Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Favorite Ways to Stay Healthy in the Summer

Summer is a great time to work on health goals. It can be easy to just let things go but it’s also a good time to kick things up a notch. I know personally I have some health goals I want to check off this summer and these are my favorite ways to stay healthy in the summer.

 Favorite Ways To Stay Healthy In The Summer

Get outside before it’s too hot: I LOVE going for walks but living in Oklahoma (or anywhere in the south) in the summer that can be challenging.

Take advantage of the seasonal items: This is a great time of year to be making smoothies and salads. So many delicious fruits and veggies around. I also love to make smoothies and freeze them into popsicles for the kids!

Utilize the slower days: Summer can be busy but more often than not it is a slower pace. This is so good for my mental health. Not having to rush around and getting to just be and enjoy our home with our family. Taking this time to organize, throw away, clean out etc.

Use a GOOD spf: One of the most important things is to make sure you are using SPF every day. Not just on your face but your entire body, your hands etc. Your hands are exposed to the sun in your car and all over.

Try a new workout class: Summer is a great time while you have more time to try new things! Especially new workouts or workout classes.

Drink MORE water: You will get so dehydrated in the summer so making sure you are challenging yourself to drink more water is important!

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