Monday, November 30, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday {11/30/2020}

Hi Friends!

It's the last day of November and I am so ready for this year to be over. I am so ready for a fresh start. Anyway, let's get to today's post. 


Happy Homemaker Monday


The weather outside:

Right now, it's sunny and cold with a very low chance of snow either on Wednesday or Thursday. The highs are supposed to in between 62 and 47 all week. 

On the breakfast plate this morning:

Just a bowl of cereal.

As I look outside my window:

My clothes are hanging on the drying rack and the back yard actually needs to be mowed again.

As I look around the house:

My house is  a mess. Every room needs to be cleaned and vacuumed. I hate when my house is messy, I just feel very stressed when this happens. Am I the only one who feels this way>

What I'm wearing today: 

T-shirt, sweatpants, and two pairs of socks

To do today or this week:

Clean the house and finally decorate for Christmas! 

Set up the Christmas tree

Work on lessons for virtual learning for my kinder

Double check my 5th graders home work 

 Currently reading:

 We'll Meet Again by Mary Higgins Clark

On the TV this week:

The Masked Singer

Youtube videos

How I Met Your Mother, Beverly Hills 90210, Run, The Act, The Handmaidens Tale (Hulu) 

On the menu this week:

Monday: Leftovers from Sunday (Mexican Cornbread)

Tuesday: Shredded beef sandwiches and home fries

Wednesday: Lasagna roll ups, salad, and garlic bread

Thursday: Leftovers from Tuesday and Wednesday

Friday: Pizza and Breadsticks



Inspirational quote:

The most wasted of days is one without laughter

       -e.e. cummings

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Fall Bucket List- Quarantine Edition

Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year, but I can't deny that in 2020 things are likely to look much different; our usual fall traditions might not be quite the same. So I thought I would put together a "quarantine" edition of my previous Fall bucket list post. This list includes activities that I'm looking forward to doing with my family but modified just a bit to take the state of the world into consideration. Plus it keeps us safe and allows us to stay in "quarantine mode". Let's have fun and enjoy all the season has to offer, but do it safely.

Fall Bucket List: Quarantine Edition

1. Pick your favorite fall treat from the local bakery and walk around the park

2. Try new s'mores combinations with a bonfire at home

3. Learn to make your own pumpkin spice latte or other pumpkin spiced drink (pumpkin spiced hot chocolate sounds yummy)

4. Make a pillow fort or just plain old forts with blankets and chairs and watch your favorite fall inspired movies

5. Look up your local pumpkin patch and pick pumpkins if able (wear a mask!)

6. Go on a hike when the leaves start to change

7. Make pumpkin pancakes one Sunday morning
8. Pick your favorite fall candles and light them on a rainy day
9. Pack a picinic dinner, blankets, hot apple cider, and find somewhere to watche the sun set.
10. Read a fall themed novel
What is on your Fall Bucket List?  
I will be posting my Winter Bucket List- Quarantine Edition next week, so be on the look out for that. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

50 Self Care Ideas

Self care has always been a topic on the internet, especially now with the crazy year we have been having. During this crazy time I think it's important to take care of yourself and reward yourself for just getting through the day or even the week. So, today I am sharing 50 self care ideas!

50 Self Care Ideas

Take a bath
Do a face mask
Go for a walk
Try a new workout class
Treat yourself to a yummy holiday drink
Go shopping
Or at least go try on clothes that make you feel great
See a movie alone
Binge a TV show
If you live near it, go to the beach
If you live near it, go hiking
Check out a local museum
Bake some cookies
Rearrange your furniture 
Buy some flowers
Clean out your closet
Organize drawers
Clean up your house
Listen to a good playlist
Make a new playlist
Go on a solo trip
Make a grateful list
Say NO more
Take a nap and catch up on sleep
Take up a new hobby
Binge a podcast
Go 24 hours without social media
Take a personal day off work
Try a new skincare regimen
Mute people on Instagram/Twitter who make you feel bad about yourself
Get a massage/facial
Go to bed at 8PM every night for a week
Sleep in
Use an acupressure mat
Have a staycation weekend in a hotel alone
Try a new wine
Go to your place of worship
Pay it forward
Go find the perfect lipstick/lipgloss
Have dinner delivered from your favorite place
Dance around your living room to your favorite songs
Get dressed up and sit at a bar and order a fun drink
Stretch/foam roll
Have a picnic alone and read
Reconnect with an old friend
Go to a meetup group/bible study etc
Play with puppies/kittens/your favorite animal
Adopt a pet

What is something you do for self-care? What would you add to this list of 50 self-care ideas?

