Sunday, December 31, 2023

How to Do A Weekly Reset

The word "reset" can be confusing. It doesn't mean you're starting over or giving up on something, but rather it's a way to take care of yourself and your body. A weekly reset is a simple way to make sure that you're taking good care of yourself and building healthy habits into your life. It's not about going on some extreme diet or cutting out all the fun things--it's just about making sure that you don't get so caught up in everything else that you forget about your own needs!


How to do a weekly reset

A weekly reset is a simple way to get back on track and stay motivated. It's basically an hour every Sunday dedicated to making plans for the week, getting organized and decluttering your life.

A weekly reset can help you:

  • Stay focused on what matters most in your life by setting clear priorities for each day of the week

  • Feel less stressed because you'll have fewer things going on at once

  • Make better use of your time by eliminating distractions and focusing on what needs attention first

What is a weekly reset?

A weekly reset is a time to look back on your week and make sure you're on track with the things that matter most to you.

A weekly reset is not an excuse to beat yourself up over everything that went wrong in your life this week, but rather a chance to take stock of what you've done right and use it as motivation for next week's goals.

You should do a weekly reset because:

  • You'll feel better about yourself if you take an honest look at how much progress (or lack thereof) has been made since last week's reset;

  • It helps keep your stress levels low by giving them some perspective;

How do you know when you need to do a weekly reset?

You need to do a weekly reset if you are feeling tired and run down. You also need to do a weekly reset if you are feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed. If these feelings persist for more than two weeks then it may be time for further action.

If you feel like something isn't quite right but can't put your finger on it, try doing a weekly reset!

What is the point of doing a weekly reset?

You might be wondering, "Why should I do a weekly reset?" Here are some reasons:

  • You can use a weekly reset to take care of your body. If you're feeling run down or tired, it's easy to ignore these feelings and push through until they go away on their own. However, this can have negative effects on both your mental health and physical well-being if left unchecked for too long. A weekly reset gives you space in between major tasks where you can take care of all those little things that need tending--whether it be eating well, getting enough sleep or exercising regularly--so that when they crop up again (and they always will), they won't feel overwhelming or stressful because they're already handled!

  • You can use a weekly reset as an opportunity to unplug from technology. In today's world where everyone seems connected 24/7 via social media platforms like Facebook Messenger or Instagram Stories; being digitally connected has become part of everyday life for most people who live in cities around the globe! While there are definitely benefits associated with being able to communicate instantly across vast distances via these types programs/apps; there are also drawbacks such as increased stress levels due prolonged exposure over prolonged periods which may lead into burnout eventually if not managed properly."

You can use a weekly reset to take care of your body.

The weekly reset is a gift to your body. It's not a punishment, but rather an opportunity to take care of yourself and make sure that you're feeling good in your skin.

It can be tempting to skip this step, but don't! It's important to remember that the body is a temple--you need to treat it with care if you want it around for as long as possible.


I hope that this article has helped you understand what a weekly reset is and why it’s so beneficial to your health. Now, if you want more information about how to do one, check out our other articles on the topic!



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