Monday, November 30, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday {11/30/2020}

Hi Friends!

It's the last day of November and I am so ready for this year to be over. I am so ready for a fresh start. Anyway, let's get to today's post. 


Happy Homemaker Monday


The weather outside:

Right now, it's sunny and cold with a very low chance of snow either on Wednesday or Thursday. The highs are supposed to in between 62 and 47 all week. 

On the breakfast plate this morning:

Just a bowl of cereal.

As I look outside my window:

My clothes are hanging on the drying rack and the back yard actually needs to be mowed again.

As I look around the house:

My house is  a mess. Every room needs to be cleaned and vacuumed. I hate when my house is messy, I just feel very stressed when this happens. Am I the only one who feels this way>

What I'm wearing today: 

T-shirt, sweatpants, and two pairs of socks

To do today or this week:

Clean the house and finally decorate for Christmas! 

Set up the Christmas tree

Work on lessons for virtual learning for my kinder

Double check my 5th graders home work 

 Currently reading:

 We'll Meet Again by Mary Higgins Clark

On the TV this week:

The Masked Singer

Youtube videos

How I Met Your Mother, Beverly Hills 90210, Run, The Act, The Handmaidens Tale (Hulu) 

On the menu this week:

Monday: Leftovers from Sunday (Mexican Cornbread)

Tuesday: Shredded beef sandwiches and home fries

Wednesday: Lasagna roll ups, salad, and garlic bread

Thursday: Leftovers from Tuesday and Wednesday

Friday: Pizza and Breadsticks



Inspirational quote:

The most wasted of days is one without laughter

       -e.e. cummings

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