Thursday, April 8, 2021

If I Could Turn Back Time

Hi Lovelies! 

Every time I hear those words I think of Cher and this song:

You know you do to!!!

Anyway, I digress.... the point of this post it write about an event/events that you would like to change. Well, let me tell ya I have lots of those. There are so many events that I would like to change that it makes it difficult to pick just a few. However, after some deep thought I finally settled on three events that I would like to change if I am ever given the chance (I know..... I know...... highly unlikely):

1) If I could turn back time, I would tell my teenage self that friends come and friends go, but the friends you make when you are older are the ones who will always be there for you. These are the friends that count.

2) If I could turn back time, I would tell my teenage self that leaving home will be the best thing you will ever do. Your life will have meaning. You will become a wife to an awesome man, he will be your better half, he will be your soul mate. You will become a mother to the two most beautiful little girls, they will be your two of your best friends.

3) If I could turn back time, I would tell my teenage self that life is not easy. There will be road blocks and all you have to do is bust through the road blocks, never go around them. These road blocks will make you who you are in the future.

If only we knew back then just how our lives would turn out today.


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