Sunday, May 19, 2024

10 Things To Do When You’re Stressed

I am not someone who deals with stress well. Yesterday I had a really stressful day. I lost my temper with my oldest (I still feel bad about that), I argued with my husband over something stupid and just in general, one annoyance after another. That’s what gave me the idea for this post. I want to share 10 things to do when you’re stressed that you can stop and easily do!

10 Things To Do When You’re Stressed



Vent: I usually vent to my husband. When I am stressed I need to just get it out. Thank god I have the most understanding person in my life. My Husband’s first response is always “how can I help?” Ladies never settle, find a man who asks how he can help.

Meditate/Yoga: I love doing a 10 minute Yoga workout to calm myself down. My favorite on YouTube are from Yoga with Adriene. Her channel is fantastic.

Go workout: If you are able to just say screw it and go to the gym. Running, or lifting will definitely get you de-stressed.

Eat something comforting: I’m sure not everyone will agree with this but you know what made me feel better last Friday? French fries. Sometimes you just have to have the fries, or the pizza, or whatever it is.

Listen to a song you love: Having a great playlist of songs that get you in a great mood is so helpful! For me right now that’s ANYTHING from the 80s

Listen to a podcast that will uplift you: You can find a bunch of podcast posts here. I love to listen to an uplifting podcast when I am stressed. Or even just a really funny one!

Read: I love to escape in a great book. Nothing is better than finding a new book to love. This is the one that I am reading right now.

Go for a walk: Fresh air, birds, sun. A long walk or even a short walk can help! Even if you can’t go outside sometimes walking around your office building, or even around your kitchen island (yep been there done that) can help!

Cry: Cry it out! Feel your feelings. Emotions are important and they must be recognized. Sometimes our stress can be so great that crying is the only thing that will help and thats ok!

Let it go: In the words of Elsa, just LET IT GO! You have to find a way to let it go and move on from the stress or find a way to work through it. If all of these things did their job that should help!

How do you alleviate stress?



Saturday, May 11, 2024

Currently {5/11/2024}




Time and place: 11:11pm and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.

Eating: Nothing at the moment.

Drinking: A big glass of water (always).

Watching:  Still watching Manifest on Netflix. I'm also re-watching Gilmore Girls, and Cobra Kai.




Reading: I'm reading Every Last Secret by A.R. Toree

I'm trying to find a new book to read either by Lisa Jackson or Fredia McFadden

Loving: Being able to sit down after a long day of housework and taking care of my family and read my book for a little while.

Working: I'm still working on my meal planner. I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I'm so excited for this new project. I am also working on a weekly planner insert that I am excited about and a note pad that I have been wanting to design for a while now. I am also working on a monthly/weekly planner (that's almost done and should be ready in the next few weeks). I can't wait to see how these turn out. We will be launching our 2024 Weekly Planner on Amazon the first week of December. I'm in the process of re-branding my Etsy shop and it should be open soon.
 Listening to: the TV

Buying: Groceries for this month and stocking up on certain items that are needed. I'm also looking at clothes and other household items that are needed.

Planning: I have most of my posts planned for May, I just have to write and schedule them. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner and other planners that I am working on. I am also working on some planner inserts. This should keep me busy for a while!
I'm working on stocking my TPT store and my Payhip store with educational printables
I'm trying to plan out a work schedule for this month. Hopefully I will figure one out soon.

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.


Friday, May 10, 2024

8 Things To Do Before 8Am

We're always talking about how it would be great to have just one more hour in the day. We wonder how the uber-successful people in our lives find time to fit it all in, how they get as much accomplished as they do, and why they always seem to be one step ahead of everyone else.

Their secret might be simpler than you think, and with a little shift in how you lay out your day, you might be able to take advantage of the benefits of a well-orchestrated, intentional morning. So, get ready to feel energized, motivated and totally on top of your game. Here are the top eight things you can do to set yourself up for success in the morning:

8 Things To Do Before 8AM

1. Move your body.

Before the many priorities of the day creep in, commit to moving your body. We're more likely to exercise—and commit to doing it regularly—if we fit it in before we're overwhelmed by to-do's. Even if it's just for 20 minutes, take advantage of this part of the day where there are fewer interruptions and kickstart your productivity with a big hit of endorphins.


