Thursday, April 15, 2021

How To Maximize Busy Days

We have a great routine, but even with the greatest routines, some days I feel so rushed and frazzled trying to get things done, especially now that the girls are doing school from home (virtual school). People have asked me so many times how to maximize busy days so I wanted to share a few key things I do.


How To Maximize Busy Days

1.  Schedule your entire day out: I have mentioned about a zillion times the importance of to do lists. I could not function without them. I also think Google Calendar is a great tool that can be used to help! I schedule in so much this way and set reminders and alerts. It’s great to time block as well. I also use google keep where I can organize all of the lists that I use. This helps alot when it come to scheduling my day as well.

 2. Make all appointments for one day: We do this all the time. It's easier when you have 2+ kids to schedule as many appointments as you can for one day. We have been doing this for years.

3.  Have easy to grab/healthy lunches and snacks: Working from home and being go go go nonstop can make it easy to grab unhealthy lunches or snacks (frutis, veggies, cheese and crackers, homemade lunchables, etc). This is where meal prep and have a good meal plan are very important. I meal prep lunches and snacks twice a week, usually on Wednesdays and Sundays. This encourages my kids to eat healthy and as a bonus they can get the snacks themselves instead always asking me to get it for them.

4.  Give yourself time to get where you need to be: Anxiety doesn’t help anything, and if you are anything like me you have anxiety when you are late or feel rushed. I try to leave 10 minutes before I should leave. How does this maximize time? Well if you get somewhere early you can respond to emails, get a little work done, make a phone call etc. So you can still use that extra time!

 These are just a few things I do to maximize busy days. I find that scheduling as much as I can and having things streamlined that easy to grab lunches and scnacls really make a huge difference in how much time I am spending doing mundane things.

I would love to know how you maximize busy days for yourself?

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