Saturday, November 26, 2022

Currently {11/26/2022}



Time and place: 10:26pm  and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.

Eating: Nothing at the moment, but I am thinking about my to do list for next week.

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching:  Sweet November on Tubitv



Reading: I started reading Flowers in the Attic and plan on reading the entire Dollanganger series over the next few months.

Loving: Being able to sit down after a long day of housework and taking care of my family and read my book for a little while.

Working: I'm still working on my meal planner. I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I'm so excited for this new project. I am also working on a weekly planner insert that I am excited about and a note pad that I have been wanting to design for a while now. I am also working on a monthly/weekly planner (that's almost done and should be ready in the next few days. I can't wait to see how these turn out. We will be launching our 2023 Weekly Planner on Amazon the first week of December. So, stay tuned for that announcment.
I am going to re-open my Etsy shop soon. I am in the process of redesigning some of the printables.
Here is the link in case anyone is interested:
Listening to: the TV.

Buying: Groceries for this month and stocking up on certain items that are needed. I'm also looking at clothes and other household items that are needed.

Planning: I have most of my posts planned for December I just have to write and schedule them. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner and other planners that I am working on. I am also working on some planner inserts. This should keep me busy for a while!
I'm trying to plan out a work schedule for this month. Hopefully I will figure one out soon.

I'm planning for Christmas! I'm excited to set up and decorate the tree this weekend!

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.








Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Like A Gilmore Girl

Thanksgiving is just days away, which means it’s time to re-watch that Gilmore Girls episode, “A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving” to get us into the spirit of things. This episode has it all: Rory/Jess/Dean drama, Kirk gets a cat, Luke trying not to show how much the Gilmore gals mean to him, Jackson deep frying a turkey, drunk Sookie, Lane’s first kiss with, Paris being Paris, and a nice kerfuffle between Lorelai and her parents. In honor of the holiday and my love of all things Gilmore, I’ve created a guide on how you, too, can celebrate Thanksgiving just like a Gilmore Girl. Let us give thanks and begin:

Volunteer At A Soup Kitchen
Invoke your inner Paris Geller and make your way to your local soup kitchen or homeless shelter and volunteer to help out. If you don’t have enough time to stay and cook or serve food, you could also take up a collection of canned goods and drop them off, or make a donation so others can purchase a Thanksgiving meal. Sure, Paris is technically looking to volunteer so it looks good on her college applications, but she does admit she also does it for “the good of mankind,” and at this time of year, we’d like to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Try To Hit Up More Than One Thanksgiving Dinner
The Gilmores are a popular duo in Stars Hollow. So much so that they end up booking themselves for a total of FOUR Thanksgiving dinners: The Kims, Sookie and Jackson’s, Luke’s, and the elder Gilmores. While that may sound like a pain to some, I think it sounds awesome. For one, you get to socialize with tons of friends and family, many of whom you might not see often enough. For another, if there is a dinner or two in there involving people who might cause some drama in your life (such as Lorelai’s hesitation at having Thanksgiving dinner with her parents), it won’t be so bad because you won’t have to spend more than an hour or so there. Less time means less chance of it ending up in a not-so-friendly food fight. Plus, think of all the different types of food you’ll get to eat! More than likely at least 2 different kinds of stuffing and 4 different kinds of pie.



 …But Make Sure To Leave Room For Each One
Having 2 to 4 dinners back to back might be a bit difficult on the body, so the Gilmores have a few tips for y’all on this front. For one, skip the rolls. Rolls are completely unnecessary filler food that you only need to eat if the green bean casserole isn’t done cooking or if someone knocked over the cranberry sauce. Also, consider bringing a few Tums on hand for the possibility of your turkey turning on you. Then again, if your eating skills are on par with Lorelai Gilmore, you could probably skip that and just go in there with a positive, can-eat attitude. You can do it!

Make A Few Bucks Working A Little On The Holiday
Pull a Dean and rake in extra cash. Most places give at least time and a half for your troubles. Extra money for holiday gifts is never a bad thing.

Bring Flowers To All Your Hosts
Bringing the host a gift is always a nice gesture. Plus adding some gorgeous, seasonal flowers to the occasion will only add to the festive ambiance. And if your host is anything like Luke, consider also buying them a small vase to put them in.


