Tuesday, April 2, 2024

April 2024 Goals

Happy April everyone! March was a good month for us, with my oldest having a birthday and then spring break and we had another zoom birthday party for my oldest. We also had a fun and relaxing Easter, eating good food, watching movies, and having egg hunts.

Here's a recap of my March 2024 goals and what I accomplished last month:
March 2024 Goals
1. Read two books book (finish reading (If There Be Thorns and Seeds of Yesterday).

2. Drink 100oz of water daily.

3. Start using my habit tracker in my bullet journal every day.

4. Eat more fruits and veggies (I have been lagging on this and I really need to fix it).

5. Walk 6 days a week and strength train 3x per week.

6. Have at least two at home date nights with the Husband. 

7. Organize the girls' bedrooms (purge old toys and outgrown clothes).
8. Complete one bible study this month. 

9. Add more resources to my Teachers Pay Teachers store (have a total of 50 products by the end of the month).

April 2024 Goals
Here are the goals that I have set for myself this month (some are the same as last because I want to develop them into habits):
1. Read two books

2. Drink 120oz of water daily.

3. Complete one bible study this month.

4. Eat more fruits and veggie

5. Walk 6 days a week and strength train 3x per week.

6. Have at least two at home date nights with the Husband. 

7.Add more resources to my TPT store.

What are some of your April 2024 goals? 




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