Thursday, January 13, 2022

January 2022 Goals

Here we are in the second week of January! Yesterday I shared my goals for the new year, but tonight I am sharing just my goals for January. Hopefully this will inspire you to share some of your goals as well!

In January I want to....

Read at least 2 books
Practice Yoga 2 times a week
Work on Instagram growth
Have blog posts written through the month of February
Start planning A's birthday party
Have two at home date nights with the Husband
Drink more water
Track my food daily using My Fitness Pal
Walk at least 40 minutes 7 times a week
Eat healthier (more fruits and veggies)
Cut all sweets ( I have a major sweet tooth)

Have 2 or more movie nights with the girls

Do you do monthly or yearly goals? I would love to know some of your January 2022 goals?


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