Friday, April 30, 2021

5 on Friday

It's the last of April, which means that are only a few weeks of school left. It's hard to believe that my fifth grader will soon be in middle school and than my kindergartner will be a first grader. It goes by so fast!!!

Since it's Friday, I thought I would post 5 questions and answer them. So, here we go!

5 on Friday

1. What are 5 songs that you would listen to for the rest of your life?

Livin' on a Prayer- Bon Jovi
Appaulse- Lady Gaga
Sweet Child O' Mine: Guns N Roses
Never Gonna Give You Up- Rick Astely
Shout- Tears for Fears

2. What are 5 things on your  Spring bucket list?

Plant a vegetable garden
Play in the rain
Have a picnic in the park
Go for a nature walk
Play in the rain

3. Which 5 celebs would like to hang out with for a day?

Reese Witherspoon
Jennifer Garner
Julia Roberts
Leah Remini
Gene Simmons

4. What are 5 things you always carry in your purse?

Baby Wipes

5. What are 5 books on your reading list?

A Wrinkle in Time
Charoletts's Web
Little House on the Praire
Angela's Ashes
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

6 Healthy Things To Do Daily

I feel like we all know the excuse of “I’m just so busy!” It’s the excuse we use for anything having to do with bettering ourselves. One of the most important things to me is my health and wellness. There are so many easy healthy things to do daily that don’t take a lot  of our time and effort that you can do no matter how busy you are!

6 Healthy Things To Daily


1. Exercise: I know that this one is tricky because sometimes there just isn’t time for a long workout! But, you can find time for 5-10 minute workouts a few times during the day. Even if it’s 5 minutes of sit-ups, or squats, then 10 minutes of something else. Something is better than nothing! Also walking counts even if it's just walking around in the house. 

2. Eat greens: I did not always love veggies. For a long time, I think, carrots are the only veggies I ate (in college). As an adult, I do LOVE veggies! I have been making big chopped salads a lot lately for lunch which I feel is a great way to get a ton of veggies into you. My body just feels better and functions better when I am eating more vegetables.

3. Read: This one is harder because I know a lot of us can feel so wiped at the end of the day. For me, that’s usually when I read so if I’m exhausted I may only make it a few pages before I can’t keep my eyes open. But I do find reading a little every day truly calms me.

4. Get good sleep: This is very important when it comes to staying healthy. Try to aim for at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep if you can.

5. Drink water: This is where exercise is great. I do find when I am exercising I drink TONS more water. I try to drink at least 20 ounces of water as soon as I get up. I also find that if I drink from a tumbler with a straw I drink more. Who knows why.

6. Put effort into skincare: Having healthy skin is a huge part of being healthy. So many of these things help your skin as well: eating vegetables, drinking water, sleep they all relate to your skin being healthy.

You can see how so many of these things work together for your overall health and why they are so important in tandem.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Currently {4/24/21}

 Time and place: 6:54pm  and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.

Eating: Just finished eating breakfast for dinner.

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: Young and Hungry


Reading:  Hush Little Baby

Loving: the warmer weather.

Working: I just started designing a meal planner. I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I'm so excited for this new project. I am also working on a weekly planner insert that I am excited about and a note pad that I have been wanting to design for a while now. 

Listening to: my husband play the guitar.

Buying: Groceries for the rest of the month and stocking up on certain items that are needed. I'm also looking at clothes and other household items that are needed.

Planning: I have most of my posts planned for May already. I just have to write and schedule them. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner. I am also working with my husband on designing a new website. I am also working on some planner inserts. This should keep me busy for a while!
I'm also planning end of the school year activities for the girls.

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

What are you currently up to?



Thursday, April 15, 2021

How To Maximize Busy Days

We have a great routine, but even with the greatest routines, some days I feel so rushed and frazzled trying to get things done, especially now that the girls are doing school from home (virtual school). People have asked me so many times how to maximize busy days so I wanted to share a few key things I do.


