Monday, August 23, 2021

August 2021 Goals

 Hi Lovelies!!

I can't believe that August is almost over and that we have been home schooling the kids for a week now. It's been a slow (we are still self isolating) and fun summer but I think we are all ready for more of a routine.

Today, I am sharing my goals for this month.

1.  Organize the kid's closets
2.  Create office space in the corner of the family room
3.  Begin work on my etsy shop and another shop
4.  Begin a new (slightly scary) venture with the Hubby
5.  Make at least 2 freezer meals a week
6.  Read 2 books
7.  Blog at least 3 times per week
8.  Menu plan consistently
9.  Use my planner consistently (my days would be less hectic if I would do this)
10. Eat more fruits and veggies

What are your goals?


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