Plus Some Cranberry Sauce
Because there can never be too much. The Gilmore Girls prefer theirs canned, but personally, I’m a big fan of making my own. It’s the easiest thing to make for Thanksgiving. Try out this recipe and see for yourself.

…Add Some Chocolate Turkeys, To Boot!
Unless of course they’re Mrs. Kim. Might not be too late to order these sweet treats from Godiva!

Avoid Your Exes
Because the last thing you need is any awkward encounters that might ruin your appetite. Feel free to let friends or family (or your own personal Lorelai) run interference if need be.

Open Yourself Up To Trying New Foods
Mrs. Kim, being a vegetarian, serves Tofurkey at her dinner. Being a vegetarian myself, it’s always nice when non-veg folk try out some of my personal favorites. I’ll probably be opting for a Field Roast for myself this year. But if you end up needing to dispose of foods you end up not liking, stuffing them inside some extra napkins so as to avoid insulting the chef might work.

Wear A Fabulous Autumn Coat
If it’s cold enough where you are, that is. These ladies always look sharp.

Decorate Like Sookie
Between her beautiful cornucopias, the turkey table runners, and the floral wreaths, who wouldn’t want to enjoy Thanksgiving at her house? If you’ll be the one hosting the party, we suggest you go all out.

No go out there and get your Gilmore on this Thanksgiving! 


20 Interesting Facts About Thanksgiving

Did you know that turkey wasn't even served at the first Thanksgiving — and that the Pilgrims didn’t use forks because they weren’t invented yet? Impress your kids (and the in-laws!) with these crazy, yet true, fun facts about Thanksgiving!


On the fourth Thursday in November, families across the U.S. gather to feast on turkey, watch football and gear up for Christmas by looking for Santa during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, but did you ever wonder why these Thanksgiving traditions started?

  • The first Thanksgiving was held in the autumn of 1621 and included 50 Pilgrims and 90 Wampanoag Indians and lasted three days. Many historians believe that only five women were present at that first Thanksgiving, as many women settlers didn't survive that difficult first year in the U.S.
  • Thanksgiving didn't become a national holiday until over 200 years later! Sarah Josepha Hale, the woman who actually wrote the classic song “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” convinced President Lincoln in 1863 to make Thanksgiving a national holiday, after writing letters for 17 years campaigning for this to happen.
  • No turkey on the menu at the first Thanksgiving: Historians say that no turkey was served at the first Thanksgiving! What was on the menu? Deer or venison, ducks, geese, oysters, lobster, eel and fish. They probably ate pumpkins, but no pumpkin pies. They also didn't eat mashed potatoes or cranberry relish, but they probably ate cranberries. And no, Turduckens (a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken) were nowhere to be found during that first Thanksgiving.
  • No forks at the first Thanksgiving!The first Thanksgiving was eaten with spoons and knives — but no forks! That's right, forks weren't even introduced to the Pilgrims until 10 years later and weren't a popular utensil until the 18th century.
  • Thanksgiving is the reason for TV dinners! In 1953, Swanson had so much extra turkey (260 tons) that a salesman told them they should package it onto aluminum trays with other sides like sweet potatoes — and the first TV dinner was born!
  • Thanksgiving was almost a fast — not a feast! The early settlers gave thanks by praying and abstaining from food, which is what they planned on doing to celebrate their first harvest, that is, until the Wampanoag Indians joined them and (lucky for us!) turned their fast into a three-day feast!
  • Presidential pardon of a turkeyEach year, the president of the U.S pardons a turkey and spares it from being eaten for Thanksgiving dinner. The first turkey pardon ceremony started with President Truman in 1947. President Obama pardoned a 45-pound turkey named Courage, who has flown to Disneyland and served as Grand Marshal of the park's Thanksgiving Day parade!
  • Why is Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday in November? President Abe Lincoln said Thanksgiving would be the fourth Thursday in November, but in 1939 President Roosevelt moved it up a week hoping it would help the shopping season during the Depression era. It never caught on and it was changed back two years later.
  • The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade began in 1924 with 400 employees marching from Convent Ave to 145th street in New York City. No large balloons were at this parade, as it featured only live animals from Central Park Zoo.

