Monday, June 26, 2023

7 Ways A Planner Will Organize Your Life

If you don't use a planner to organize your life, then you are missing out! Here's why....

I love planners! Honestly, I don't know how anyone manages to stay organized without them. For as long as I can remember (I think my obsession started in junior high), I have always used some sort of planner. The ones I used were the small calendars, but once I upgraded to a bigger planner (horizontal), I never looked back. It's amazing the difference it makes in keeping me organized  and if you're not already using a planner to organize your life, here are 7 reasons why you should:

 7 Ways a Planner Will Organize Your Life

1. A planner will help you remember your appointments

Most doctor's appointments and dentist appointments are made well in advance (especially for my kids) as well as hair appointments for all of us. My planner helps keep track of these appointments so I am less likely to forget them. 

2. A planner helps keep track of work commitments

As a blogger, I have various commitments that are all due at different times. I keep my blogging schedule in my planner and I have recently started a twitter schedule  that I also keep in my planner. My planner helps me keep track of all these things do that I don't miss a deadline.

3. No more belated birthday wishes

I love how Facebook often reminds of everyone's birthday but what happens when I don't log into Facebook that day? Because of this I have probably sent just as many belated birthday wishes as regular wishes. So, if it's in my planner I can see it in advance and send the birthday card on time or even early.

4. Keep various school activities and events straight

Using my planner for all of daughter's school activities was a life saver this school year. From school pictures, to field trips, to the last day of school, everything was in my planner. I even had her school lunch menu in there as well. 

5. Pay bills

Using my planner for bill payments is an absolute must for me. All of our bills are due on different days so it's nice to be able to check my planner and know what amount is being paid, to who it's being paid to, and on what days. Believe it's useful.

6. Remember past events

I have serious mommy brain and sometimes I can barley remember what I had for dinner the night before much less what year it was that certain events happened. I've saved all of my old planners because they have become like mini diaries to me. It's fun to look up certain things (like my second pregnancy) and reminisce about them.   

7. Piece of mind

There's something about being organized that just brings piece of mind. You don't have to try to remember a million different things because you can open your planner and it's all right there in front of you. Having a planner really makes life in general so much easier. 

How do you organize your life using a planner? 



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