Monday, May 15, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday {5/15/2023}

Good evening everyone and welcome back to my blog. 

I hope every everyone had a wonderful weekend and are ready for the week ahead. 

It's almost 12:00am and I am just now sitting down to write this post. It's been a busy day with the usual house work and homeschooling (it's out last week, YAAAAY). I had a relaxing and fun Mother's Day yesterday. Mu girls gave me drawings that they had been working on for a few weeks plus a beautiful mug that they had picked out themselves. It was a day full of card games, chess, checkers, and a couple of movies.

Happy Monday and have a wonderful and productive week!



The weather outside is:

Today's weather was damp and muggy. It was 76 degrees with lots of clouds and some sunshine here and there. We have had a lot of rain the last few weeks and more to come this week

What we had for dinner tonight (instead of the breakfast plate):

Dinner salads and fruit

As I look out my window:

It's dark with some clouds

As I look around the house:

The living room needs to be picked up and then kitchen needs to be straightened and the last load of laundry needs to be folded and put away.

Currently reading:

No Way out by Fern Michaels

On the TV this week:

Right now I am watching Cobra Kai (season 5) Stranger Things (season 3) and rewatching 1883 and restarting Manifest on Netflix.

On the Menu this week: (I'm still figuring out the meal plan for this week)

Monday- Dinner salads with fruit

Tuesday- Roast with potatoes and carrots

Wednesday- ???

Thursday-Hamburgers and fries

Friday- Pizza and breadsticks

Saturday- Leftovers

Sunday- Beans and fried potatoes with cornbread

Inspirational quotes: 


1 comment:

  1. I had forgotten about Kobra Kai, so many tv shows, so little time. LOL. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!