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thanksgiving Like A Gilmore Girl

Thanksgiving is just days away, which means it’s time to re-watch that Gilmore Girls episode, “A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving” to get us into the spirit of things. This episode has it all: Rory/Jess/Dean drama, Kirk gets a cat, Luke trying not to show how much the Gilmore gals mean to him, Jackson deep frying a turkey, drunk Sookie, Lane’s first kiss with, Paris being Paris, and a nice kerfuffle between Lorelai and her parents. In honor of the holiday and my love of all things Gilmore, I’ve created a guide on how you, too, can celebrate Thanksgiving just like a Gilmore Girl. Let us give thanks and begin:

Volunteer At A Soup Kitchen
Invoke your inner Paris Geller and make your way to your local soup kitchen or homeless shelter and volunteer to help out. If you don’t have enough time to stay and cook or serve food, you could also take up a collection of canned goods and drop them off, or make a donation so others can purchase a Thanksgiving meal. Sure, Paris is technically looking to volunteer so it looks good on her college applications, but she does admit she also does it for “the good of mankind,” and at this time of year, we’d like to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Try To Hit Up More Than One Thanksgiving Dinner
The Gilmores are a popular duo in Stars Hollow. So much so that they end up booking themselves for a total of FOUR Thanksgiving dinners: The Kims, Sookie and Jackson’s, Luke’s, and the elder Gilmores. While that may sound like a pain to some, I think it sounds awesome. For one, you get to socialize with tons of friends and family, many of whom you might not see often enough. For another, if there is a dinner or two in there involving people who might cause some drama in your life (such as Lorelai’s hesitation at having Thanksgiving dinner with her parents), it won’t be so bad because you won’t have to spend more than an hour or so there. Less time means less chance of it ending up in a not-so-friendly food fight. Plus, think of all the different types of food you’ll get to eat! More than likely at least 2 different kinds of stuffing and 4 different kinds of pie.

…But Make Sure To Leave Room For Each One
Having 2 to 4 dinners back to back might be a bit difficult on the body, so the Gilmores have a few tips for y’all on this front. For one, skip the rolls. Rolls are completely unnecessary filler food that you only need to eat if the green bean casserole isn’t done cooking or if someone knocked over the cranberry sauce. Also, consider bringing a few Tums on hand for the possibility of your turkey turning on you. Then again, if your eating skills are on par with Lorelai Gilmore, you could probably skip that and just go in there with a positive, can-eat attitude. You can do it!

Make A Few Bucks Working A Little On The Holiday
Pull a Dean and rake in extra cash. Most places give at least time and a half for your troubles. Extra money for holiday gifts is never a bad thing.

Bring Flowers To All Your Hosts
Bringing the host a gift is always a nice gesture. Plus adding some gorgeous, seasonal flowers to the occasion will only add to the festive ambiance. And if your host is anything like Luke, consider also buying them a small vase to put them in.

Plus Some Cranberry Sauce
Because there can never be too much. The Gilmore Girls prefer theirs canned, but personally, I’m a big fan of making my own. It’s the easiest thing to make for Thanksgiving. Try out this recipe and see for yourself.

…Add Some Chocolate Turkeys, To Boot!
Unless of course they’re Mrs. Kim. Might not be too late to order these sweet treats from Godiva!

Avoid Your Exes
Because the last thing you need is any awkward encounters that might ruin your appetite. Feel free to let friends or family (or your own personal Lorelai) run interference if need be.

Open Yourself Up To Trying New Foods
Mrs. Kim, being a vegetarian, serves Tofurkey at her dinner. Being a vegetarian myself, it’s always nice when non-veg folk try out some of my personal favorites. I’ll probably be opting for a Field Roast for myself this year. But if you end up needing to dispose of foods you end up not liking, stuffing them inside some extra napkins so as to avoid insulting the chef might work.