How To Maximize Busy Days

1.  Schedule your entire day out: I have mentioned about a zillion times the importance of to do lists. I could not function without them. I also think Google Calendar is a great tool that can be used to help! I schedule in so much this way and set reminders and alerts. It’s great to time block as well. I also use google keep where I can organize all of the lists that I use. This helps alot when it come to scheduling my day as well.

 2. Make all appointments for one day: We do this all the time. It's easier when you have 2+ kids to schedule as many appointments as you can for one day. We have been doing this for years.

3.  Have easy to grab/healthy lunches and snacks: Working from home and being go go go nonstop can make it easy to grab unhealthy lunches or snacks (frutis, veggies, cheese and crackers, homemade lunchables, etc). This is where meal prep and have a good meal plan are very important. I meal prep lunches and snacks twice a week, usually on Wednesdays and Sundays. This encourages my kids to eat healthy and as a bonus they can get the snacks themselves instead always asking me to get it for them.

4.  Give yourself time to get where you need to be: Anxiety doesn’t help anything, and if you are anything like me you have anxiety when you are late or feel rushed. I try to leave 10 minutes before I should leave. How does this maximize time? Well if you get somewhere early you can respond to emails, get a little work done, make a phone call etc. So you can still use that extra time!

 These are just a few things I do to maximize busy days. I find that scheduling as much as I can and having things streamlined that easy to grab lunches and scnacls really make a huge difference in how much time I am spending doing mundane things.

I would love to know how you maximize busy days for yourself?

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

10 Ways to Cheer Yourself Up

Having bad days is ok. Having days where you want to do nothing is ok too! But just in case you don’t ever want to have those days I am sharing 10 ways to cheer yourself up! I personally would rather try to cheer myself up than be sad.

10 Ways To Cheer Yourself Up

  • Play with animals: I am not a huge animal person, but how can you be sad when playing with
  • puppies or kittens? It’s just not possible.
  • Go workout: I mean Elle Woods said it best, endorphins make you happy. But truthfully when I have been in a funky mood and gone to work out I am always so happy after. Workouts really can cheer you up. I love listening to a new playlist or a new podcast episode during a good workout too!
  • Spend time with family: When I am sad my biggest mood booster is playing with the girls and Hubby! Going to the park or taking the girls outside and hearing their sweet laughs! THE BEST SOUND EVER!
  • Color: I love a good adult coloring book or even kids ones!
  • Watch something funny:  Find some funny videos in Youtube or you know search funny cat videos. Whatever floats your boat!
  • Meet a friend for a walk: I love going for walks with girlfriends. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and go walk and talk with a friend. I promise you will feel better!
  • Make a list of everything good: Everything good in your life. Maybe you can reevaluate why you are in a sad mood when you see everything good in your life!
  • Declutter: Sometimes just crap everywhere can put you in a funky mood. Try to declutter a few spaces and see if that helps!
  • Volunteer: Because when you are helping others you can’t possibly be sad!
  • Paint your nails: Because chipped nails will put anyone in a bad mood!

How do you cheer yourself up? 


Thursday, April 8, 2021

If I Could Turn Back Time

Hi Lovelies! 

Every time I hear those words I think of Cher and this song:

You know you do to!!!

Anyway, I digress.... the point of this post it write about an event/events that you would like to change. Well, let me tell ya I have lots of those. There are so many events that I would like to change that it makes it difficult to pick just a few. However, after some deep thought I finally settled on three events that I would like to change if I am ever given the chance (I know..... I know...... highly unlikely):

1) If I could turn back time, I would tell my teenage self that friends come and friends go, but the friends you make when you are older are the ones who will always be there for you. These are the friends that count.

2) If I could turn back time, I would tell my teenage self that leaving home will be the best thing you will ever do. Your life will have meaning. You will become a wife to an awesome man, he will be your better half, he will be your soul mate. You will become a mother to the two most beautiful little girls, they will be your two of your best friends.

3) If I could turn back time, I would tell my teenage self that life is not easy. There will be road blocks and all you have to do is bust through the road blocks, never go around them. These road blocks will make you who you are in the future.

