Friday, December 15, 2023

Blogmas 2023- Day#15- 10 Things I Believe In

Hi Friends and welcome to Day #15 of Blogmas! Today I wanted to share 10 Things I Believe In: 



1. I believe in doing unto others: It’s one of the first things we learn. Be nice to people if you want them to be nice to you. Treat others the way you yourself wanted to be treated.

2. I believe in Sunday naps: Sundays are a day of rest right? So why not actually rest. I like to call my Sunday naps EPIC SUNDAY NAPS.

3. I believe that books are always better than the movie. Seriously find a case where I am wrong. Happy to listen.

4. I believe in long walks. They usually produce great thoughts, ideas and in the end you feel better than when you started out.

5. I believe that hearing children laugh makes you happy. It is impossible to be sad around happy kids.

6. I believe that writing is therapeutic. There are so many times I write be it in a journal or a word doc and just write till I feel better.

7. I believe that herbal tea is essential to my good moods. Yes it’s a fact.

8. I believe in doing things even when you do not want to: working out for one.

9. I believe that times with best friends always makes you feel more grounded and more like yourself.

10. I believe in love. The all encompassing kind.

 What do you believe in?


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