Sunday, March 5, 2023

March 2023 Goals

 Happy March everyone!! It's hard to believe that it's March already (where did the time go!) and that Spring is around the corner. Since I didn't share my February goals I wanted to make sure that I shared my goals for March.

March Goals
1. Read two books book (finish reading Flowers in the Attic and start Petals on the Wind).

2. Drink 100oz of water daily.

3. Start using my habit tracker in my bullet journal every day.

4. Eat more fruits and veggies (I have been lagging on this and I really need to fix it).

5. Walk 6 days a week and strength train 3x per week.

6. Have at least two at home date nights with the Husband. 

7. Organize the girls' bedrooms (purge old toys and outgrown clothes).
8. Complete one bible study this month. 

9. Re-Launch my printable shop on Etsy at the end of the month.

What are some of your March goals? Share them below!



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