Tuesday, June 6, 2023

10 Ways To Find Motivation

Even during these crazy times we cannot be lazy 24/7 (yes we are still living in crazy times) and I know I feel better when I am motivated and accomplishing tasks. So, below are 10 things I do when I need the motivation within my day.


10 Ways to Find Motivation

1. Make your bed.

This is something that I do every morning (well, most mornings). Believe me, it does motivate you when your bed is made. It's been a life changer for me, trust me it will for you as well.

2. Get dressed and ready for the your day.

During this crazy time, the next tip is very important. It makes a huge difference in my mood for the day when I pick out my outfit, put on makeup, and do my hair. 

3. One goal for the day. 

Set up yourself for a successful day. Set up one big goal that you want to accomplish. Once that is done you will be so motivated to keep going. The term "eat the frog" is something that I do. The theory is to do your most hated/hardest task first that way it is out the way for your day. This really does work well for me. 

4. Get out of the house.

I know this may not be doable for some given the time that we are living in, but at least get outside, walk around the block or your yard, play basketball in your driveway. Self isolating is lonely and depressing, so at least get outside and have some fun.

5. Plan your week.

If you have a daunting to do list that seems impossible, take some time to spread those tasks over the next few days. You then have a reasonable game plan to tackle your week.

6. Take a nap.

I always feel better after a nap. I tend to run myself ragged (even when we are in quarantine) and napping to refresh means I can take on the rest of my day with energy. Find pockets of your day that you tend to have the most energy to take on your to do list. 

7. Reward yourself.

Make mini finish lines in your day and when you make it through reward yourself with a social media break, a coffee, some time to read, whatever it may be. 

8. Put on some music.

Music (my favorite is 80s hard rock), youtube videos, the TV, podcasts, whatever will keep on track but also keep you company.

9. Remember your why.

Remember why your are doing the things that you do.

10. Get of social media.

This is my biggest tip. Social media is a huge time sucker. Stop watching the news so much. Set time limits like you would for your kids, or use it as background noise while doing housework.

I hope these tips were helpful. Please share any tips you make have in the comments below.


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