Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Blogmas 2020- Day #2- December 2020 Goals

It's finally the end of the year, which has been the longest year ever. I am looking forward to spending Christmas with my family and starting some new traditions with the girls. I plan on making the Christmas extra special for them since they have missed so much this year.

Anyway, here are the goals that I have set up for December.

December 2020 Goals

 1. Read two books

2. Clean and organize the playroom

3. Finish setting up C's bedroom

4. Walk daily even if it's in the house

5. Organize the pantry

6. Clean and organize the freezer

7. Cross things off of our quarantine style Winter Bucket List

8. Finish editorail calendar and content for January

9. Post more onto Instagram and learn how to use stories and reels

What are goals for December? Please share in the comments below, I would love to read them!

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