Sunday, September 6, 2020

Currently {9/6/2020}

 Time and place: 2:30pm and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.
Eating: Thinking about my some homemade ice cream.

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: The Breakfast Club (my favorite 80s movie)

Reading: Lethal by Sandra Brown

Loving: the bullet journal that I made. I love how it is coming together and I am loving the layouts that I have created.

Working: I just started designing a meal planner. I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I'm so excited for this new project.

Listening: to the TV

Buying: nothing at the moment

Planning: I have all of my posts planned for Blogotber. I just have to write and schedule them. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner. I am also working with my husband on designing a new website. I am also working on some planner inserts. This should keep me busy for a while!

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

What are you currently up to?


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