Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Self Care Ideas For Spring

It’s getting warmer (sort of) and that means spring time is near yay! I wanted to share a few spring self-care ideas since it’s getting warmer, and your options are expanding for fun things to do!

Spring Self Care Ideas 

 1. Get Outside: I am so so so glad that the weather is warming up! The last few weeks it’s been cold and rainy and we haven’t had much outside time since December! We love spending time outside and I notice that even taking the girls outside improves my mood just getting sun in my face and fresh air.

2. Get Your Skin In Order: So winter can do some severe damage to skin, kind of like summer can. Now that spring is rolling around it’s time to shed the winter damage and get ready for spring. Two products that have REALLY been helping me are the Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser and the Aveeno Daily Mpistureizer with SPF 15. I have been using these two products for YEARS!  They are perfect to use daily. Using these two together will for sure get your skin ready for spring and summer!

3. Do an outdoor workout class: If your area offers these types of classes, this is great for self care. If your area does not offer an outdoor class, in this pandemic era just take your workout to your backyard. 

4. Get New Bedding: Get yourself some pretty spring bedding! It will encourage you to get in bed earlier and get a good nights sleep!

5. Grow/Buy Flowers: Why wait for someone else to buy you flowers? If you have the outdoor space try your hand at growing some if not then buy yourself some pretty spring blooms! It will brighten up your space and your day!

What is something you do for spring self-care?


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