Saturday, December 9, 2023

Blogmas 2023- Day#9- Daily Healthy Habits

Hello and welcome to Day#9 of Blogmas 2023! Today's post all about living a healthy lifestyle!

Living a healthy lifestyle is something that is not only important to me but it’s important as something I share with my kids and teach them. That’s not to say you can’t have a cookie or ice cream, or be lazy all day if you need to. A healthy lifestyle is about balance. I do however tend towards some daily healthy habits that I feel like give me that balance while also giving me the healthy lifestyle I crave.



Daily Healthy Habits

Vitamins: I haven’t always been good about vitamins but I will say probably in the last 10-12 years I haven’t missed a day. I don’t want to share exactly what I take because I think it’s important to contact your Dr and find out what YOUR body needs specifically.

Water: According to my Dr, you should drink half your body weight in oz of water a day. I really try to live by this. I have a 64oz tumbler that I use and try to fill it up at least twice a day!

Enough Sleep: Sleep is something that is really hard for me to do without. I can definitely function on little sleep (hello having two kids) but I don’t like to. I try really hard to be in bed by 10 every night and asleep by 10:30. I usually wake up between 7 and 7:30. I walk for 40 minutes in the morning (more on that later) and my kids typically like to sleep in (we homeschool so we tend to start around 930am every morning). If I don’t get enough sleep I just feel like everything else falls apart. My attitude isn’t as good, my workout suffers, and I’m not a good mom and wife.

Exercise/Steps: My exercise routine consists of walking for 40 minutes twice a day usually 5-6 days a week.I also workout to a Pilates video on Youtube a few times a week. The instructor is NEXT LEVEL! She’s so good! . It’s important to me to get 10K steps a day and always do something daily that involves moving my body.

Clean Food: For this, I really try to go by the 80/20 rule. I really just try to eat clean foods as much as possible but I don’t deprive myself. I think depriving yourself can lead to a lot of problems. But I try to fuel my body with foods that make it feel good. I do love a good chocolate chip cookie, pizza, and chips and queso so if those are things I am wanting I have them. I just don’t go crazy.

Self-Care: I know I know the self-care thing seems overdone. But it’s important for me as a working mom and wife that I do something for myself each day. Some days that’s my workout, sometimes it’s taking an extra long shower and doing a face mask. Whatever it means to you, make sure you are taking SOME TIME for yourself every day.

What are some of your daily healthy habits?

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