Wednesday, January 26, 2022

My Winter Stay At Home Mom Morning Routine

 Hello Friends! Are you a morning person or a night person? Personally I'm more of a night owl, but I would love to be a morning person. One of my kids likes to wake up early which makes it difficult to wake up early. So I find I do my best at night. Today's post is all about my winter stay at home mom routine.

My Winter Stay At Home Mom Morning Routine 


My morning routine varies from day to day, but I try to stick with it as much as I can, and keep up with our usual tasks. There are plenty of times when our morning routine is chaotic and stressful, because life happens. I do what I can to keep everything running smoothly.

Even though I'm more of a night owl mom, our morning routine is very important since it keeps us  accountable and able to have more structure in our day. As much as I would love to lounge around all morning, sipping my tea, playing with my kids, or work on my blog, that' snot what our mornings look like.

I know that children thrive on routine. They like to know what's happening and what's about to happen, this is especially true for my 11 year old and my 6 year old. My kids like to know what to do and when to do it, I feel like this sets them up for success and starts their day on a positive note.

One of my biggest tips for mornings, whether you are a night owl or not, is to plan as much as you can the night before.My night time planning sessions include our meal plan, my to do list for the next day, tidy the house, lesson plans for the next day (we homeschool), anything to help our morning run smoothly.

Here's what my stay at home mom morning routine looks like on a normal day with things planned the night before. Keep in mind that life does happen and that sometimes our mornings are chaotic.

 7am: I wake up, grab a glass of water, have my quite time (bible study) and walk for 20 minutes. Then, I wash my face, brush my teeth, get dressed and start breakfast.

730am: The girls wake up and I finish breakfast and then wake up my husband. We eat breakfast together. Usually we eat eggs and toast, cereal, or smoothies.

8am: I clean the kitchen after breakfast, get the girls ready for the day, make the beds. Then, I start a load of laundry, fold the laundry from the night before, and vacuum the house> I wipe the counters in the bathrooms. Review lesson plans for the day.

9am to12pm: Homeschool with the girls. I work with our youngest and my husband works with our oldest, We have breaks in between subjects and then have lunch around 12pm.

This is what a typical morning looks like for us at least for now. Just when I think I have it down something changes. I have learned to embrace the chaos

What does your morning routine look like? Please share in the comments below.

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