  • Turkey isn't responsible for drowsiness or the dreaded "food coma." So what is? Scientists say that extra glass of wine, the high-calorie meal or relaxing after a busy work schedule is what makes you drowsy!
  • How did the tradition of watching football on Thanksgiving start? The NFL started the Thanksgiving Classic games in 1920 and since then the Detroit Lions and the Dallas Cowboys have hosted games on Turkey Day. In 2006, a third game was added with different teams hosting.

  • Wild turkeys can run 20 miles per hour when they are scared, but domesticated turkeys that are bred are heavier and can't run quite that fast.


Tuesday, November 15, 2022

10 Tips For Being a Happy Stay at Home Mom

 I love being a stay at home mom and being able to enjoy raising my children full time. But you have to admit sometimes being a stay at home mom can be taxing on you as a person. Your life seems to revolve around your children and housework, it can feel like you're getting stuck in a rut. To avoid getting stuck in that rut, I am going to share 10 tips that help me stay happy and motivated.

 10 Tips For Being A Happy Stay At Home Mom

1. Wake up earlier than your children. This helps you get a start on your day and just sit and enjoy the silence for a while. Get dressed even if you have no where to go. This little bit of alone time goes along way.  

2. Have schedule or routine for yourself. I feel that if I have a schedule than I fee more productive in my day. As with the routine, it helps keep me accountable for my day and if my routine is off then my whole day is off. 

3. Get up and get out of the house. Being stuck inside all day is the reason I tend to lose my cool. It doesn't have to be anything extreme just go outside. It will make you feel better.

4. Let your kids play independently. Letting your kids play on their own is a bonus both of you. It gives your child the independence they crave and it gives you the mental break that you need.

5. Have a hobby or two. Do something that you enjoy, having a hobby is your outlet.

6. Clean up on the daily. You don't have to have an immaculate house (believe me, I don't) but when you feel less cluttered you feel better. Research suggests that living in clutter can lead to depression.

7. Stay connected with your spouse. This plays a huge part in your attitude, when things are running smoothly between you and your parnter, you feel good. Talk to each other throughout the day, even if it's a text here and there. Make time to spend together every day.

8. Be patient. There will be some type of challenge in your daily life. Just know that this will pass and trust that everything will be okay.

9. Set aside one on one time with each child. Making an effort every day to spend a little time with your child one on one is great. It's more relaxing trying to talk or play with them by yourselves than it is with everyone trying to butt in.

10. Stop comparing yourself to others. When thus stops you will have more peace. Be happy with yourself and your life.

I hope this helps all of they stay at home moms out there. Please leave a comment below and let me know if these tips were helpful or if you have a tip for me to include.


Thursday, November 10, 2022

Happy Birthday Husband!!!

We have been party mode all day celebrating the husband's birthday! Tomorrow I will be back to my regular posting schedule. Have a great evening!!!!


Wednesday, November 9, 2022

7 Ways to Stay Productive

Now that the year is almost over ( isn't that crazy!) I have been thinking alot about productivity. I feel there are days where I am super productive and then there are days that I am not. Does anyone else feel like this? When I get on these productivity kicks I just want to accomplish all the things. Other days I feel like I accomplish NOTHING. In this post I will be sharing the tips that I use for productivity when I really need a kick in the pants. Here are 7 ways to stay productive that will really help you!

Seven Ways to Stay Productive

Set a schedule. If you are someone who is unproductive then a schedule is a great tool for you to use. I try to schedule every single day to ensure that I am as productive as possible. 

Have a to do list. I always have three or four to do lists that I work from every day. I have a general to do list, a household chores to do list, and a blog to do list and a things for the girls. This is super helpful in scheduling my day.

Keep expectations realistic. Always prioritize the most important task to the least important task  and keep your expectations realistic.

Don't over commit. This goes with the one above. You cannot over-commit.  This is something that I am always doing. Be realistic. If you have a deadline and you feel that you just can't make it, then ask for a little wiggle room. I would rather take the change of something being late than it not being done correctly.

Take breaks. I try to take several 10 minute breaks throughout my day. I read a few pages of the current book that I am reading, fold laundry, and I even play with girls.

