking up to a messy house. I just starts the day off the wrong way. When you wake up to clean mess free home it just starts your morning off the right way. No tripping over toys and books, no dishes overflowing in the sink, and no rushing to pack Angelina's lunch in the morning. I am not a morning person and I don't pretend to be, however, I do stay up pretty late because it's the only time that I can do my evening routine, which is done once the kids are in bed. This is when i find that I can get things done and I am also more productive at this time as well.

Since I am not a morning person, I like to try and make things just a bit easier on myself the following day by doing 5 simple things the night before.



There is nothing worse than waking up to sink full of dirty dishes and cluttered counter tops. No one wants to maneuver around a sink full of dishes while trying to fix breakfast. So every night before I go to bed I make sure to wash any dishes that need it and put any dishes away that are in the dish drainer. Not only does this kitchen put together but it is nice to have one less thing to worry about in the morning.


My daughter takes her lunch to school four days out the week. Either after dinner or while I am making dinner I pack her lunch. Usually she requests a lunchable or a peanut butter sandwich and when she wants something different I make her a homemade lunchable. By packing her lunch the night before it frees up more time that I could be doing something else.


If there is anything I hate it is dinner time rolling and I realize that I never took the meat from the freezer that I need for the next day's meal. How many times have I forgotten to defrost the chicken or even put on a pot of beans the night before? Too many to count!!! One thing that I do so that this doesn't happen is prep tomorrows dinner the night before. By doing this the night before bed,  I never have to worry that the items I need for tomorrow's dinner won't be ready.


This goes back to the first point about waking up to a messy kitchen.  Plus, depending on what I made that night, I don't want all the germs just sitting on my counter tops. Every night before I go to bed, I wipe down all the counters in the kitchen. By doing this, it ensures that I have a clean surface to cook on the following morning.


Having a 7 year old and a one year old this is a big one for me!!! You know how I mentioned that I hate waking up to messy kitchen, well, I also hat waking up to a messy living room. Now, I don't go crazy the night before but I do like to pick up things and put them in their place. Now, I try to do this multiple times a day because my house can get pretty messy. Usually I have to wait until the kids go to bed, and when they do, I quickly clean the kitchen and living room. It only takes about 45 minutes to complete this task, but it makes a difference knowing that I will be able to sleep in a clean house.

Is there anything that I you do before bed? Do you have a night time routine? I would love to here from you in the comments below!


Friday, September 11, 2020

5 on Friday


If there is one habit I swear by it's making my bed every morning. So as we begin this new year, if you don't already do this, then just try it. Trust me it will be a gamechanger. Making my bed every morning puts me in a productive mindset for the day. Also, it so much nicer at night to climb into a made bed.


I rediscovered on of my favorite shows from the 90s! I started watching the series when my daughter started her winter break and I love it just as much now as I did then.


After the holidays I always to a major clean out of my pantry and I also clean my fridge as well. However, I have a very small pantry and I am still looking for a better organizing system for it.


My bullet journal. I am still fairly new to the bullet journal scene, but I absolutely love the notebook that I found at Walmart for under $5. I love the lined pages since my handwriting tends to be crooked when I use wither dot grid pages or blank pages.


We have decided not take the girls trick or treating this year. So we are having a "trick or treatless" Halloween and just have a small party with lots of candy and some fun Halloween themed foods and some movies. So, I am on the lookout for some ideas


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Currently {9/6/2020}

 Time and place: 2:30pm and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.
Eating: Thinking about my some homemade ice cream.

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: The Breakfast Club (my favorite 80s movie)

Reading: Lethal by Sandra Brown

Loving: the bullet journal that I made. I love how it is coming together and I am loving the layouts that I have created.

Working: I just started designing a meal planner. I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I'm so excited for this new project.

Listening: to the TV

Buying: nothing at the moment

Planning: I have all of my posts planned for Blogotber. I just have to write and schedule them. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner. I am also working with my husband on designing a new website. I am also working on some planner inserts. This should keep me busy for a while!

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

What are you currently up to?


Friday, September 4, 2020

Friday Favorites {9/4/2020}

TGIF......Anyone with me? I'm definitely happy that the weekend has arrived, and I can't wait to spend as much time at home with my little family as possible. This week has been unusually stressful with virtual learning being in full swing for both of kids. Before I go to bed, I just wanted to pop in a share a few of my favorite things with you. So, keep scrolling to see what I've been loving lately.....

Favorite space: The laundry room. I have been looking for some inspiration for my laundry room, I saw this and immediately fell in love with it!

Favorite beauty find: Belif moisturizing eye bomb. This looks amazing!

Favorite reminder:  This one of my favorite quotes!

Favorite fashion find: This outfit just screams fall to me.

Favorite recipe: Chicken pot pie casserole. I made this the other and it was a hit with my crew.

Are you loving any these favorites like I am?


