Monday, January 16, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday {1/16/2023

Good evening everyone and welcome back to my blog. 

I hope every everyone had a wonderful weekend and are ready for the week ahead. 

It's almost 12:00am and I am just now sitting down to write this post. It's been a busy day with homeschooling and working on some projects. Today, I have finished 3 loads of laundry ( the last load is in the dryer), cleaned the kitchen for the last time tonight (who loves a clean kitchen at night?), and I have finally picked up the living from a hard day of playing and relaxing (there was no school today). I just hope my week will be as productive as this day has been.

Happy Monday and have a wonderful and productive week!



The weather outside is:

Today's weather was gorgeous! It was 76 degrees with lots of sunshine.

What we had for dinner tonight (instead of the breakfast plate):

Sandwiches, chips, and fruit

As I look out my window:

It's dark with some clouds

As I look around the house:

The living room needs to be picked up and then kitchen needs to be straightened and the last load of laundry needs to be folded and put away.

Currently reading:

Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews

On the TV this week:

Right now I am watching Cobra Kai (season 5) Stranger Things (season 3) and rewatching 1883 and restarting Manifest on Netflix.

On the Menu this week: (I'm still figuring out the meal plan for this week)

Monday- Sandwiches, chips, and fruit

Tuesday- Taco Tuesday

Wednesday- Pork chops and mashed potatoes and veggies

Thursday- Chicken potatoes and green beans (crock pot)

Friday- Pizza and breadsticks

Saturday- Leftovers

Sunday- Beans and fried potatoes with cornbread

Inspirational quotes: 







Sunday, January 15, 2023

How I Plan My Week

Hi Friends!

I thought I would share how I plan out my weeks in my planner. This takes about 30 to 60 minutes on Sundays and then about 10 minutes each night.


How I Plan My Week


1. weather (Mondays-Wednesdays)
2. transfer sidebar tasks (To Do, To Go, To Buy, etc.)
3. Blog work, Etsy shop work (To Do, design printable, emails)
4. events/set time commitments (home school, events, appointments)
5. meals ( I use a meal planner that I created to plan our meals and grocery lists. I then transfer them to the bottom boxes in my planner).
6. Build Monday out with tasks and errands

Mondays and Tuesdays:

1. inventory what was done, check boxes
2. plan out next day


1. same as Monday and Tuesday
2. weather (Tuesday-Sunday)


Same as Monday and Tuesday

How do you plan your week?


Wednesday, January 4, 2023

10 Things To Do For Yourself Every Day

It’s very easy in January to be good about taking time to workout, meal prepping, and having a good skincare routine. As the year progresses it's easy to let these things go by the wayside. These are 10 things to do for yourself every day that will make a huge difference in how you feel.

10 Things To Do For Yourself Every Day

1. Plan your day. Every night before I go to bed I plane the next day. Often, I take into consideration the amount of work that I have, any doctor appointments, and errands. Having a plan for your day will make you wake up feeling like you can  take on the world.

2. Workout. For me, working out is an essential part of my day. This may be in the morning or even in the evening. It just depends on the day and what moods my kids are in that day. It makes me feel good. If you've seen the movie Legally Blonde then you will remember this quote:

3. Take time for your skin. N matter how late I am running in the morning or how tired I am at night I always take time to take care of my skin. I wash my face, exfoliate (with a DIY face scrub) once a week, and moisturize. Taking time for your skin is extremely important.

4. Catch up on the news. I usually catch up on the news by watching clips on Yahoo (we use a streaming device) or even CNN.

5.  Listen to or watch something you like. I enjoy listening to Spotify. Some of my favorite stations to listen often include; 80s hair bands, Katy Perry, Nickleback,  and the Bon Jovi station just to name a few. I listen to music whenever I clean my house or when I am studying. Music puts me in a good mood! Who wants to be in a bad mood?

6.  Talk to a friend. Now I don't have many friends, but the friends that I do have do not live in the same state as I live in. So, we mainly talk over Facebook. We send messages back and forth and send each other comments all the time. This is something that I always make time for.

7.  Hydrate. This is pretty self explanatory, but drinking water is pretty important. Hydration is key. It makes your skin clearer, it tends t relieve headaches, and if you don't get enough then you tend to just feel bad all over. I am constantly drinking water throughout the day. No matter where I am I always have a bottle of water with me. It's important t be drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day.,

8.  Smile. Smile. It will make you happy.

9.  Write it out. Blogging or journaling are great things. Being able to write down your feelings is a great way to help cope with them. Keep a notebook by your bed and jot down everything that happened that day, it will make you feel and you may even sleep better.

Before I even begin my night time routine, I usually do a quick clean in the kitchen and living room (I cannot go to bed with a dirty house it's just not possible) and then I get some computer work done (I work on blog posts, work on the layout for my meal planner, and I update all of my planners).

10. Night routine. After putting the kids to bed, I take a shower, brush my teeth, moisture my lips with a soothing lip balm. I will read for about an hour and then I will finally go to bed.

Doing things for yourself has to be your first priority every day. If you aren't taking care of yourself then how can you take of others?

What do you do for yourself everyday?


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

January 2023 Goals

Happy 2023 friends! I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and a Happy New Years. Yesterday I shared my goals for the new year, but tonight I am sharing just my goals for January. Hopefully this will inspire you to share some of your goals as well!

In January I want to....

Read at least 2 books
Practice Yoga 2 times a week
Work on Instagram growth
Have blog posts written through the month of February
Start planning A's birthday party
Have two at home date nights with the Husband
Drink more water
Track my food daily using My Fitness Pal
Walk at least 40 minutes 7 times a week
Eat healthier (more fruits and veggies)
Cut all sweets ( I have a major sweet tooth)

Have 2 or more movie nights with the girl

Do you do monthly or yearly goals? I would love to know some of your January 2023 goals?



Monday, January 2, 2023

2023 Goals

First, I want start off by wishing everyone a Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful New Years. This year we decided to stay home, had some dinner, watched a movie together, and played a few games. I cannot believe that it's 2023 and that it's also time to share my yearly goals. I plan to share my January 2023 goals this week. I also plan to share some posts describing how I reset for the new year. So be on the lookout for those posts in the coming days and weeks.


 In 2023 I want to.....

  • read at least 50 books
  • have a successful year blogging
  • set up a fitness plan  and stick to it
  • eat healthier
  • have at least 2 at home date nights with the Hubby
  • have more family movie nights
  • celebrate special and wacky holidays with the girls
  • work on my meal plan
  • launch my meal planner on Amazon
  • launch my daily planner on Amazon
  • Reopen my Etsy shop
  • Work on social media (Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok) 
  • Set up Patreon for my blog and my Etsy shop
  • set and establish routines
What are some of your goals for 2023?