Sunday, February 21, 2021

10 Things You Never Know About the Month of February

Since we are towards the end of February I thought it would be fun to share some interesting facts about the month. So, let's get to it:

Ten Things You Never Knew About the Month of February

1. February is named after the purification ritual Februa, which was a sort of early Roman spring cleaning festival.

2. In Old English, February was called Solmonath (Mud month) or Kale-monath (Kale or cabbage month).

3. February frequently occurs in lists of the most commonly misspelt words in the English language.

4. The Americans have trouble with the word February too – in 2016, a press release from the White House consistently spelt it as Feburary

5. Much Ado About Nothing is the only Shakespeare play that mentions February.

6. Before Julius Caesar’s calendar reform of 45BC, February was the only month with an even number of days. All the rest had 29 or 31.

7. February is the only month that can pass with no full moon. This will next occur in 2037

8. In the USA, February is National Pet Dental Health month. It is also Hot Breakfast month.

9. The birthstone for February is amethyst. The birth flower is the violet or iris.
10. The ancient Greeks believed that amethyst protected the wearer from drunkenness.

Do you know of any interesting facts about the month of February? If so, please share them in the comments below!

Saturday, February 20, 2021

A Few of My Favorite Things

Hi Friends and welcome to the blog! I hope everyone is staying safe and warm with all of this crazy weather we have been having lately. In my neck of the woods we have had two winter storms that dumped over a foot of snow and ice over everything. I love the snow, it's so beautiful but I am so over it. I am so ready for Spring to get here. 

Anyways, I just wanted to pop in and share a few of my favorite things with you. These are the things that I am loving right now... so here we go!

1. This 14 minute workout

2. These meal planning tips

3. This simple bullet journal layout.

What some of your favorite things? Please share in the comments below!

Friday, February 19, 2021

10 Things I Want My Daughters To Know

Having girls is a challenge, a real challenge. How do you help to not feel insecure about themselves? How do I make my daughters feel empowered? In order to answer these questions I decided to google "things that I want my daughters to know" and I found this blog post from the Modern Mom blog. It really spoke to me and I wanted to share it here with you.

10 Things I Want my Daughters to Know:

1. It’s OK to feel vulnerable. It happens to everyone, even if they don’t admit it. If you feel bad about something, ask, read, look for help. It doesn’t matter how big or small you think your problem is.

2. Be courageous. Always dare to say and do what you think is right. Never be afraid of speaking your mind. Learn when and how to say “No” and not feel bad about it. Be assertive, not aggressive.

3. Take care of yourself. Exercise and eat healthy – not because you have to be skinny, but because your body is where you live and you want to treat it the best way you can.

4.  Respect yourself. Never tell yourself something that you would not tell your best friend.

5. Never feel bad about something you cannot change. Learn from the experience and move on.

6.  Make your own decisions – before someone else does. Always remember that every decision you make can have a great impact in your life.

7. What you see in magazines and on the Internet is not always real.  Photoshop exists, never forget that!!

8.  Forget about what people think about you. What do YOU think about yourself? That is what really matters.

9. Be grateful, humble and compassionate with others. Be open to others’ opinions. There is always something you can learn.

10. When people tell you “life is tough”, don’t listen to them! Life gives you opportunities to learn; what you make out of it is what makes life beautiful.

What would you add to the list? Please leave your comments below!