Wear A Fabulous Autumn Coat
If it’s cold enough where you are, that is. These ladies always look sharp.

Decorate Like Sookie
Between her beautiful cornucopias, the turkey table runners, and the floral wreaths, who wouldn’t want to enjoy Thanksgiving at her house? If you’ll be the one hosting the party, we suggest you go all out.

No go out there and get your Gilmore on this Thanksgiving!


Thursday, November 19, 2020

November 2020 Goals

Hey there!! November is almost over, Thanksgiving is next week, and I'm just now posting my goals for November. All I can say is that it's been a crazy year and that it's hard to believe that we are getting closer to 2021 and that we have been sheltering at home for over 8 months. Today's post is all about my goals for November.

1. Read 2 books
2. Decorate for the holidays
3. Start Christmas shopping for the girls
4. Start writing posts for Blogmas 2020
5. Get blog content scheduled through the end of the year
6. Unplug for at least 2 days during Thanksgiving break
7. Rest and relax
8. Have at least one at home date with the Hubby
9. Spend some 1:1 time with both girls

What are your goals for November?

Sunday, November 8, 2020

How I Plan My Week

I thought I would share how I plan out my weeks in my planner. This takes about 30 to 60 minutes on Sundays and then about 10 minutes each night.


1. weather (Mondays-Wednesdays)
2. transfer sidebar tasks (To Do, To Go, To Buy, etc.)
3. Newspaper work (To Do, ads, emails)
4. events/set time committments (kids schools, events, appointments)
5. meals ( I use a meal planner that I created to plan our meals and grocery lists. I then transfer them to the bottom boxes in my planner).
6. Build Monday out with tasks and errands

Mondays and Tuesdays:

1. inventory what was done, check boxes
2. plan out next day


1. same as Monday and Tuesday
2. weather (Tuesday-Sunday


1. same as Monday and Tuesday

How do you plan your week?

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

10 Small Ways To Be Happier

When life gets hard, it’s easy to dwell on the negative and feel sorry for yourself. While it takes a lot more effort to be positive and grateful for what we have, it is so much worth it, trust me. It’s all about putting things into perspective and choosing happiness. Let’s be real, you can’t be happy all the time and it’s OK to have bad days and let it all out – we all have those days once in a while – but there are plenty of small ways to be happier. Plus, there is no better time than the start of a new year to embrace a positive attitude and create new habits that will bring more happiness to your life!

10 Small Ways to Be Happier

1. Got to sleep when tired.

After a good night's sleep you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and ready-ish to face a new day. Plus, you will appreciate going to bed earlier when your alarm goes off in the morning.

2.Make someone happy.

Spreading happiness will not only cheer someone up but it will also make you feel better, too. Make your friend a cup of tea, call your best friend, or compliment someone on their outfit. Good energy is contagious.

3.Celebrate your small victories.

What if instead of wasting so much time putting ourselves down for not being good enough at something, we celebrated our small victories? It can be something like getting complimented at school or work, learning a new recipe, or making that phone call you were dreading. Be your own cheerleader!

4. Practice gratitude.

Think about something you’re grateful every day before going to bed and write it down. When you take the time to count your blessings, you realize that your life is actually full of things to be grateful for. Your mind is simply too clouded and too busy to see it.

5. Put down your electronics for one hour every day.

Be in the moment with your family. Spend time with them, pay attention to them. Play with your kids, read a book and spend some time with your spouse. Trust me, they will love it and they will love you more for it.

6. Stop snoozing your alarm.

It will only make you more tired. 

7. Start journaling.

Think of writing as therapy, it really does help to put things into perspective. Just let your thoughts out on the paper. Let it be messy and honest, let it come straight from the heart.

8. Learn something new.

Whether it's a new language, learning how to crochet, or even taking a class online. Learning something new will make you feel accomplished. 

9. Practice self care.

Curl up on the couch with a good book, give yourself a facial, or even just binge watch your favorite series on Netflix. Trust me, it's so important when you take care of yourself. 

10. Cry if you need to.

It’s okay to allow yourself to be sad sometimes, it doesn’t mean your weak. Having a cry and letting it all out will make you feel better but don’t dwell on the negative things for too long.

What are your favorite small ways to be happier?