Wednesday, September 1, 2021

September 2021 Goals

Happy September friends! It’s ALMOST socially acceptable to have all the pumpkin things, and put that fall decor out (given how this year is still going). Football season is here and the temps are starting to somewhat cool down. And home school is in full swing! It’s time for me to share my September goals with you guys.

 Personal Goals
  • drink more water
  • practice yoga 3x a week
  • eat more fruits and veggies
  • walk 10,000 steps every day
  • Complete one Bible study
  • read 2 books
Family Goals
  • Have more game nights
  • Create a better "after school" routine
  • Revamp morning and evening routines
  • Watch a movie at home with the girls
Blog Goals
  • Post at least 3x per week.
  • Make a new list of blog post ideas
  • Schedule posts until the end of the September
  • Create an editorial calendar for the fall (in progress)
  • Start a food blog (in progress)
What are some of your goals for September?


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