Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Refrigerator Organization

When it comes to organizing your refrigerator, it can be the center of organization and chaos all in one. With an organized and clean refrigerator you can,

(1) prepare healthier meals for your family
(2) utilize everything with less spoilage
(3) prevent buying duplicate meals

I find the best time for me to wipe down and organize the refrigerator is right before my big grocery shopping day so that I can see what I need to add to my ever growing grocery list. Keeping the refrigerator clean and organized will make it easier for your family to find what they are looking for. As well as maximize your food's self life.

It is important to have a system with your refrigerator and to put things back in the same spots. Older items should be kept in the front while newer items are kept in the back so your using what needs to be eaten/prepared first.  Keep the outside of the refrigerator clear and organized with limited papers, if you do have papers remove any outdated or unnecessary papers. Keep things off the top of the refrigerator and remember to wipe it down every night. You can put a basket on top to place loose items that you need to store there.

Here are a few suggestions that will help keep your refrigerator clean and organized for good.

(1) place healthy items that you need to eat more of in the front of the refrigerator and fatty food in the back to help you eat healthier

(2) keep a list of leftovers with date that it was prepared

(3) use clear, plastic baskets with handles to contain loose items that are constantly falling out when you open the door

(4) use a drawer in the refrigerator to store bottled water. This will keep the bottles from rolling around

What are some tips that you have for refrigerator organization? 

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