Wednesday, July 26, 2023

10 Way To Recharge

Mom burnout is very real. Burnout in general is very real and recently I experienced it badly. I felt like I was not the best version of myself for anyone. Not my kids, not my husband, not my friends, no one. I wasn’t doing my best work or my best at being a good mother and felt so much anxiety because of it. I had no idea that what I was experiencing was in fact,  burnout. I suddenly felt pulled in 100 directions and felt like I couldn’t catch my breath. What I needed was to recharge. I think there are so many ways you can do this depending on your personality and preferences so today I am sharing 10 ways to recharge when you really feel that burnout take over.


10 Ways To Recharge

Vent: I know personally venting to a friend or my husband helps so much. Sometimes venting to someone in the same season of life (another mom) is what I need because I need someone who just gets it. You know what? 9/10 times I feel better just getting all my frustrations out.  

 Take a step back: Realize that it’s only a season! I remind myself of this A LOT! But also ask yourself what truly matters and what you can let go of.

Go for a walk/exercise: This is number one for me. I truly feel my best when I work out. I have been waking up at 7:15 most mornings and getting in a full workout before the kids wake up and I feel so accomplished knowing that’s already done for the day. I also LOVE going for long walks in the morning alone or with my husband. 

Ask for help: Ask your spouse or a friend or a relative or outsource help! If you are able to outsource some of the things causing you burnout (cleaning, cooking, laundry, childcare, etc) do it! I know this doesn’t work for everyone but maybe see if you can trade some of it with a friend. Like hey, I can watch your kids on Wednesdays while you get things done and you watch my kids on Fridays.

Evaluate your routine/create a routine: I am big on routines and truly feel as though they make a HUGE difference in our lives. Without a routine, I really feel like I have no idea what’s going on. If you don’t already have a good routine make one and if you do have one but are experiencing burnout maybe reevaluate it and see where you can change things. I have to do this constantly! 

Simplify: A few things I have done to simplify: My oldest gets herself dressed in the mornings, and I lay the kid’s clothes out for the week on Sundays. I make lunches ahead of time, I lay everyone else’s clothes (my clothes and the girls') out the night before. I do a 20-minute clean and straighten in the mornings and another in the evenings. These things just make me feel a little more together. Even though we homeschool our girls, I find that doing this makes the mornings more efficient and we can get started with school at a decent time.

Make lists: I have a list going for everything! Things we need, daily to-do lists, weekly to-do lists, things I need to get done long term, work to-do lists, etc. Making lists relieves a lot of stress because then you can physically see written out what needs to be done.  

Read: Escaping in a book really helps me recharge! I love to take a few minutes a few times a day and read some of whatever book I am reading at the time. 

Get a massage: I mean when all else fails the spa always helps! Getting a massage and taking that time for just me, with no phones, no one talking to me, etc helps me recharge so much.

 REST: Nothing truly helps recharge quite like rest. So give yourself grace and time to rest. Rest will recharge you like nothing else.

What are some ways to recharge that you find helpful?



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