Monday, September 14, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday {9/14/2020}

Good Morning Friends and Happy Monday!

How was your weekend?

Our weekend was pretty good. We decided to stay in and just relax and spend some quality family time together playing card games, board games, and watching somr football.

The weather::: 

It's supposed to be in the 70s and 80s all week with some rain scattered throughout the week due to a hurricane. 

On my reading pile:::

I am still reading Lethal by Sandra Brown. I'm finally almost done.

Movies or Shows I watched this weekend:::

Watching Gilmore Girls and How I Met Your Mother for the upteenth time. I'm trying to find a new series to watch

On my TV:::

Gilmore Girls
Safe Haven
The Ranch
Beverly Hills 90210
13 Reasons Why
The Crown

On the menu for this week:::

Monday-Beans and corn bread
Tuesday- Chicken and dressing
Wednesday- Leftovers
Thursday- Beans, cornbread, fried potatoes
Friday- Pizza and breadsticks with salad
Saturday- Tacos or quesadillas
Sunday- Ham (slow cooker), mashed potatoes, veggies, fruit

On my to do list:::

Schedule blog posts for this week and next week
Clean bathrooms, bedrooms, and laundry room

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::

Working on some new inserts for my planner
Working on the format for my cookbook
Working on my new shop

Happening this week:::

Not much is happening this week.

Looking around the house:::

My house needs some serious TLC

What I'm wearing today:::

black shorts and a blue t-shirt

One of my simple pleasures:::

Watching a good movie on Netflix or sitting on the couch reading a book.

Bible verse, Devotional::: 



  1. Oohh I love Sandra Brown books.

    Looks like all our temperatures are cooling down, that's a good thing.

    Have a fantastic week.

  2. Having ham in the crockpot tonight. will add mashed potatoes to that too.
    Family time is the most important thing of all!
    Have a great week