Find a great work space. Everyone has a different idea of what this needs to be.  I can pretty much work anywhere, just give me a table and a comfortable chair and I am happy.

Remove clutter. Having a clutter free workspace is very important. It keeps you productive and it is also less stressful.

What are some ideas that you would add to this list?


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

50 Self Care Ideas That Will Keep You Sane

Self care has always been a topic on the internet, especially now with the holidays fast approaching. During this crazy time I think it's important to take care of yourself and reward yourself for just getting through the day or even the week. So, today I am sharing 50 self care ideas!

50 Self Care Ideas That Will Keep You Sane

Take a bath
Do a face mask
Go for a walk
Try a new workout class
Treat yourself to a yummy holiday drink
Go shopping
Or at least go try on clothes that make you feel great
See a movie alone
Binge a TV show
If you live near it, go to the beach
If you live near it, go hiking
Check out a local museum
Bake some cookies
Rearrange your furniture 
Buy some flowers
Clean out your closet
Organize drawers
Clean up your house
Listen to a good playlist
Make a new playlist
Go on a solo trip
Make a grateful list
Say NO more
Take a nap and catch up on sleep
Take up a new hobby
Binge a podcast
Go 24 hours without social media
Take a personal day off work
Try a new skincare regimen
Mute people on Instagram/Twitter who make you feel bad about yourself
Get a massage/facial
Go to bed at 8PM every night for a week
Sleep in
Use an acupressure mat
Have a staycation weekend in a hotel alone
Try a new wine
Go to your place of worship
Pay it forward
Go find the perfect lipstick/lipgloss
Have dinner delivered from your favorite place
Dance around your living room to your favorite songs
Get dressed up and sit at a bar and order a fun drink
Stretch/foam roll
Have a picnic alone and read
Reconnect with an old friend
Go to a meetup group/bible study etc
Play with puppies/kittens/your favorite animal
Adopt a pet

What is something you do for self-care? What would you add to this list of 50 self-care ideas?

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Currently {11/5/2022}



Time and place: 10:13pm  and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.

Eating: Nothing at the moment, but I am thinking about my to do list for next week.

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching:  The Kardashians Season 2



Reading: Nothing at the moment. I just can't find a book that holds my attention and it's driving me crazy!

Loving: Being able to sit down after a long day of housework and taking care of my family and read my book for a little while.

Working: I just started designing a meal planner. I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I'm so excited for this new project. I am also working on a weekly planner insert that I am excited about and a note pad that I have been wanting to design for a while now. I am also working on a monthly/weekly planner. I can't wait to see how these turn out. We have also launched a weekly planner on Amazon. This is something that I have always wanted to do and it's always been my dream to have my own planner and now it has finally come true. 
I am going to re-open my Etsy shop soon. I am in the process of redesigning some of the printables.
Here is the link in case anyone is interested:
Listening to: the TV.

Buying: Groceries for this month and stocking up on certain items that are needed. I'm also looking at clothes and other household items that are needed.

Planning: I have most of my posts planned for November I just have to write and schedule them. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner and other planners that I am working on. I am also working on some planner inserts. This should keep me busy for a while!
I'm trying to plan out a work schedule for this month. Hopefully I will figure one out soon.

I'm planning my Husband's birthday and for the holidays..

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.







Tuesday, November 1, 2022

November 2022 Goals

 It's hard to believe that November is already here! Crazy to think we are so close to Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's hard to believe that 2022 is creeping towards the end and before you know it a new year will be starting. I want this year to end with a bang! I have a few goals (new business) that I would like to accomplish before the end of the year.

So now that we are in November it's time to share my November goals. Here we go!



Personal goals for November

  • Read 2 books
  • Decorate for the holidays
  • Start Christmas shopping for the girls
  • Unplug during Thanksgiving break
  • Rest and relax
  • Have at least one at home date night with the Hubby
  • Celebrate Hubby's birthday
  • Spend on on one time with the girls

Work goals for November

  • Start writing posts for Blogmas 2022
  • Schedule blog content through the end of the year
  • Complete editorial calendar through the end of the year
  • Increase the number of followers on my blog
  • Market our planner
  • Work on more planner designs
  • Launch Meal Planner by the end of the year 
What are your goals for November? Please share them in the comments below!