Friday, April 24, 2020

A Quarantine Bucket List: 30 Things to Keep you Busy

I get it. This whole thing being at home all the time isn't the ideal situation for many people, but we might as well make the most of it. Right?

Today's post is all about things that we can do during to keep ourselves busy through this crazy and unpredictable time.

Enjoy these activities with your family and just make the best of this time.

30 Things To Do To Keep You Busy

1. Try out a new skin care routine
2. Read a new book
3. Walk outside for 30 minutes
4. Put together a 1,000 piece puzzle
5. Start and finish a television series
6. Try a new exercise that it outside your comfort zone
7. Facetime with a different friend each time
8. Cook a new recipe, learn how to meal prep
9. have a dance party. These are essential
10. Listen to an uplifting podcast
11. Start a journal or a blog
12. Go through old pictures and share those memories with family and friends
13. Write an actual letter and mail it to a loved one
14. Clean out your closet
15. Clean  all the rooms in your house
16. Take a really long bubble bath and don't even feel bad about it
17. Maybe have a glass wine (or your favorite beverage) with that long bubble bath.
18. Have a game night
19. Start a garden, mow your lawn, pull weeds, just get outside
20. Rearrange furniture in a room to make if feel like a new space
21. Download a meditation app and use it
22. Bake cookies
23. Declutter your make-up drawer
24. Take a virtual tour
25. Start planning a vacation
26. Grab takeout and make a buffet spread at home
27. Deep clean your fridge
28. Host a virtual Netflix watch party with your friends
29. Have a picnic outside
30. Learn a new skill

Remember, we are all in this together! Stay home because it does save lives! 

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