If only we knew back then just how our lives would turn out today.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Making Self Care A Priority

Putting yourself first doesn’t mean that everyone else has to lose out on what you have to give, especially during these uncertain times. In fact, you’ll have so much more to give if you give to yourself first!

Today, I am sharing a simple process to help you make self-care your top priority.


 Making Self Care A Priority


1. Invest in your best self.

The first step is to acknowledge that self-care is powerful and needs to be an important part of your life. It’s far from selfish – it’s an investment that you can make now to become your best self later.

Some of us neglect taking care of ourselves because we want to be the best mom or the most dedicated employee. We feel like we just cannot stop to take a time out, as if we’ll get behind or everything will fall apart without us.

But we need to reverse this way of thinking. As for the examples above, taking care of yourself is essential to being a good parent, and balancing your life will enable you to perform at a higher level at work.

Self-care is not a splurge that happens every once in a while when you’re completely drained or just on your birthday. Instead, self-care is a daily practice!

2. Write down your favorite self-care rituals.

Self-care looks different for everybody – what would help you be the best, most refreshed, most energized, healthiest, and happiest version of you?

Try to determine what you need in order to help yourself first. What activities, habits, and people will help you get there? Write these down in your planner or journal to refer back to as your plan out your weeks and days.

3. Ask yourself: What gets in the way?

Try to understand what’s standing in your way. In other words, what is taking priority over you right now?

Take an inventory of where your time, energy, attention, and focus goes first most days. Are there areas of your life where you’re wasting valuable time that could be spent re-energizing you?

Get creative and think of the different ways you can re-focus yourself on yourself. Can you get up a little bit earlier in the day for some quality time with yourself? Can you schedule a manicure while the kids are at soccer practice? Can you block off time every Sunday?

4. Schedule an appointment with you.

Part of living a well-designed life is to align your plans with our priorities. Now that self-care is something you’ve chosen to prioritize, you’ll want to ensure that you’re planning it into your life.

As you map out your months, weeks, and days – set aside time in your planner for self-care. Be specific and write it down to block the time. More importantly, put in your self-care first. Schedule your other obligations around it.

Whether you’re allotting time to exercise every other morning, to read your book for fifteen minutes at lunchtime, or to simply relax after dinnertime each weekday evening, be sure to mark your planner so that you don’t schedule anything else during that time.

5. Disconnect and enjoy!

Now it’s time to make it all happen. When the time comes: Turn off your phone, be present, and enjoy the moments that you have set aside for yourself! 

How do you make self care a priority?


Saturday, April 3, 2021

Currently {4/3/2021}

 Time and place: 9:58pm  and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.

Eating: Nothing at the moment

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: Gilmore Girls


Reading:  When We Believed Mermaids

Loving: the warmer weather.

Working: I just started designing a meal planner. I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I'm so excited for this new project. I am also working on a weekly planner insert that I am excited about and a note pad that I have been wanting to design for a while now. 

Listening to: my husband play the guitar.

Buying: Groceries for the rest of the month and stocking up on certain items that are needed. 

Planning: I have most of my posts planned for April already. I just have to write and schedule them. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner. I am also working with my husband on designing a new website. I am also working on some planner inserts. This should keep me busy for a while!

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

What are you currently up to?


Thursday, April 1, 2021

April 2021 Goals

Happy April everyone! March was a good month for us, with my oldest having a birthday and then spring break. We also has our first successful zoom birthday party! My oldest loved it and wants to have another one. 
I have to say that I didn't not achieve any of the goals that I set for my in March. Today is the start of a new month so I am determined to do better this month.
April 2021 Goals
Here are the goals that I have set for myself this month:
1. Read two books (this is all I have time for with distance learning for both kids).

2. Drink 100oz of water daily.

3. Start using my habit tracker in my bullet journal every day.

4. Eat more fruits and veggies (I have been lagging on this and I really need to fix it).

5. Walk 6 days a week and strength train 3x per week.

6. Have at least two at home date nights with the Husband. 

7. Organize the girls' bedrooms (purge old toys and outgrown clothes).

What are some of your April 2021 goals?