Monday, April 15, 2024

7 Things To Do To Be Healthy For Spring

Spring is here and the weather is FINALLY warming up! With that I know we all want to be our most healthy selves. I want to share 7 things to do to be healthy this spring that are easy, fun, and things we should all do all year round.


 7 Things To Do To Be Healthy For Spring

Go on walks: I go for a walk outside every day. It’s truly amazing what warm weather and endorphins will do for you. My moods are 10X better when I go for walks than when I don’t.

Grow your own veggies: This is something that I want to do this Spring. I have been researching which veggies to grow and how to set up a small garden. I'm so excited! I can't wait!

Drink more water: This is an all the time thing but especially as the weather gets warmer. If I don’t drink enough water I get sluggish and just run out of energy. I try really hard to drink two full Stanley’s a day.

Make smoothies: I love to make fresh smoothies for the four of us every day. We do greens, carrots, and a variety of fruits. In the summer I blend them and then freeze them into Popsicle molds for the kids. A sneaky way to get those fruits and veggies in.

Have picnics with your kids: Packing your own picnic you are more likely to pack healthier whole foods rather than just picking food up from somewhere. Plus you are spending time outside as a family.

Sit outside and read: The fresh air, the lack of screens, plus reading something is a win all around.

Try something new: Maybe a new workout class, or a new healthy restaurant, or visiting a new fun area of your town! Getting out of your comfort zone is VERY healthy!

What is something healthy you want to do this spring?

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