Tuesday, November 15, 2022

10 Tips For Being a Happy Stay at Home Mom

 I love being a stay at home mom and being able to enjoy raising my children full time. But you have to admit sometimes being a stay at home mom can be taxing on you as a person. Your life seems to revolve around your children and housework, it can feel like you're getting stuck in a rut. To avoid getting stuck in that rut, I am going to share 10 tips that help me stay happy and motivated.

 10 Tips For Being A Happy Stay At Home Mom

1. Wake up earlier than your children. This helps you get a start on your day and just sit and enjoy the silence for a while. Get dressed even if you have no where to go. This little bit of alone time goes along way.  

2. Have schedule or routine for yourself. I feel that if I have a schedule than I fee more productive in my day. As with the routine, it helps keep me accountable for my day and if my routine is off then my whole day is off. 

3. Get up and get out of the house. Being stuck inside all day is the reason I tend to lose my cool. It doesn't have to be anything extreme just go outside. It will make you feel better.

4. Let your kids play independently. Letting your kids play on their own is a bonus both of you. It gives your child the independence they crave and it gives you the mental break that you need.

5. Have a hobby or two. Do something that you enjoy, having a hobby is your outlet.

6. Clean up on the daily. You don't have to have an immaculate house (believe me, I don't) but when you feel less cluttered you feel better. Research suggests that living in clutter can lead to depression.

7. Stay connected with your spouse. This plays a huge part in your attitude, when things are running smoothly between you and your parnter, you feel good. Talk to each other throughout the day, even if it's a text here and there. Make time to spend together every day.

8. Be patient. There will be some type of challenge in your daily life. Just know that this will pass and trust that everything will be okay.

9. Set aside one on one time with each child. Making an effort every day to spend a little time with your child one on one is great. It's more relaxing trying to talk or play with them by yourselves than it is with everyone trying to butt in.

10. Stop comparing yourself to others. When thus stops you will have more peace. Be happy with yourself and your life.

I hope this helps all of they stay at home moms out there. Please leave a comment below and let me know if these tips were helpful or if you have a tip for me to include.


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