Monday, June 22, 2020

Summer 2020 Routine

Disclaimer:  I know it my sound strange to start off talking about the evening routine first, but I think that your evening routine sets the pace for the morning routine. 

Our Summer Evening Routine

Today I'm sharing what I do on a typical summer evening. This is easily my most favorite time of the day because it means I get to spend it with the ones I love the most! 

4:00pm- outside time, prep/fix dinner.

5:00pm- eat, clean kitchen, sweep/mop floor, take out trash

Around 5pm we sit down to dinner. This is where we catch up on our day and talk about our weekend plans (if we have any). After dinner, I will wash the dishes, put any leftover food in the fridge. Then I will clean and disinfect the counters and the stove, and sweep and mop the kitchen. Last, I will take out the trash.

6:00pm- baths (Angelina and Cadence), wind down from the day, TV/PC time.
Read together for a while.

Around 6pm, I will give Cadence her bath and then I will have Angelina take a shower and put her pjs on. Then I will let the kids play together and Paul and I will watch some TV or just try to sit and talk.

7:00pm- bedtime routine (Cadence, cup of milk/stories/cuddle)

8:00pm- bedtime routine (Angelina, stories, write in journal, cuddle)

9:00pm- declutter living room and dining room, prep Angelina's lunch (if she is taking it).

9:30pm- 12:30am- blog work, computer work, relax

Wow, when you list everything out, my evening looks really busy!!! What do your evenings look like in the summer? Let me know in the comments!

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