Wednesday, June 1, 2022

June 2022 Goals

 I cannot believe that it's already June! While March and April crept by (homeschool and  social distancing continued), it seems that May just flew by (end of  our homeschool year  and marital arts class via zoom for my oldest).

We are just now into our summer routine and we are in the process of fine tuning it, so in today's post I would like to share my June 2022 goals with you!

June 2022 Goals:

1. Read 5 books (reading the Sweet Valley High books on Kindle).

2. Drink 100oz of water daily.

3. Start using my habit tracker in my bullet journal every day.

4. Eat more fruits and veggies (I have been lagging on this and I really need to fix it).

5. Walk 6 days a week and strength train 3x per week.

6. Have at least two at home date nights with the Husband. 

7. Organize the girls' bedrooms (purge old toys and outgrown clothes).
8. Open printables shop on Etsy.
9. Launch The Daily Planner on Amazon.
10. Launch Meal Planner on Amazon.

What are some of your June 2022 goals?


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