Saturday, January 2, 2021

Good Bye 2020

2020 was the best and worst year of my life. When the pandemic hit we decided to stay home, work from home, and we put the girls in virtual school. We only left for groceries and had everything else we needed delivered. We missed our friends (we still do) and Covid-19 hit too close when a friend was hospitalized with it and one of my husband's aunts passed away due to complications of it. We questioned many times if we made the right decision in staying home and we even questioned if we should send the girls back to in person school. 

Speaking of school, it has been hard on both girls. My fifth grader has missed all of her lasts in elementary school and my kindergartner missed all of her firsts. We quit questioning ourselves when their classmates were either sick from Covid-19 or even quarantined because of it.  

We made through the toughest year of lives with love and hope for a better future. 

So, with all that being said, in today's post I wanted to share the best moments of our 2020.

Best Moments of 2020:

1. Learned to bake bread

2. Became a virtual school mom

3. Binge watched some of my favorite TV shows

4. Spent more time outdoors playing tag, hide and seek, and having scavenger hunts 

5. Spent more quality time with my husband and the girls

6. Stayed home more than ever before. House party by  New Kids on the Block became our anthem. 

7. Cuddled more 

8. Started the framework for a new business that will launch in January of 2021

9. We slowed down more

10. had more movie and game nights than ever before.

11. A new President was elected and we have our first female Vice President. 

What are some of your best moments of 2020?

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