Friday, March 26, 2021

4 Tips To Healthy Sleep

As I get older, I realize that sleep is important but HEALTHY good sleep is even more important. I am sharing 4 tips to healthy sleep in hopes that we can all learn a bit more about how to get those hours that will actually make us feel great the next day and not dread that annoying alarm clock!

4 Tips To Healthy Sleep

No technology: I am awful about this. Andrew and I fall asleep with the TV on more often than we should. But I notice the nights we turn it off we both sleep better. Not to mention when I can’t fall asleep I of course go to my phone and see what’s going on, on Snapchat or Instagram. Why? Because I’m human. But guys it’s soooo bad to look at the lights of computers, TV’s, and phones right before bed. Try no technology for an hour or so before you are ready to sleep. Instead…

Journal/Read: I usually read a few chapters in my current book (right now I am reading When We Believed in Mermaids) and then write about my day (how it went, what happened throughout the day, etc) in my journal. This is something that I make time for every night because it does help me sleep better. 

Keep it cool: I don’t know about you guys but I can not sleep well when I am warm! I have to be a little cool especially on my face or I wake up all night. Waking up constantly is not getting healthy sleep. So we keep our house cool while we sleep. I would rather layer on blankets than be sweaty!

Make a to do list for the next day: A major cause of anxiety at night and not being able to sleep is worrying. Worrying about what you have to do the next day, things that need to be done etc. Making a to do list and planning out your day releases you of those worries. You have your list and you are ready! You can get healthy sleep.

Sleep is more than just a number of hours. You can get 8 hours of sleep but if it isn’t healthy sleep it’s worthless. I hope my 5 tips to healthy sleep make your night routine and sleep a lot better!

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