2. Meditate.

No worries if your morning won't allow for sitting on a pillow and chanting for an hour. You can reap similar benefits with just a few minutes of quiet, mindful breathing. Focus on inhaling for four counts and exhaling for four counts as your mind settles and your body releases any panic about the day ahead. This isn't supposed to be an opportunity to solve problems; Rather, it's meant to reset the mind and create space for open thought and creativity later on.


3. Eat something and hydrate.

It seems simple, but eating and hydrating within the first hour of waking is a great way to set up your body and mind for success. A nourished, hydrated physical self will be less stressed, less tense and more focused throughout the day. Plus, you can avoid distracting hunger later on by pre-fueling. Aim to have at least three glasses of water before you leave the house, and power up with ample protein and fats to keep your cells running strong until lunch.


4. Stay positive, set goals, and speak intentions.

Starting the day on a positive note by checking in with goals you've set for yourself and giving yourself kudos for a job well done can set the tone for more successes and more goals realized. Set an intention for the day (“I intend to be focused”) and reflect on your goals (“Today I will eat well to nourish myself”) to keep your priorities in line. You can also jot down a few lines of gratitude. The more attention we pay to this, the more likely we are to continue to notice these moments all day long. This leads to more gratitude, more openness, and more satisfaction with the little things, which means less stress and feeling overwhelmed.


5. Strategize.

When we're clear on what we intend to accomplish in the day, and we craft a plan to realize it, we're more likely to make it happen. Using your morning hours to map out your day will help you stay on track and well prioritized. You can visualize or write these out, whichever works best for your mind. Consider your must-do's, where you need to be, how you'll get there, and who you plan to speak with that day. Factoring in things like travel time and anticipating challenges can also be helpful first thing. If you foresee them happening, you can preemptively develop a solution to work through them if they arise.


6. Tackle the tough task first.

While it can be tempting to procrastinate and tick off the 700 smaller tasks on your to-do list first, that larger more challenging one will loom over you all day (or all week). Email is often the biggest offender for tiny task takeover. Instead, scan your inbox quickly for anything urgent that could derail your day's trajectory, then close your inbox until you get to work. Focusing instead on the largest task at hand, and committing to getting it done early, will free up mental bandwidth and improve your mood.


7. Create a ritual.

Having something consistent and predictable to look forward to in the morning—a walk with the dog, a pot of tea and a gratitude journal, or a few minutes of stretching—is tremendously calming. Knowing you have something pleasurable to look forward to will get you out of bed and into an I've-got-this mindset early in the day. Particularly if this includes something creative, like coloring or music, you'll start your problem solving, artistic neurons firing first thing, priming them for easy use later on.


 8. Get up an hour earlier.

The biggest hindrance to a productive morning is the snooze button. Even more so, leaving yourself just enough to time to get the essentials done isn't conducive to spacious, calm time to yourself (and without that, fitting in any or all of the above will likely just cause you more stress). Plan ahead for when you intend to get out of bed, set an alarm and rise when that alarm goes off, even if that's an hour earlier than you would usually get out of bed. How, you ask? Go to bed earlier. The quality and quantity of sleep will also play heavily into the next day's success!


Thursday, May 9, 2024

May 2024 Goals

I cannot believe that it's already May and that we only have a few weeks of school left! We have some fun holidays that we are going to celebrate this month, Star Wars Day, Space Day, Derby Day, Mothers Day, and of course the last day of school.

We are just getting  into our spring routine and we are in the process of fine tuning it, so in today's post I would like to share my May 2024 goals with you!



1. Read one book this month (try to read two if I can).

2. Drink 100oz of water daily.

3. Start using my habit tracker in my bullet journal every day.

4. Eat more fruits and veggies (I have been lagging on this and I really need to fix it).

5. Walk 6 days a week and strength train 3x per week.

6. Have at least two at home date nights with the Husband. 

7. Organize the girls' bedrooms (purge old toys and outgrown clothes).

8. Have an at home spa night with my girls.

What are some of your May 2024 goals?