Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Summer Bucket List 2022

We are a few weeks into the summer! To celebrate I am sharing my summer bucket list. We're hoping to cross each one off the list before the season is over.

1.  Swim in a pool
2.  Eat ice cream for dinner
3. Visit a Farmer's Market
4. Have a picnic
5. Build a sand castle
6. Catch lighting bugs
7. Have a game night
8. Watch fireworks
9. Take a road trip
10. Go to a baseball game
11. Ride a bike
12. Fly a kite
13. Watch a sunset
14. Learn  a new craft
15. Toast marshmallows
16. Read a book
17. Blow bubbles
18. Make a root beer float
19. Make lemonade
20. Try a new recipe 

What's on your Summer bucket list?


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