Revamping My Morning Routine

Hi Lovelies! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing weekend! We just hung out at home, played outside (when it wasn't raining), fixed some yummy meals and snacks and just had a good time.  This weekend I decided to re-vamp my  morning routine and it seemed to help quite a bit. I noticed that my mornings were not as rushed and I was much more relaxed. 

So, today's blog post is all about how to set up/revamp your morning routine in a way that works for you. 

Morning Routine:

 (1) Wake up

Take 15 -30 minutes to wake up, enjoy your coffee or tea, check out the news, or read. 

(2) Review your daily tasks (to do list)

Review your to-do list for things that have to be done that day. I usually spend 1-2 minutes reviewing my list in the morning to mentally prepare me for the day and to adjust my schedule if needed.  I also prepare my to-do list the night before as part of my night time routine ( I also use it as sort of a "brain dump").

(3) Make your bed

Beds take up alot of space and when they aren't made they tend to look like a whole lot clutter. Here's a simple solution: take 5 minutes to make your bed and I promise that your room will look cleaner and you will feel more relaxed.

(4) Prepare for dinner

Make sure all of your food items are defrosted and that you have all the necessary ingredients for the evening’s dinner.  Also you should consider how long it will take for you to make dinner and adjust your schedule if need be.  I usually take this opportunity to refer to my meal plan for the following night to see if I need to take anything out of the freezer to defrost or if I’ll need to stop at the grocery store.  This is also a good time to prepare your crockpot meal which is another easy way to streamline your dinner prep.

(5) Empty dishwasher or dish drainer

 Put your dishes away first thing in the morning so that you and your family can fill it up after breakfast and throughout the day instead of waiting to do all of it after dinner.  This is another task that takes all of 5 minutes to complete, and when it's done, you will feel better. 

(6) Workout, shower, and dress

After you shower and get dressed be sure to put dirty clothes in the laundry, put away your toiletries and makeup, wipe down the sinks and hang up your towel.

(7) Make breakfast and clean up afterwards

Return all food items in the fridge, pantry or cupboards. Scrape leftover food in the trash and put your dishes in the sink or dishwasher.  Wipe down all of the counters, sink, stove and microwave.  Like your bed, the kitchen has a lot of counter space and when one counter is cluttered the whole kitchen looks messy.  Take just a couple of minutes everyday to wipe down those counters and appliances…you’ll be amazed at how refreshing it is to come home to a clean kitchen after a busy day at work.

(8) Get on with your day

Now that you’ve got your morning routine complete you can head off to work (on time of course), or to your home office if you work from home, spend time with your kids or take care of your priority tasks and errands.

So, my question is, do you have a morning routine? And how is it working for you?

Have a wonderful Monday Lovelies!!


Thursday, September 3, 2020

6 Incredible Things That Happen When You Drink Warm Lemon Water

Lemon water isn't just incredibly refreshing, it also powers our bodies with vitamins and minerals. It's a great energy booster and hydrates us first thing in the morning. Drinking warm lemon water in the morning provides our bodies with an immune boost.

Here are the benefits of drinking warm lemon water:

1. Lemon water powers up your morning with electrolytes.

I bet most of you wake up in the morning and have a cup of coffee. Now, see I don't do this because I don't like coffee, but I have been told by numerous people that coffee does taste better after drinking warm lemon water.

Lemon water contains hydrating electrolytes in the form of magnesium and calcium. Drinking lemon water will get your day started in the right way.

2. Lemon water helps keep joints healthy.

Lemons help to reduce joint and muscle pain and it helps keep your joints healthier.

3. Lemon water improves digestion.

Lemon water is perfect for digestion in that it stimulates the production of digestion enzymes. Drinking lemon water relives heart burn, burping, and bloating.

4. Lemon water gives your immune system a boost.

Vitamin C is jumper cables for your immune system. When you're stressed the level of vitamin C is the first to plummet which is why taking vitamin C is important.

5. Lemon water cleanses your system.

Lemon water flushes out the toxins that are in your body, and it also stimulate the liver.

6. Lemon water helps you lose weight and boosts energy.

Lemon water fights off cravings and it also provides your body with energy and helps reduce anxiety and depression.

Is lemon water part of your daily routine? If so, let me know in the comments.


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

September 2020 Goals

Happy September friends! It’s ALMOST socially acceptable to have all the pumpkin things, and put that fall decor out (given how this year has been). Football season is here and the temps are starting to somewhat cool down. And virtual school is in full swing! It’s time for me to share my September goals with you guys.

 Personal Goals
  • drink more water
  • practice yoga 3x a week
  • eat more fruits and veggies
  • walk 10,000 steps every day
  • Complete one Bible study
Family Goals
  • Have more game nights
  • Create a better after school routine
  • Revamp morning and evening routines
  • Watch a movie at home with the girls
Blog Goals
  • Post at least 3x per week.
  • Make a new list of blog post ideas
  • Schedule posts until the end of the September
  • Create an editorial calendar for the fall (in progress)
  • Start a food blog (in progress)
What are some of your goals for September?