Sunday, October 11, 2020

Blogtober 2020- Day#11- My Fall Morning Cleaning Routine

 Hi Lovelies and welcome to Blogtober Day #11!!! Today's post is all about my Fall Morning Cleaning Routine. Let's get to it, shall we?

My oldest has been back in school for about 2 months now and I think I finally have my morning cleaning routine established. Now, I do have my 3 year old with me and my husband does work part time so he's home most of the time too.

My intent on posting this is to encourage you as you manage your own home and to give you  a few ideas that might be helpful. Your routine will probably look much different than mine, and mine will probably look much different as my kids grow and can do more things on their own.

This routine is my "ideal routine", so it rarely looks as perfect and streamlined as this, but it's my daily goal.

The night before:

Yes, my morning routine starts at night. The last hour (630-730pm) before the bedtime routine begins, I clean the kitchen, tidy up the living room and dining room, I also tidy up the girl's rooms, and clean the bathrooms.

The next morning:


As soon as I get out of bed, I make it (if not immediately, then shortly after unless I am washing sheets that morning. I pick up the clothes on the floor and throw them in the hamper, and straighten the desk. I will vacuum the floor if needed as well.


After washing my face, I straighten the bathroom, which includes wiping down the counters and sink, cleaning the mirror, cleaning the toilet, and sweeping the floor.


As I am walking through the house, I pick up any stray clothes and start a load of laundry. I try to do one load a day to keep the laundry under control throughout the week.


While I am making breakfast for my crew, I put the dishes away that in the drainer from the night before and after breakfast I will clean the kitchen. I'll start the crock pot if needed for supper and I will sweep and mop the floor.

Living room

I usually have to tidy this room after the oldest goes to school. I pick any stray toys and vacuum the floor and I straighten the couh and chair.


I try to schedule blog posts the night before (sometimes I preschedule a week's worth on the weekends) so I don't have to do that first thing in the morning. Other days I am not so well prepared, so I write a post and put it up on the blog.

So, that's my morning cleaning routine. Do you have a morning/daily cleaning routine that works for you? I would love to hear about it in the comments.

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